Chapter 229 Well, Just Exactly
Yuan blue and white?
Ming Dai's mind buzzed, and the related news quickly came to mind.

Among them, the most eye-catching one is undoubtedly... the auction price exceeds [-] million.

Over [-] million... If the little uncle's collections are of this level, she won't be able to buy them, right?

Fortunately, Ling Xiu went on to say: "But your little uncle is not very keen on these things. He has always been emotionally indifferent. After he has learned and fully mastered a skill, he will stop being interested and not let himself be addicted. Some eminent monks will say that your little uncle is suitable for cultivating Buddhism? They say that he is a natural practitioner!"

Ming Dai opened her eyes wide and listened very intently.

Thanks to Auntie Lingxiu, Mingdai can still hear the inside story of these little uncles!

Xia Ling was very interested in hearing this, and at the same time saw Ming Dai's curiosity, so she urged:

"Then what else is little uncle interested in? Mom, tell me more!"

Ling Xiu acted as a simple gossip between the two juniors, and continued without thinking too much:
"Looking at what He Mu looks like now, do you think that he is like a practitioner who is ascetic all day long? No, he also has rebellious moments, but his rebellion is different from others. He likes to break through the limit, so he is crazy for a while Addicted to extreme sports, racing, skydiving, surfing, high-skiing...all of them! Oh yes, he also has a pilot's license!"

Xia Ling twitched the corner of his mouth: "Little uncle's rebellious way is really unique. What happens after he plays extreme sports?"

Ming Dai had the same doubts as Xia Ling in her eyes.

Ling Xiu raised her eyebrows: "Didn't I just say that? Your little uncle usually learns and fully masters a skill. For the things I mentioned above, he has reached a professional level and has a license!"

"Wow!" Ming Dai sighed carelessly.

Ling Xiu burst into laughter, like a child: "You two should also learn from my little uncle's persistent spirit!"

Ming Dai didn't say anything.

Instead, it was Xia Ling: "Forget it, Mom, there is a difference between humans and gods."

Ling Xiu was stunned: "It seems to be the same?"

Soon all the clothes will be packed.

Ling Xiu has asked the staff to help send it to Ming Dai's car.

Ming Dai wanted to write down the bill secretly so that she could return a gift of the same value in the future.

And Ling Xiu: "The bill will be sent to my house."

"Okay, Ms. Ling."

Ming Dai's hopes came to nothing and she was quite disappointed.

Xia Ling saw through her small thoughts, and specially joked: "Okay, why don't you think about the gift for my little uncle."

Ming Dai really took advantage of the situation and became distressed.

Walking out of the store, his eyes searched the vicinity at random, and suddenly stopped at a certain position——

It's too expensive and I can't afford it, and my uncle doesn't have any special preferences, why don't you give me something that is most needed this season?

Xia Ling followed her gaze and saw: "Scarf?"

Have you ever seen your little uncle wearing a scarf before?It seems like not once.

Ming Dai hummed: "How about the scarf? Does it fit?"

Xia Ling nodded decisively: "It's quite suitable."

So she walked into the store that Ming Dai was optimistic about.

It is a famous old luxury brand that started with cashmere. The overall style is restrained and minimalist, which fits Hemu's temperament at first glance.

Mingdai picked out a gray cashmere scarf, which was as delicate and silky as a baby's skin, and the price was nearly ten thousand.

SA smiled and asked, "Is it for your boyfriend?"

Ming Dai shook her head: "No, send it to the elders."

Xia Ling: ...

"Hey, Dai Dai, it's almost time, and there will be a traffic jam any later."

After Xia Ling urged, the scarf was quickly packed, put in a gift box, and Ming Dai held it in her hand.

Ms. Lingxiu said goodbye to the two at the entrance of the mall: "I have an appointment with Lingling's father, you have a good dinner tonight!"

He waved his hand and got into the car on the side of the road.

Xia Ling muttered in a low voice: "He said he didn't want a world of two..."

Just in time, the nanny car driven by Sister Hui arrived, and Ming Dai and Xia Ling got into the car one after another.

Sister Hui hesitated to speak, Mingdai looked back... the back seat was full of clothes bags, that is to say, the nanny car has enough space, and it might not be able to fit in an ordinary car.

Xia Ling: "Small things, small things, are all small things!"

Ming Dai: "Then let's go, Sister Hui."

The vehicle drove out according to the location shared with Mu.

Along the way, Mingdai and Xia Ling chatted together, they didn't feel that time was passing, and they arrived at their destination very quickly.

Before Xia Ling came, he didn't know where it was, but after he came, he said, "Oh, it's here."

Ming Dai looked at the door with no signboard and looked unfamiliar: "Have you ever been here?"

Xia Ling: "I've been here once or twice, my little uncle likes this store better."

Ming Dai is happy and satisfied.

She was worried that in order to save her money, her little uncle specially chose those relatively affordable shops that she didn't like to go to.

"Then let's go in!"

Ming Dai walked briskly.

This restaurant should be a private kitchen, located in the alley of the old Yanjing, the building looks like a simple and elegant courtyard, the door is closed, if you don't come here specially, I am afraid that people passing by will not think of this place at all. restaurant.

Ming Dai came to the door first, hesitating whether to knock on the door directly or to look for the doorbell.

Unexpectedly, the courtyard door opened to her automatically, and a waiter in a horse-faced skirt and cloak stood behind the door, holding a lantern in his hand, and bent slightly towards Mingdai and Xia Ling, as if the old times had torn paper and came to life.

The waiter's voice was slow and sweet: "Is it Miss Mingdai? Please follow me."

Said to be the first to go first.

Ming Dai was curious, why did the other party recognize her at a glance?Is it because my little uncle gave special orders?
Soon she found out that she had hardly met anyone along the way through the door.

The whole mansion was immersed in the silence of the night, leaving the world alone.

The maid kept silent all the way, led Ming Dai and Xia Ling to their destination, said please come in, and then quietly disappeared at the end of the corridor.

The wooden door of the private room was opened, and the man sitting behind the tea table raised his eyes upon hearing the sound.

Chuo Chuo's bamboo shadow screen is his background, the man's body is like a pine tree, his eyebrows and eyes are as vast and vast as a thousand mountains covered by wind and snow.

Subconsciously, there was a faint smile on the lips, but it was a pity that it had just bloomed, and it was slightly condensed again.

"... Lingling?"

No matter how aggressive Xia Ling was before he came, he couldn't help being cowardly now, and he was so cute.

"Little uncle, long time no see, hehe."

Seeing the inexplicable embarrassment surging between the two, Ming Dai took the initiative to explain:

"I asked Ling Ling to accompany me! Sorry little uncle, I forgot to tell you in advance."

"Where, you are the one who treats guests."

He Mu smiled to comfort Ming Dai.

In fact, before coming here, He Mu also thought that eating alone with Ming Dai seems a bit strange.

Especially since Ming Dai is still a public figure, if someone photographed her and posted it on the Internet, it might have an impact.

So Mu Te asked the owner of the private kitchen who was familiar with him to vacate the entire restaurant tonight.

Now that Xia Ling is here, it's just right.

Well, just right.

 Two updates today.

  A friend came to live at my house a few days ago, and it seems that he has been tricked.Speaking of the two of us staying at home recently, she went downstairs and... Today her symptoms are more serious. In order to take care of her, I was in a hurry all day. I didn't write these two chapters until late at night. Let's just wait and see ToT
  I hope that the fourth update can be resumed tomorrow, and I hope I can continue to live on...Everyone, come on!
(End of this chapter)

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