Chapter 217

"Let me see where you are hurt!"

Xia Ling grabbed Ming Dai and looked left and right, her eyes seemed to be transformed into X-rays, and no small problem could escape her scan.

Ming Dai's head was dizzy from being shaken, stars burst out from the top of her head, and she was accidentally stabbed in the waist by Xia Ling, as if she had been hit by a laughing point and couldn't straighten up from laughing.


Mingdai repeatedly raised her hand to beg for forgiveness.

Xia Ling snorted: "This is your punishment for hiding from me!"

Ming Dai scratched her face embarrassingly, and suddenly leaned in front of Xia Ling: "Aren't you angry?"

Xia Ling held her breath, she couldn't hold back her fingers and pinched Ming Dai's cheeks which were as soft as marshmallows.

Unhappily said: "You're cute again! You know I can't be angry with your face, right?"

Ming Dai's eyelashes fluttered innocently: "What's cute? I don't have one."

Xia Ling sighed: "Intangible is cute, the most deadly, you know? I don't know which dog man will be lucky enough to get your blue eyes... By the way, you said that someone took you for an examination yesterday, who is it?"

"Your little uncle."


Ming Dai met Xia Ling's shocked eyes, nodded affirmatively, and repeated:
"Well, your little uncle He Mu just happened to meet him there yesterday, thanks to him for helping me!"

It was inconvenient for Ming Dai to speak at length on the phone yesterday, and now she told Xia Ling everything that happened yesterday, including Tan Wenshu's matter, but He Xiang's specific name was omitted.

Xia Ling gasped when he heard it: "No wonder Tan Wenshu was arrested! It's been a thrilling day!"

Ming Dai nodded in agreement: "That's right! But I still have to thank your little uncle. If he hadn't arrived in time, that girl and I probably wouldn't be out of danger so easily."

Xia Ling recovered from the shock, and figured out something was wrong: "...Then my little uncle sent you to the hospital for an examination?"

Ming Dai hummed without thinking too much.

I couldn't help complaining in a low voice: "It's just that my arms and chest were a little bruised. As a result, many doctors surrounded me for examinations, but I couldn't find any problems. Finally, the doctors prescribed some nutritional supplements for me... Well, I am like this It doesn't seem very good to complain, and my little uncle is also kind."

Xia Ling felt more and more that something was wrong, and grasped the point precisely:
"Little uncle, did he take you there in person? At the door or accompany you all the way?"

"I'm here all the time." Seeing Xia Ling's strange expression, Ming Dai explained, "Maybe she thought that I'm your good friend, and it's not good for me to leave rashly as an elder, so I stayed here on purpose."

"is it?"

Xia Ling drew his voice, expressing his doubts.

Xia Ling understood his little uncle's temperament.

Dai Dai said that he rescued the girl who jumped off the building and Ming Dai, which is very reasonable and something he would do.

The private charity fund under my uncle's name does not accept donations, but it distributes a lot of charitable money every year, donating to schools, love breakfasts, and disease relief... My uncle is a kind person, so this is not surprising.

But taking Ming Dai to the hospital for a close examination is really beyond the scope of cognition. Even if the little uncle considers that Dai Dai is his friend, he can arrange an assistant to accompany him, so why go there himself?
There is something tricky!

Xia Ling cleared her throat, and narrowly bumped Ming Dai's shoulder:

"Dai Dai, what do you think of my little uncle?"


Ming Dai didn't think about it.

"Which one is better? Why don't you tell me more specifically?"

Ming Dai pondered for a while: "Very kind, generous and graceful, gentle and educated towards people, not at all superior to those in power, but very approachable! It's like a sword with a hidden edge in its sheath, obviously possessing this The sharpest person in the world who can hurt people chooses to hide his edge and treat people with a blunt face!"

Xia Ling was dumbfounded.

Who would have thought that he would be able to get such eloquent praise from Ming Dai just by asking a casual question!

There was not even a single pause or hesitation, it seemed that she had rehearsed these words countless times in her heart, and now she just happened to say them through Xia Ling's inquiry!

Xia Ling secretly thought it was too bad, could it be that Dai Dai treated her little uncle...

"Dede, you..."

When hesitating about how to speak.

Ming Dai then added another sentence:

"Sure enough, it's Lingling your little uncle! A respectable elder!"

"Elder, elder?"

"That's right, Lingling, isn't your little uncle my elder?"

Ming Dai's expression was taken for granted, and there was no trace of ambiguity at all.

In the end, Xia Ling realized that she was thinking too much?
But not giving up, I decided to ask more bluntly:

"What about the elders? As a man, how is my little uncle?"


Ming Dai was shocked!

Not shy, but genuinely surprised!
"How dare I blaspheme little uncle" was written on his face!
Xia Ling could tell that her own Dai Dai admired and worshiped her little uncle, but there was no ambiguity or throbbing.

If the little uncle really has other thoughts, according to Dai Dai's attitude now, it is probably unrequited love, there is no other possibility.


For a moment, Xia Ling didn't know whether to rejoice or sympathize with his little uncle.

"If, I mean if!" Xia Ling said, "If you are really asked to treat my little uncle... He Mu as a man, you must be more cautious."

"Huh? Why do you say such outrageous things?" Ming Dai muttered in confusion.

"Listen, with a man like He Mu who is held on the altar, it will be very hard to be with him, every word and deed will be magnified, discussed, and questioned, and there may be people watching you all the time! Waiting to pick your mistakes!" Xia Ling said solemnly!

Ming Dai gasped: "Is that the same as being a celebrity?"

Xia Ling was stunned for a moment, and actually felt that what Ming Dai said made sense.

"...Anyway! Just be more cautious! This is my advice as your good friend!"

Xia Ling is a standard mother's mentality, always thinking from Ming Dai's perspective, worried that she will be tired when she is with He Mu.

As for the uncle-nephew relationship... what is that?
"Why do you say it's impossible?"

Ming Dai was funny, but seeing Xia Ling's serious eyes, she had to nod her head,
"Okay, okay, I know! I will be careful!"

Xia Ling patted Ming Dai on the shoulder.

"It's almost time for class, let's go back."

With that said, Xia Ling turned his head and looked around,

"Hey, it seems that there will be fewer and fewer opportunities to speak unscrupulously in school in the future."


"Didn't you notice that there are a lot of people around? It seems that your days at school will be difficult to be peaceful in the future."

"It's okay, I'll be on vacation soon."

"So the final exam is coming soon?"

Mingdai, a scumbag, quickly withered away.

(End of this chapter)

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