Chapter 228 What do you like

The VIP area of ​​a luxury women's clothing store has turned into a dress-up game scene.

As the heroine of the game, Ming Dai was forced to change from one set of clothes to another, and she was so busy that she became dizzy.

Ming Dai: "Can I..."

The mother and daughter Ling Xiu and Xia Ling looked at her expectantly with identical eyes.

In the end, Ming Dai really couldn't say a word of rejection, seeing the excited mother and daughter turning around to discuss with the SAs, she couldn't help smiling.

After 10 minutes passed, the mother and daughter could see that Ming Dai was a little tired, so they finally stopped.

Mingdai breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to enter the fitting room to change out the skirt she was wearing.

Ling Xiu behind him waved lightly:

"Wrap up the nice dress I just said."


Ming Dai was so startled that she stopped in her tracks.

The clothes were worn on her body, of course Ming Dai would not be so foolish as to think that Ling Xiu was buying them for herself.

Quickly refused: "This is too expensive! Auntie really doesn't need it!"

Lingxiu's voice was gentle and soft: "This is a little gift from Auntie. By the way, Dai Dai, the skirt you are wearing is also very beautiful, just wear it and go, don't change it."

What else did Ming Dai want to say, but Xia Ling hugged her shoulders with a smile, and rolled his eyes:
"Dede, are we best friends?"

"of course."

Ming Dai didn't think about it.

Xia Ling smiled slightly and was hooked:
"Since they are best friends, is my mother equal to your mother?"


Ming Dai began to hesitate.


"Cough. Yes! Of course!"

"That's right!" Xia Ling reached out and touched Ming Dai's soft hair, smiling brightly, "Isn't it natural for a mother to buy clothes for her daughter? Don't refuse the kindness of an elder! "

Ling Xiu nodded when she heard it: "That's right!"

Ming Dai had no choice but to take a step back: "But this is too much."

Just now Ling Xiu said that there are fifteen sets of good-looking clothes, if not twenty!This is probably not a small sum!
Xia Ling waved her hand indifferently: "Don't worry, this amount of money is a small amount for my mother, she is rich!"

Ling Xiu deliberately winked at Ming Dai: "Yes, Auntie is a rich woman!"

In the end, the helplessness on Ming Dai's face turned into a smile, since the kindness was hard to turn down: "Then thank you, Auntie."

Ling Xiu smiled: "That's right, just accept what the elders give you obediently, Dai Dai!"

The SAs listening around were sour and envious: I want the same style of rich women and aunts!

While there was still some time for the clothes to be packed, Mingdai and Xia Linglingxiu, the mother and daughter, sat in the VIP area to rest and drink tea. The SAs also specially delivered snacks and milk tea from Yanjing Internet Celebrity Dessert Shop to these big customers.

Ling Xiu pushed the things in front of Ming Dai and Xia Ling, enjoying the joy of feeding: "There is still an hour before your appointment, so we should be in time."

Ming Dai said, and patted her forehead lightly: "I almost forgot!"

Ling Xiu: "What did you forget?"

Xia Ling didn't have time to stop it.

Ming Dai said angrily, "I originally wanted to buy some presents for my little uncle."

Ling Xiu paused: "He Mu?"

Xia Ling secretly thought that he was about to suffer, for fear that his mother would become suspicious.

It's not that I'm worried that Ling Xiu will be dissatisfied... It's that Xia Ling feels that Ms. Ling is really not a tight-lipped person.

If everyone in the family knows that the little uncle "suspects" to have someone he likes, everyone will be restless and take turns to show up to Ming Dai!
Don't look at what they are saying now, everything is fate, don't force it, respect children's own wishes, and pursue marriage autonomy in the new era...

In fact, Xia Ling knew very well that from the bottom of their hearts, the elders still hoped that the little uncle could feel the taste of love and experience a happy family.

Don't be a fairy floating in the clouds, but be an ordinary person who has tasted all kinds of tastes in the world, so that it is not a waste of time to come to the world.

This is probably the simplest and most simple wish of the elders.

If it wasn't Dai Dai, Xia Ling thought, she could also be the one who eats melons.

But this object is Dai Dai!
Moreover, it seems that Dai Dai doesn't know anything about her little uncle's thoughts at present, if she is somehow involved...

Xia Ling was worrying about how to solve this crisis.

Ming Dai, who didn't know it at all, had already nodded to answer Ling Xiu's question:
"That's right, thanks to my little uncle for saving me last time. No matter what, it's a life-saving grace. Just treating me to a meal is not enough, so I wonder if I can give you some gifts. Can you give me some advice? My little uncle will what do you like?"

Xia Ling's eyes lit up, and she immediately felt that Ming Dai's candid attitude was the best.

So he said on purpose: "Dai Dai, there's no need, my little uncle doesn't need anything, and he may not be able to use the gift you gave him! Just please eat!"

Ming Dai shook her head seriously: "No, no, it's his business whether the little uncle needs it or not, but it's my attitude whether to give gifts or not, I have to be grateful!"

Sincerity is the best nirvana.

Ming Dai has already calmed down to this point, and Ling Xiu's few doubts have been dispelled.

Ling Xiu secretly laughs that she thinks too much, and Dai Daicai can be associated with He Mulian, she is really ashamed.

Then he objected to Xia Ling's words: "Dai Dai, don't listen to Ling Ling, you are right! If giving a gift can make you feel at ease, then give it!"

Xia Ling's smile of succeeding in his scheme was fleeting.

Ming Dai smiled sweetly: "Then what does little uncle like?"

Ling Xiu pondered and pondered: "That person, He Mu, doesn't seem to like anything in particular."

Xia Ling was listening from the sidelines, and couldn't help interjecting: "Didn't he like piano before? He seems to be quite interested in collecting too!"


Ming Dai also remembered it!
When I met the little uncle on the terrace in the previous life, he seemed to have a deep knowledge of the piano, and he made clear comments, which made Ming Dai feel ashamed.

But for the piano... If you want to be worthy of someone like my little uncle, you must at least have a collection of handed down pianos. With her thin wallet, how can she afford it?
After thinking about it, I still feel that the scope of the collection is wider, which is more suitable for her who is shy.

So Mingdai humbly asked Xia Ling: "What kind of antiques does little uncle like? Calligraphy, painting and jade?"

Her current income is only the remuneration of two films, one is that she does not have many supporting roles, and the other is promoted from a supporting role to a leading role, but the overall investment is too small, and it is even less likely that she will get too much.

Adding Weilan's share, Mingdai now only has about 10 yuan in hand.

If you take them all out and buy an antique, it shouldn't be a problem, right?

...that's weird!
"Your little uncle really likes to collect. He has a private museum and donated a Yuan blue and white porcelain vase he collected from overseas to the National Museum."

(End of this chapter)

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