Chapter 216 Bad people should go to hell

Ming Dai walked away quickly with speechless steps.

Ning Shu secretly thought that he was thinking too much, so he sorted out his thoughts and stepped into Ning Xu's ward again.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

Ning Xu sat on the hospital bed alive and well, the quilt was covered meticulously as if completing a task, not even a single gap was left, and he looked out of the window expressionlessly, his soft hair slightly blocked his gloomy eyes with deep eyes It was like a silent deep sea where no light could be seen, lifeless and dull.

It seemed that when Ming Dai left, he took away his soul and will to live, leaving only that body, enduring the boredom of this world.

Even the sound of Ning Shu pushing the door open was not enough to make him raise his eyes.

Seeing Ning Shu, an unknown fire burst out.

"What? What are you going to use to threaten me this time? Ning Xu, when did you become a fool who wants to die for love? Just because Ming Dai doesn't like you, you want to die?"

Ning Xu was indifferent, and didn't even bother to move his gaze.

Ning Shu strode closer angrily:

"Did you forget what you said yourself? Didn't you say you want to give up? How long has it been? Ning Xu! Turn your head and look at me!"

The corner of Ning Xu's mouth twitched, and finally turned his head slowly. Those withered black eyes looked at Ning Shu, and the emotions in his eyes surged again, and everything was filled with resentment and hatred in a blink of an eye!
Ning Shu was shocked.

His own brother is resenting him?
"Ning Xu, you..."

"Brother." Ning Xu said hoarsely, and suddenly mentioned, "Do you still remember what happened 12 years ago?"

Ning Shu fell silent suddenly, and said after a long time, "Why did you suddenly bring up the year?"

Ning Xu is not very old, so he said to himself: "That year, someone wanted to kidnap me, and it was my brother who protected me and hid me, but I was taken away by someone, and when I came back more than ten days later, I lost half my life. Stayed for two months."

Ning Shu didn't speak.

Ning Xu chuckled, "Do you know why that person wanted to kidnap me?"

Ning Shu frowned: "Isn't this an accident?"

"Accident? Of course not."

Ning Xu grinned, his smile faintly crazy,

"Because he hates me for ruining his life! If I hadn't seen him hugging his mother and told his father, I'm afraid he could still be his mother's lover in peace and worry about nothing! Instead of being interrupted by his father The whole family suffered revenge! The mother who abandoned him suddenly had another lover. He didn't dare to hate, but he dared to hate me, because I was weak and small, and my life could be easily manipulated by him! So He wants to kidnap me, vent his emotions, and ask for money by the way, kill two birds with one stone, how wonderful!"

Ning Shu was terrified when he heard it, and was in great pain for his younger brother, and even blamed himself for not discovering it earlier!
He hates his parents even more!

The seemingly incompatible couple, in the eyes of outsiders, are deeply affectionate and have rival family backgrounds. They are perfect husband and wife partners and business partners.

But for the brothers Ning Shu and Ning Xu, as parents, they don't understand the word "responsibility" at all. To them, children are a tool for reproduction and prosperity!

However, if you can't be responsible, why give birth to the child?It's fine to ignore it, but to bring disaster to your child because of your lover!
Is this for parents?
Is that human being?
Ning Shu was so angry that he wished he could fly abroad to confront the couple face to face!
He felt even more guilty towards Ning Xu: "Why haven't I heard you talk about this for so many years? You were only four years old at the time!"

"Because I don't want my brother to worry! The injury my brother suffered should belong to me. It's already hard work for my brother to bear all this. Why worry about me? I have always been very grateful and regard my brother as the most important relative... ..."

In Ning Xu's words, Ning Shu couldn't bear to turn his head away, and closed his eyes in pain.

But Ning Xu paid attention to Ning Shu's expression, and grinned more happily——

Pain is right.

Just like when I didn't tell my brother, I didn't want him to be sad;
Now I'm taking this matter out specially, just want to see your expression now, brother!

So brother, why don't you cherish it?
I am so grateful to you, so grateful that I am willing to give up her, just to fulfill your secret thoughts.

But you didn't cherish her well, instead you left her covered in bruises and died in despair...

You are the culprit, and so am I.

We are all rotten people.

Rotten people should sink into hell for eternity.

Brother, our retribution has just begun.


When Ming Dai returned to school, the second class in the afternoon was coming to an end.

Anyway, going in is also disturbing the class, so it's better to stand in the corridor and wait for the get out of class to end.

Ming Dai lay on the railing of the corridor and looked out, watching the floating clouds, her thoughts began to wander.

Until the bell rang for the end of get out of class woke her up.

The teacher in the classroom announced that the get out of class was over, and immediately a boy broke through the door like a wild dog running wild:

"Haha I'm number one... Ga!"

Caught off guard and Ming Dai's gaze collides with each other, he pauses in embarrassment.

Ming Dai could only nod to the other party, passed him, and walked into the classroom.

The annoyed voice of the boy came faintly from behind:
"It's too embarrassing, help me!"

And the classroom that Ming Dai stepped into was completely silent.

As if the pause button was pressed, everyone stood there in a daze, sending attention gifts to Ming Dai.

Fortunately, Ming Dai is used to this kind of scene, she came to her seat without changing her face, and smiled at her tablemate.

Yi Xiaowan smiled and raised her hand in greeting, and in a blink of an eye felt several jealous eyes falling on her.

Shrinking her neck, but unwilling to give up interacting with Ming Dai, she asked with concern:

"Have you gone to the hospital? The teacher said you were injured, how are you doing now?"

When the question came out, I don't know how many people pricked up their ears and waited for Ming Dai's answer.

Ming Dai smiled relaxedly: "It's a small injury, it will heal if you don't go back to school."

Yi Xiaowan patted her chest in rejoicing.


Xia Ling suddenly appeared at the door of the classroom.

Ming Dai immediately got up and walked over, the two chatted and laughed and left.

This was a very common scene. The students in Class [-] often saw Xia Ling coming to Ming Dai. They were surprised and discussed at the beginning to completely immune later.

But today, this scene seems to have become unfamiliar again, which revived the enthusiasm for discussion:
"Xia Ling should have known who Ming Dai was a long time ago!"

"I just said how Xia Ling would deal with the humble Ming Dai. It turns out that Ming Dai is the one who hides her secrets!"

"What are you talking about? When Xia Ling and Ming Dai first got closer, Ming Dai hadn't signed the company yet!"

In the blink of an eye, another person targeted Yi Xiaowan, Ming Dai's deskmate, and asked her:
"Xiao Wan, when did you know? It's too disrespectful! Don't say a word!"

Yi Xiaowan plucked up the courage to retort: ​​"I said it, and then wait for you to turn this into a talking point and show it off everywhere?"

There was no sound in the classroom again.

 I originally planned to update four chapters, but I saw several comments asking for explosive updates, so I tried to type an extra chapter... There is no manuscript saved at present, and the number of words is already the limit, so I cover my face.

  Next, Ning Xu, who is like a black mad dog, will go online and start to stir up trouble!
(End of this chapter)

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