Chapter 213 The Red Mole on the Palm

Ming Dai glanced at Ning Shu's impatient pace, feeling relieved.

Just wanted to raise his head to admire Ning Shu's expression, he would never get bored no matter how many times he watched it...

As soon as he raised his head, he inadvertently caught a glimpse of a black shadow falling rapidly from the balcony on the fourth floor!

Without even thinking about it, Ming Dai grabbed the sleeve of Ning Shu who was closest to him and yanked him down——

Ning Shu, who was caught off guard, was staggered and nearly fell on Ming Dai.

Luckily, Mingdai was quick enough to dodge it immediately.

However, Ning Shu still has a group of loyal subordinates. His assistants and bodyguards are all scrambling to step forward, trying to be a pawn for Ning Shu.

Everyone has a high degree of consensus, and the final result is no need to think about it. It must be a big traffic jam. Everyone huddled together and uttered ouch.

Unfortunately, Ning Shu was pushed down to the bottom, her whole face turned red!
"Mr. Ning!"

"Four young masters!"

The assistants and bodyguards noticed this situation and tried hard to get up.

In the end, I don't know who stepped on Ning Shu's chest, not to mention leaving a huge footprint on that expensive hand-made suit, which made Ning Shu groan at first, and then cough violently.

After a long period of panic, Ning Shu finally got out of the embarrassing situation, but his whole body was still not much better——

The carefully groomed hair was messed up, the cuff buttons were accidentally pulled off by Ming Dai's hand, the footprints on the chest were prominent, and even the meticulously tied neckline was pulled away.

The assistants and bodyguards didn't dare to breathe, and none of them dared to claim Ning Shu's chest kick.

Ming Dai: "Puchi." She held back her mouth in time, not letting the laughter leak out.

Ning Shu glanced over coldly.

Ming Dai coughed and raised her hand to swear: "I didn't mean to hurt you, but I saved you! If that flowerpot just now opened your head, then you can't stand here properly now, but you should go to the first aid room!"

On the steps where Ning Shu was standing just now, the flower pot that fell from the balcony on the fourth floor has been torn apart, and the soil is scattered all over the ground, exposing the root system of the plant... It is a vivid illustration of how terrible Ning Shu escaped. doomed!
Therefore, it would not be an exaggeration to say that Dai is Ning Shu's savior!

But Ning Shu didn't seem to pay attention to those, but stared at Ming Dai's hand.

To be precise, it was the palm facing him because of the oath.

Ming Dai noticed it, frowned, and decisively put her hands behind her back.

"What are you looking at?" Slightly displeased.

Ning Shu strode forward, grabbed Ming Dai's right hand involuntarily, and pulled it to his eyes.

Ming Dai frowned: "What are you doing!"

Huang Yuanyuan, who was traveling with her, was also startled. She took a few steps to push Ning Shu away, but was stopped by the bodyguard.

Now that Zhou Hui had parked the car and was not here, Huang Yuanyuan jumped in a hurry!

"Let go! I'm calling the police!"

On the contrary, Ming Dai is relatively calm.

Although Ning Shu grabbed her wrist with great strength, making Ming Dai unable to break free, Ning Shu's expression now is really strange, bewildered, surprised, surprised... full of confusion and memories, as if remembering something from a very long time ago.

"You..." Ning Shu's Adam's apple rolled, and his eyes gathered divine light again, "Do you have a red mole on your palm?"

"Yes, is it strange?" Ming Dai observed Ning Shu probingly, wondering what the hell he was up to.

"Have you had it since you were a child?" This question is a bit weird.

Ming Dai frowned.

The sharp eyes seemed to see through Ning Shu: "Why are you asking this?"

Ning Shu ignored it and continued to ask, "Where did you live 12 years ago?"

Ming Dai's mind moved, and she couldn't help but think of what Ning Shu said in her previous life when she broke up with her, "You lied to me about what happened more than 20 years ago".

It should be the same time, so what happened at that time?What does Ning Shu mean by "deception"?
Mingdai's mind was running at high speed, and she couldn't help but began to recall herself from 12 years ago. At that time, she was only six years old, and she had already moved to the village in the city with Yu Tingming'an.

The time is too long, and the fun and interesting things are lacking, Ming Dai really can't think of anything that can be related to Ning Shu, the favorite of the Ning family.

But Ming Dai also wanted to find out what was going on, so she simply reported the place where she lived at that time.

As expected, disappointment flashed across Ning Shu's eyes.

It seems that Ming Dai's answer is not in line with what he expected.

The next moment he let go of his hand: "Sorry."

Ming Dai suddenly felt speechless: "Is it Mr. Ning's hobby to behave rudely and then apologize?"

Ning Shu didn't answer, his eyebrows and eyes were bleak and cold.

Ming Dai turned around angrily and left.

In the blink of an eye, a very small event that happened when she was six years old suddenly flashed through Mingdai's mind, and it was the only thing that could be called a small wave in life——

Before moving to the village in the city that year, my aunt's family bought a new house. Yu Ting was so envious that she almost drooled, and took her to stay at her aunt's house for a few days. It's because Yu Ting didn't dare to stay for a few more days as the aunt said.

However, the six-year-old Ming Dai has not yet reached the age of knowing how to read people's eyes. She simply feels that everything is very novel and interesting in a new environment. She tries to sneak out to play while the adults are not paying attention, even feeding the dog. Little things like this can make her happy for a long time.

It's a pity that Kang Ren scolded her later, telling her not to run around and cause trouble for others, and poured a basin of cold water on Ming Dai's good mood.

Later, Yu Ting took her to leave early. After returning, she repeatedly complained that her uncle would not recognize anyone if he had money, and that they would also go to the city to work and earn a lot of money to become big bosses. Then they had a family and moved to the village in the city. things.

After entering the city, Yu Ting did odd jobs and set up a small stall, while Ming An relied on carpentry skills to work in the decoration team. Her life tended to be stable and she was also very busy. Lock yourself in and watch TV or read a book.

It's a pity that Yu Ting and Ming An's wish has not been realized until now, the couple still rents in the village in the city, and the last glimmer of hope for Ming Dai's recovery has also been shattered.


Looking through these memories, Ming Dai still couldn't find any trace of Ning Shu, let alone any interaction with him.

It seems that he unilaterally misunderstood.

Could it be... Ning Shu unilaterally misunderstood in his previous life and blamed Ming Dai for this matter?
What kind of calamity is this?

Ming Dai accidentally said it.

Ning Shu paused, probably because he heard it.

It didn't matter what she heard, Ming Dai curled her lips, walked past him to the door of Ning Xu's ward, where two bodyguards who looked like door gods guarded Ming Dai and stopped her outside.

Ning Shu followed closely: "Let her in."

The bodyguard withdrew immediately.

Ming Dai opened the door and entered, and found that there was not only Ning Xu lying on the hospital bed, but also doctors and nurses in the ward.

(End of this chapter)

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