Chapter 230 Foodie

"Sit down?"

He Mu got up from behind the tea table to greet him.

Xia Ling was overwhelmed with flattery, and repeatedly waved her hands to say no.

Compared with Xia Ling's subconscious restraint, Ming Dai became the calm and calm person.

Probably because she knew He Mu's identity in her previous life, Mingdai always felt kind to him.

Even if other people look at He Mu like a girl shining on a cold river, distant and inaccessible, only Mingdai thinks that under his appearance is a kind of gentleness of the spring sun shining on the earth.

Seeing that the uncle and nephew were slightly embarrassed, Ming Dai spoke first and asked with a smile, "When did little uncle arrive?"

As he spoke, he took off his white woolen coat.

He Mu actually arrived 10 minutes earlier. The purpose was to confirm today's menu with the kitchen. If conditions permit, He Mu's tongue is very picky, and he can taste the quality of the ingredients with one bite.

He Mu wanted Ming Dai to taste the essence of this private kitchen, so he went out of his way to arrive early.

But He Mu didn't intend to say it specifically to claim credit, so he said:

"I just arrived too."

When he turned his gaze, suddenly——

When Ming Dai wore that white woolen coat, she was pure and crystal clear snow and frost.

However, a heavy embroidered colorful dress under the coat made thousands of gorgeous flowers bloom in the snow instantly, and it was full of vitality and spring everywhere.

Ming Dai was smiling, her watery eyes half-curved, as if hiding two shining ambers, reflecting the boundless and romantic sea of ​​flowers, almost making people mistake her for a mountain elf, a unique freshness lingers around her. Aura.

He Mu's heart seemed to be knocked down by a hand.

Thanks to his good self-control and top-notch concealment skills, he was able to withdraw his gaze in time, instead of being addicted to it.

Ming Dai didn't realize it, and patted her chest happily: "Fortunately! We thought we were going to be late on the way!"

There was a small rear-end collision on the road coming over, so the traffic flow was slow. When Mingdai entered the door, she checked the time, and it was exactly 2 minutes late.

He Mu: "It doesn't matter if you are late. The banquet guests come and return with pleasure. Don't disturb your mood just because of such a trivial matter."

Ming Dai smiled and nodded, thinking that what the little uncle said was really good!

Xia Ling narrowed his eyes, secretly observing the interaction between the two.

Soon He Mu greeted the two to take their seats, and handed them the menu.

"This store prepares suitable menus according to the seasons. This is set for tonight. Take a look and see if there is anything you want or don't want to eat."

"This won't work!" Xia Ling decisively pointed at one of the dishes, "The main ingredient of this dish is sea fish, right? Dai Dai can't eat it, she is allergic to seafood!"

He Mu slightly raised his eyebrows, and quickly apologized to Ming Dai.

Ming Dai didn't take it seriously: "Little uncle doesn't know."

He Mu solemnly nodded: "I will remember it in the future."

At these words, Ming Dai was taken aback for a moment.

Xia Ling, who had set up the radar all the way, was even more vigilant, watching He Mu's every move suspiciously.

To be honest, such eyes are really bold, Xia Ling never dared to look at her little uncle like this before, but how can she care so much now?All he wants is to identify He Mu's "wolf ambition"...

Did He Mu notice it?
do not know.

He drank his tea calmly, quite calm and calm like a mountain collapsed in front of him without changing his color.

As a result, except for Xia Ling's glimpse of something special from that sentence, he couldn't find any clues about the rest.

...It doesn't matter, continue to observe!
The dish with sea fish as an ingredient was replaced, and neither Ming Dai nor Xia Ling had any objections to the rest of the menu.

Xia Ling said: "I know my little uncle can eat, so follow him!"

What Xia Ling said was indeed correct, and the next dishes were served one after another, and each dish was amazing.

According to reports, the founder of this restaurant is a national treasure-level culinary master who once personally prepared a state banquet. Even the rules of this private kitchen are based on the state banquet level——

Cold dishes are served first, followed by soup and hot dishes, three meat dishes first, followed by vegetarian dishes, and finally desserts.

Cold dishes are relatively simple. Compared with superb skills, they pay more attention to using the most basic seasoning to preserve the crispness and tenderness of the ingredients. The ingredients come from all over the world, and all of them are carefully selected. , It highlights the original flavor of the ingredients.

And the portion is not much, it can be finished in a few mouthfuls, so that people can maintain the state of appetite.

The next soup is Dao Yangsheng Silver Chrysanthemum Soup. In the clear water, milky white chrysanthemums sway gently, strands of which are as thin as hair.

Ming Dai felt familiar when she saw this dish: "Ah, I have seen this dish! I have eaten it in other restaurants! This flower is tofu, right?"

"Yes." With a faint smile in He Mu's eyes, he took the initiative to explain, "I probably know the shop you mentioned. It was opened by Mr. Sun's apprentice after he graduated from the teacher. Master learned it in his hands, although he got the essence of eight points, it is still inferior to Mr. Sun's health-preserving silver chrysanthemum soup."

With this curiosity, Ming Dai tasted it carefully.

The surprise brought to Mingdai by the soup last time still lingers on the tip of her tongue, Mingdai has always wanted to go to that shop again, but unfortunately there is no time.

But today, after drinking a spoonful of soup here, Mingdai suddenly felt that all her previous memories had disappeared, only the umami bursting out of her taste buds at this moment occupied all her memories!
Ming Dai's eyes sparkled, she drank several sips one after another, and couldn't help but comment: "It seems to have a more fusion flavor... The silver chrysanthemum soup I drank before, I always feel that the soup is the freshness of the soup, and the tofu is the tenderness of the tofu. , not like this soup, it feels like the two are fused together."

He Mu raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Your review is very accurate."

Ming Dai rubbed her face: "Really? I'm talking nonsense, I'm not a gourmet."

"No, you have to trust your judgment." He Mu said in a gentle and soft voice, without rushing, "It is very important to have a good tongue. In my opinion, you have the potential to become a gourmet."

Talking to Mu is always so sure, with an inexplicable force of convincing.

So much so that Ming Dai heard it, and began to look forward to it with great interest: "Really? So, I can have more side jobs in the future? If I can't continue to act, I will become a gourmet?"

Talking and talking made myself laugh.

He Mu was serious: "Yes, I will introduce you to the job."

"Thank you very much!"

Ming Dai laughed heartily.

Immediately afterwards, another meat dish was served. Compared with the light soup of the previous one, the color of this dish was thick oily red sauce and the meat color was bright.

"Braised lion's head?" Ming Dai still knows this dish.

He Mu nodded and said yes: "Generally speaking, the lion's head is three fat and seven thin, but it is slightly different in winter, four fat and six thin. This dish is Mr. Sun's hometown dish. He has devoted a lot of effort to improve it. The braised lion head is different.”

(End of this chapter)

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