Chapter 219 The Crazy and Poisonous Ning Xu

The terrified Gu Lingsi shook her head and stepped back.

This is the first time someone has exposed the truth of his life experience in front of Gu Lingsi so bluntly!
On Liu Zhengqing's side, it was Gu Lingsi who took the initiative to disclose under certain circumstances;

Threatening text messages is also a roundabout way, the owner of the text message never really appeared in front of Gu Lingsi.

Only Ning Xu!The unscrupulous, crazy and poisonous Ning Xu!

Actually, in front of Gu Lingsi, she bluntly revealed her biggest secret!

That expression of interest seemed to be to see how scared and painful Gu Lingsi was now!

Gu Lingsi's voice trembled: "Then the text message could also be you..."

Ning Xu asked enthusiastically: "SMS? Someone sent a text message to threaten you? Do you know that you are not the daughter of the Gu family?"

Ning Xu's eyes fell on Gu Lingsi's slightly changed expression, and he suddenly realized.

"Ah, so you have already investigated it, and you don't know who it is! Tsk, I thought I could know who else is so interesting. Who would have thought that you would be such a waste, it's boring."

Gu Lingsi realized that any small expression of hers could make Ning Xu guess what she was thinking in her heart. While feeling terrible, she turned her face away in a panic, trying to cover the expression with her hair.

Ning Xu saw her intention and burst out laughing.

Gu Lingsi deliberately lowered her voice: "This is something without evidence, Ning Xu, don't talk nonsense!"

Ning Xu would not be intimidated by her at all: "Why don't you ask your parents? See if Gu Qi, who puts family interests first, will pull you to do a paternity test, how about it?"

Gu Lingsi didn't dare to look directly into Ning Xu's eyes, and even struggled to die: "My parents love me very much, they won't easily believe your nonsense!"

Ning Xu rested his chin with his hands so that he could observe Gu Lingsi in amazement: "No way, no way, you don't really think they love you very much, do you? Even your brother...heh, do you want to test it? A bit of humanity?"

Gu Lingsi was stimulated by the word "your brother", turned his head blankly, and stared at Ning Xu fiercely.

Ning Xu elongated his voice and said, "So you're deceiving yourself? It's really boring."

Gu Lingsi's shoulders shook, and she almost couldn't stand still.

Despair flooded her soul, leaving Gu Lingsi at a loss as to what to do.

Every word of Ning Xu blocked her way out, making Gu Lingsi a prey in a trap, no matter how hard she struggled, it would only cause more wounds on her body.

Gu Lingsi almost collapsed, her legs limp and she sat on the ground.

Seeing Ning Xu's smiling face looking down, she turned over and sat up, her knees actually fell to the ground!
"Xiao Xu, please! Please don't tell the truth! Although I don't know where you found out...but seeing the friendship between us as childhood sweethearts, can you spare me this time? For this reason I'll pay anything! You can have anything you want! I'll kneel down for you, okay?"

Gu Lingsi cried until her nose was red, and she knelt like a weak willow supporting the wind, crying and pitiful.

Gu Lingsi was born smart and beautiful, and when he deliberately put on a weak posture, no matter how hard-hearted a man is, it would be difficult for him to sit still and remain unmoved.

But Ning Xu was the one who remained unmoved.

While Gu Lingsi was crying in embarrassment, he also took out the mirror and fiddled with his hair.

Gu Lingsi's crying and begging, to him, was just an irrelevant background music.

His attitude made Gu Lingsi almost breathless.

In desperation, Gu Lingsi could only come up with the last solution, which was also her only trump card against Ning Xu——

"Xiaoxu, it's not for anything else, just because I saved your life back then, can you let me go?"

Many years ago, Gu Lingsi, who was still a child, once visited Ning's house with her parents.

Parents sat and talked, and the children naturally sent out to play.

Gu Qi wanted Gu Lingsi to have a good relationship with the Ning brothers, and specially asked Gu Lingsi to play with them.

It's a pity that the Ning brothers are cold-tempered, and they don't want to get along with Gu Lingsi, so they turned around and ran away, so Gu Lingsi could only endure the embarrassment to catch up.

But accidentally ran into Ning Xu in the garden accidentally slipped and fell into the pool, and there happened to be no nanny or aunt beside him. In the end, Gu Lingsi jumped into the water to rescue Ning Xu, and Ning Xu survived by luck.

After that, Ning Xu treated Gu Lingsi very well, often running behind her, and the adults laughed and said that he wanted to give her body...

These years, Gu Lingsi seldom mentioned this matter because she knew that Ning Xu was arrogant and not a character who would be manipulated by kindness. The more she mentioned it, the easier it would be to weaken Ning Xu's gratitude.

So she never mentioned it. Sure enough, Ning Xu treated her better and better as she thought, which made Gu Lingsi quite satisfied with her "means".

Even now, Gu Lingsi was a little annoyed after saying it.

But there is no other way than this.

Gu Lingsi thought that when this matter was brought up, Ning Xu's performance should be a little softened.

Who knew that Ning Xu laughed loudly, the smile echoed in the empty ward, and slapped Gu Lingsi's face coldly.

Gu Lingsi was stunned, not knowing why.

Ning Xu laughed until his stomach ached: "I really didn't expect you, Gu Lingsi, to be so naive as to think that a wolf like me would remember some life-saving grace?"

Gu Lingsi's lips trembled slightly.

"Also, you really thought I didn't know—at first you didn't want to go into the water to save me, so you turned around and ran away. In the end, you probably ran back because you were afraid of being scolded by your parents... So What you want me to remember is this life-saving grace?"

"But you these years..."

"Idiot, I'm observing you! Gu Lingsi, you are so interesting, every time I see you acting hypocritically, I find it very interesting! It's like... ah! It's like watching a clown show! You know this kind of thing Do you feel it?"

Gu Lingsi looked at Ning Xu in horror, as if she knew him for the first time.

Where is Ning Xu?

It's clearly...a devil in human skin!
Gu Lingsi, who was feeling cold all over, didn't even have the thought of pretending to be cute and pitiful. Her soul seemed to be emptied, and she knelt quietly, with a lingering panic on her face.

——Lu Yu, who came back from the bathroom, saw this scene.

Lu Yu was so frightened that he stopped: "What, what's wrong?"

Ning Xu, who seemed like nothing happened, explained casually:

"It's probably hypoglycemia, help her up."

"Ah good!"

Lu Yu knew that this was definitely not the case, but he didn't dare to ask any more questions, and quickly followed Ning Xu's instructions to help Gu Lingsi up.

And Gu Lingsi was like a marionette, no matter how Lu Yu pulled her, she didn't respond.

Lu Yu scratched his head in distress: "Brother Xu..."

Ning Xu's gloomy brows are full of spring breeze: "Don't waste time, tell me quickly, is Dai Dai back to school?"

Ning Xu, who was sitting upright, was like a good student full of thirst for knowledge.

Lu Yu: ...

(End of this chapter)

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