Chapter 218

After seeing Ming Dai, Ning Xu's physical condition improved greatly, and he was able to get rid of the monitor and sit up by himself.

Ning Shu saw that he was very peaceful, taking medicine and meals on time, as if he wanted to be obedient and take care of his illness, while keeping silent, he also let the bodyguards not have to keep guarding the door to prevent him from escaping.

Ning Shu knew that it was all because of Ming Dai.

As my own brother, I couldn't make Ning Xu make these changes, either by earnestly speaking or by being furious.

Ming Dai just came here, said a few words casually, and then did it easily.

Oh, and there's nothing more heart-wrenching than that.

Facing his brother Ning Xu who has no will to survive, after Ming Dai's arrival, his health improved rapidly, and the doctors said it was a medical miracle.

The order of the important people in Ning Xu's heart is already clearly revealed.

Ning Shu was so aggrieved that he simply left the hospital temporarily and went back to the company. There were already a mountain of things waiting to be dealt with, and there would probably be endless overtime work in the next few days.

On the night when Ning Shu went back to the company, Lu Yu came to visit him after school.

Along with Lu Yu was Gu Lingsi.

As soon as he reached the floor where Ning Xu was, Lu Yu suddenly covered his stomach: "Wait! Sister Lingsi, I'll go to the bathroom first! You go there first!"

Gu Lingsi subconsciously asked, "Is there a bathroom in Ning Xu's ward?"

Lu Yu blushed: "I have diarrhea... let's go to the public restroom!"

Lu Yu also wanted face, afraid that Gu Lingsi would question him, so he ran away quickly.

Gu Lingsi didn't even have time to stop him.

In a blink of an eye, Lu Yu's figure disappeared at the end of the corridor, and Gu Lingsi could only walk to Ning Xu's ward alone.

There were no bodyguards guarding the door, so Gu Lingsi could easily approach the door of the ward.

The moment Gu Lingsi grasped the cold doorknob, she suddenly felt uneasy, and looked in through the glass first.

Ning Xu on the hospital bed, with a computer on the small table in front of him, the light in the ward was dim, the fluorescent blue light of the computer screen reflected Ning Xu's eyebrows and eyes, the once arrogant young man was inexplicably showing a kind of gloom like wind and rain, deep and deep The handsome outline is like the jagged rocks looming in the black water, dark and gloomy, eerie.

A chill immediately climbed up Gu Lingsi's back.

Before Gu Lingsi had time to react, the people in the room seemed to have sensed something, and their eyes were piercing -

The boundless cold air immediately enveloped from all directions, Gu Lingsi seemed to be stared at by some terrifying animal, the instant freezing reaction made her unable to move, and could only stand there sluggishly acting like a statue!

The boy's eyes through the glass were ghostly and full of venom, and the bright lips grinned abruptly.


Gu Lingsi almost fell to the ground with weak legs!
At this moment, a faint voice came from the ward:
"Gu Lingsi, come in."

Gu Lingsi shuddered.

I always feel that this sound is not to tell her to go in, but to kill her.

When I instinctively wanted to escape, the atmosphere at home in the past two days appeared in my mind.

After the school celebration, her parents were very indifferent to her. Her father hated her for losing face at a critical moment, and her mother felt that it was because of her that the husband and wife quarreled. Only her elder brother Gu Changming treated her as before and would comfort her.

Ever since she learned that Ming Dai had drawn a clear line with her parents and proved that she was not a parent-child relationship, Gu Lingsi worried anxiously that her life experience would be revealed.

Currently, the only marriage between Ning and Gu who can stabilize her position in the Gu family is hopeless at present, so Gu Lingsi had to turn her attention to Ning Xu.

In the past, when Ning Xu followed her, Gu Lingsi was too lazy to look.

Before knowing her life experience, she felt arrogant and arrogant that only a powerful family like Ning Shu would be worthy of her if she was in power in the future; Be her reliance.

So Ning Xu was never in Gu Lingsi's target range. Gu Lingsi always used siblings to define the relationship between the two, but he was unwilling to go any further.

But now... Gu Lingsi can no longer choose.

Even though Ning Xu once admitted that he likes Ming Dai, Gu Ling thought, the childhood sweetheart feelings for so many years are not fake, even if Ning Xu is used as a bridge to get closer to Ning Shu again?
——This is the real purpose of Gu Lingsi's visit today.

Because there is a purpose and a plan, Gu Lingsi cannot be allowed to leave casually.

Even if she felt that Ning Xu in the ward looked inexplicably strange, she had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk in.

The door was pushed open, and the room was actually several degrees lower than the corridor.

"Xiao, Xiaoxu." Gu Lingsi smiled tremblingly, "Is the heating not turned on in the room?"

Ning Xu shut the computer with a snap, leaned back slowly, his face was as pale as a ghost, and asked faintly, "Are you cold?"

Gu Lingsi nodded vigorously: "Yes! So can you..."

Before she finished speaking, Ning Xu interrupted her first:
"But I don't feel cold."

That tone was actually cooler than the temperature in the room!

What, what's going on!

Gu Lingsi's mind paused for a few seconds, and finally remembered the bouquet in her arms, forced a smile, and said in a brisk tone:

"This is the flower I specially chose. How about it, isn't it beautiful?"

Ning Xu glanced slowly and lightly scoffed.

All disdain and contempt.

He didn't even intend to take the flowers.

Gu Lingsi couldn't hold back her smile: "Xiao Xu, don't you like this flower?"

Ning Xu clicked his tongue: "Of course flowers are fine, but I don't like people who give flowers."

Gu Lingsi could not help but hold the bouquet tightly.

Soon, her smile disappeared, and she looked at Ning Xu sadly:

"Xiaoxu, did I do something wrong? Or who said something that made you misunderstand me? Why did you change suddenly? I thought you would never change to me, even if you have someone you like, I will always be your sister..."

"Stop acting."

Ning Xu rested her head on her hands and interrupted her boredly.

Gu Lingsi was so choked that she couldn't speak!

He retorted without confidence: "You, what do you mean..."

Ning Xu tilted his head and smiled brightly, but what he said was mean and vicious:
"Wow, your acting skills are really bad now! I thought you were good at acting since you were born, but I didn't expect you to be so! So how did those idiots of the Gu family get confused by you? You don't even know that the doves occupy the magpie's nest." ?”

"Xiao Xu!" Gu Lingsi finally growled out of composure, "What doves occupy the magpie's nest! I don't know what you're talking about!"

"I'm telling you that I'm not the daughter of the Gu family. Didn't you already know about it?"

Ning Xu's smile became more and more intense, and there was no surprise on his face.

Gu Lingsi's legs went limp for a while, and the bouquet in her hand fell to the ground with a snap.

The delicate petals were scattered, Ning Xu looked at it and sighed:

"What a beautiful flower, why did it fall? But it's better to fall on the ground than in your hand, isn't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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