Chapter 210 Two Ning Xus
The recovery period from the car accident, coupled with the fact that he was wearing thin clothes in the winter and being exposed to the rain... Ning Xu developed a high fever as soon as he returned to the hospital. The doctor said that the wound was likely to be infected, and the recuperation time may be extended.

Ning Shu felt sorry for his younger brother, and felt that he deserved it.

But thinking about it, if Ning Xu can completely wake up after going through this experience, it will be a lesson he deserves.

But Ning Shu didn't expect that Ning Xu's illness was violent, and the high fever did not subside until the next day, and even entered a coma. The doctor said that the situation was not optimistic.

"This is the answer you gave me? Is it not optimistic? Do you want to watch my brother die?"

Ning Shu was furious, his indifferent face was full of anger.

The attending doctor said helplessly: "The effect of the drug is limited, and the effect of the patient's good attitude is indispensable, but this patient..." The doctor hesitated to speak.

Ning Shu's black eyes gathered storms: "Are you trying to say that my brother has no will to survive now?"

Attending doctor: "It's not nothing, it's just...very weak."

"It's crazy."

Ning Shu couldn't understand the situation in front of him!

Just for Ming Dai!Ning Xu doesn't want to live anymore?
Ning Shu turned around and entered the ward, his steps wrapped in wind, thunder and anger.

When he came to the hospital bed, he looked at Ning Xu's pale face, which was so pale that it almost blended with the color of the sheets and pillows, and his fine black hair resting quietly on his forehead, reminded Ning Shu inexplicably of Ning Xu who obediently followed behind him and called him "brother" when he was a child. Xu.

"Get up." Ning Shu held back his anger, his voice seemed to be mixed with ice, "Are you a coward? Now you don't even want the lives of your brother and family just because of a woman? When did you become such a person, Ning Xu?"

Ning Xu lay quietly.

Ning Shu could not help but raise the volume:

"Get out! Ning Xu!"

Ning Xu still didn't move.

The attending doctor who followed up suggested: "Is there anyone who has a great influence on the patient? It is best to directly stimulate the patient's survival awareness."

Ning Shu glanced over coldly: "You mean, my real brother is not enough to make him want to survive?"

The attending doctor realized that he had stepped on a minefield, and immediately dared not speak.

Ning Shu pressed his painful temples, closed his eyes and pondered for a long time, and finally reached out to the assistant behind him:

"Give me Ning Xu's cell phone."

Ning Shu didn't have Ming Dai's number, but Ning Xu did.

He turned to Mingdai's phone number and dialed it.

'Sorry, the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable...'

Ning Shu removed the phone in disbelief, staring at the phone that disconnected automatically.

Is this blocked?

By the way, Ming Dai told him last time that she would block Ning Xu, but she was quite consistent with her words and deeds.

Ning Shu didn't know whether to be angry or laugh.

But now that the situation is urgent, Ning Shu didn't delay any longer, and changed his mobile phone to call Ming Dai.

This time it was connected.

It seems that Ning Xu's number has undoubtedly been blocked.

Ning Shu sullenly, waiting for the call to connect:
"Ming Dai? I'm Ning Shu..."

Not finished yet.

with a snap.

Ming Dai who just picked up the phone immediately hung up.

Ning Shu's hand holding the phone was about to crush the screen, and his black eyes set off a huge wave!
What is Ning Xu's current situation?
Even he himself doesn't know.

He vaguely heard the conversation between his own brother and the doctor, saying that his will to survive was weak.

Weak will to survive?who?he?
Ning Xu found it ridiculous.

Although Ming Dai's incident made him sad, it's not to the point where he doesn't want to live.

Ning Xu is not a big infatuated type, how could such a thing like wanting to die because of love can't happen to him?

Ning Xu felt that the attending doctor must be a quack doctor, and wanted to struggle to break through the darkness around him dissatisfied, but found that following his movements, the sound of water rushing could be heard in his ears.

It was only then that Ning Xu realized that he was not trapped in some dark space, but in a deep sea without light. The pressure from all directions crushed his soul like a boulder, and the intense pain tugged at his nerves.

Why is he here?

Ning Xu couldn't figure it out, and struggled to go upstream.

Fortunately, his breathing was not affected, and the leg injured in the car accident also healed automatically, allowing him to quickly find the feeling of smooth swimming and float up flexibly.

I don't know how long it took, a little thin light began to appear above the head, and it seemed to be able to see the sea full of broken light from a distance.

Seeing a glimmer of hope, Ning Xu moved his limbs harder and harder.

The strange thing is that he seems to have inexhaustible physical strength, and he doesn't feel tired after swimming for so long, at most he is a little bored.

Dream, is it a dream?
What a strange experience.

Ning Xu watched the light above his head change from weak to strong, and finally touched the surface of the sea, and struggled out of the water!

Although breathing in the sea is not affected, Ning Xu still feels that the world is transparent when exposed to fresh air.

Taking a deep breath, Ning Xu's heavy heart because of Ming Dai seemed to fade away.

Ning Xu pursed his lips, turned around to find a place to go ashore, and see what this magical dream world looks like... He was stunned, looking not far away, his body temperature seemed to be taken away by sea water, and the chill was piercing to the bones.

What, what's going on?Why is there someone exactly like him standing there?
No, not right!

That's him!

snow-white hospital gown;

bare feet;

emaciated figure;
Eyes that are pitch black without a trace of light;

A face that was so haggard that it seemed to have completely lost the will to live.

It's him, it's not him.

Ning Xu in the water suddenly clutched his chest, as if a gloomy and desperate mood wrapped around his heart like a haze, making him unable to breathe, unable to cry when he wanted to, a kind of madness suppressed to the extreme.

In the blink of an eye, he even changed his clothes into the same hospital gown as Ning Xu on the shore.

In the blink of an eye again, there was a severe pain in his back, as if he had been burned by a scalding flame, all the way to the back of his neck.

At this moment, Ning Xu who was on the shore in the distance turned his gaze over, as if seeing him...

Ning Xu's voice on the shore followed the wind: "Dai Dai."

Then, in despair, he stepped into the water step by step, with a strange sense of happiness on his lonely and hopeless face.

It seems that what he is about to go to is not death, but the kingdom of heaven that fulfills his wish.

Ning Xu in the water felt a strong panic, and subconsciously wanted to retreat, even if he hid himself in the water.

But the soft and invisible water flow just now turned into a ubiquitous cage to imprison him, making him unable to move at all.

In the end, he could only watch helplessly as Ning Xu on the shore gradually approached, almost face to face with him.

"Dedai, I'm here to accompany you."

His lips moved, and he said something that shocked Ning Xu in the water.

But soon Ning Xu didn't have the heart to think.

A force pulls two souls into the deep sea, and time tears them apart, crushes them, and reassembles them.

The memory returned to its place, and the pain was almost wiped out!
(End of this chapter)

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