Chapter 214 Are All Ex-Boyfriends Crazy?

Looking at the scene, the ward seems to have just experienced a period of chaos after the rescue.

Ming Dai was stunned, she didn't expect Ning Xu's situation to be so bad.

Ning Shu was half a step behind her, but seeing the state of the doctors and nurses in the ward, she couldn't help being startled.

"what happened!"

Ning Shu was anxious and angry.

The attending doctor came over: "The patient suffered a cardiac arrest just now. Fortunately, the monitor issued an alarm and was rescued in time."

Ning Shu was full of worried anger, but he didn't know where to vent it. He looked very irritable.

So much so that she began to urge Ming Dai: "Go and see him!"

Her tone was not good, but Ming Dai was too broad-minded to argue with him.

Surrounded by doctors and nurses, she looked at Ning Xu's pale face on the hospital bed, it was as quiet as ice, and she couldn't even feel her breathing.

No way?
Ming Dai remembered that this incident clearly never happened in her previous life!

Could it be that the butterfly effect also gave Ning Xu's life to the butterfly?

"You go!"

Ning Shu was still urging behind him, like a volcano about to erupt.

Ming Dai finally moved her feet, towards Ning Xu's direction, one step, one step, another step.

A doctor in the crowd suddenly gasped, wondering if it was a coincidence that Ning Xu's heart rate displayed on the monitor coincided with Ming Dai's footsteps?
And as Ming Dai approached, Ning Xu's face, which was so pale and bloodless, seemed to recover a little bit, and the beating of the heart gradually became stronger and stronger...

Ming Dai finally stood beside Ning Xu's hospital bed.

He looked at Ning Xu's weak face in a complicated and unspeakable manner, and then at the leg that was in plaster.

Ming Dai caught a glimpse of Ning Xu's lips twitching, as if he said something, the voice was too low to hear.

After hesitating for a moment, he leaned closer: "What did you say?"

"... Dai..."

Ning Xu finally squeezed out a voice, breaking through barriers, so hoarse as if he had been walking in the desert for countless days!

The doctors and nurses who were staring at the situation behind were amazed: "This is..."

Ning Shu, who was already prepared, gritted his teeth.

Only Ming Dai was a little frightened, subconsciously wanting to back away.

In the next second, someone grabbed the wrist, tightly and attached, like a vine that can only survive by climbing a big tree!
"Ah! Ning Xu, you!"

Ming Dai exclaimed, trying to break free, but felt that hand was surprisingly strong.

Wait, didn't you say that Ning Xu just went through a rescue situation that was very dangerous?

Could it be that these people are all uniting to lie to her?
and also……

What is wrong with the Ning brothers that they like to shake people's wrists?Was it discussed in advance?

Ming Dai tugged a couple of times without moving, turned her head, and met Ning Xu's eyes that had been opened——

Pure joy, like the complete admiration of the first person when a chick breaks out of its shell, wishing for the absolute trust that even the soul and the whole body will be delivered!

Ming Dai paused, this is... Ning Xu's eyes?

Will it be rebirth?
But in the previous life, how could Ning Xu look at her with such eyes?

No, Ming Dai thought the same way when Shen Qinghe was in the hospital, but the result was quite different from what she guessed.

Will this be the case for Ning Xu?Because of remorse for her death, so affectionate belated?
Is the frequency of neuropathy getting together so high these years?
Or are they her ex-boyfriends?

While Ming Dai's mind is in a mess, she has already begun to wonder if she has some kind of physique, similar to that of a elementary school student who is a god of death. People commit murders wherever they go, and she attracts psychopaths everywhere she goes... Who wants this kind of physique, help!

Ning Xu happily turned over and sat up, as if the person who was dying of illness just now was not him.

Now he has a ruddy complexion and is full of energy, tightly wrapping around Ming Dai's wrist, his eyes are astonishingly bright.

Mingdai looked at him in a daze, as if there was a big tail wagging behind him...

"Can you let go?"

Ming Dai doesn't like this feeling very much.

Ning Xu snorted, his expression drooping quickly, like a wronged dog.

But he listened to Ming Dai's words and let go of his hand.

Ning Shu: ...

Doctors and nurses: ...

"Can you not leave?" Ning Xu begged bitterly, his eyes lingering on Ming Dai.

Ming Dai didn't speak, and took two steps back when the doctors and nurses surrounded Ning Xu for a physical examination.

Ning Xu immediately struggled to get up, regardless of the wires connected to the monitor and the leg that was cast.

As soon as he moved, he coughed violently, and his whole body seemed to be dying, except for two clusters of blush on his pale cheeks, and his black and white eyes stared at Ming Dai persistently and almost abnormally.

Ming Dai frowned.

Suddenly there was a soft snap behind him.

It was the sound of the door being closed, and it was Ning Shu who was holding the doorknob?
Although his face was ugly, but for the sake of his younger brother, he still closed the door and blocked the door himself.

Only then did Ning Xu condescendingly glance at Ning Shu, cold, indifferent, without a trace of emotion, as if that was not his own brother, but some insignificant person.

The center of his attention was only Ming Dai, anyway, if Ming Dai didn't leave, he could give up struggling and let the doctors and nurses examine him.

The doctor looked at the data on the monitor, did a physical examination, and checked the infection status of the wound.

Immediately surprised: "How did you get better in just a few minutes?"

This is probably not a medical miracle, but a supernatural power!

Ning Shu's deep voice came from behind Ming Dai: "So what about the current situation?"

The doctor cleared his throat and showed a professional attitude: "The infection has been getting worse before, but now it seems that this trend has stopped and is gradually improving. The human body is full of mysteries. After a thorough analysis, it can only be said that the power of will is terrifying."

"That is to say, her coming is useful?"

Ning Shu didn't say who it was.

But everyone here knows who he is talking about, including Ming Dai herself.

Ming Dai: ...

The doctor nodded: "You can say that."

Ning Shu pressed his forehead wearily: "Got it."

After the doctors and nurses left, Ning Shu knew what they were really surprised about——

Previously, Ning Xu was lying on the hospital bed dying, but now, all the gloom and ailments have disappeared, and his whole body is in good condition. Not only can he sit up by himself, but he can also jump to move a chair for Ming Dai with one leg.

"Dai Dai, sit here!" Ning Xu was extremely attentive.

It is a little difficult to move the chair.

Ning Shu couldn't see it: "I'll help you."

Ning Xu avoided his hand without looking at Ning Shu, and said in a low voice, "I'll do it myself."

Ming Dai noticed this detail and thought about it.

Not only that, Ning Xu insisted on asking Ming Dai if she ate or not.

The ward is full of various flower bouquets and rare fruit gift boxes, and Ning Xu:
"What do you want to eat, Dede? An apple? Do you want me to peel it for you?"

(End of this chapter)

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