Chapter 232 It's You
"Just a little thing."

He Mu intentionally changed the subject.

So he looked at the box Ming Dai pushed in front of him, and raised his hand to open it.

Ming Dai panicked for a moment.

"and many more!"


He Mu immediately stopped his movements and looked at Ming Dai questioningly.

Ming Dai pursed her lips: "I always feel that compared to my little uncle's presents, my things are a bit out of hand..."

What Hemu gave Mingdai was a unique silver sachet, full of ingenuity everywhere, obviously not comparable to the cashmere scarf Mingdai bought casually.

But He Mu listened, and smiled suddenly: "The gift is in the heart."

Then, he opened the beautifully packaged box and saw the neatly folded cashmere scarf inside, as if thinking of something, his smile grew stronger.

"Did you choose it on purpose?"

"Well, I always think that my little uncle is very suitable for such a color."

Ming Dai honestly expressed her thoughts.

"Thank you, I like it very much."

He Mu nodded, his eyes were slightly bent, and when he focused on Ming Dai, he could feel the sincerity in his eyes.

Ming Dai was very lucky at first, but after thinking about it, with He Mu's upbringing and demeanor, even if she doesn't like it, she won't show it at all.

So could it be... These worries quickly disappeared when he saw He Mu.

He Mu lightly brushed the surface of the delicate cashmere scarf with his fingertips, anyone could see how much he cherished it.

In the face of this sincerity, Ming Dai's suspicion is simply a kind of blasphemy against her little uncle!
"nice! You love it!"

Now Ming Dai's happiness comes from the bottom of her heart.

He Mu took the opportunity to mention: "Then my gift, do you like it?"

Ming Dai was silent, finally nodded and admitted: "I like it."

It has to be said that the gift from He Mu was really sent to Ming Dai's heart. Not only the appearance of this sachet won Ming Dai's heart, but also the fragrance inside was just in line with Ming Dai's liking, so Ming Dai held it in her hand. I can't put it down in my hand, I can't wait to carry it with me every day.

And He Mu imitated Ming Dai and said, "Just like it."

Ming Dai didn't refuse this time.


Xia Ling, who was the audience with his chin in his hand, suddenly cleared his throat.

The sound was actually not loud, but Ming Dai noticed it immediately.

Only then did I realize that I and my little uncle were sending them over, but Xia Ling was accidentally ignored.

Looking down at the sachet in her hand, Ming Dai decisively put it into the box and pushed it to Xia Ling:
"Otherwise, my little uncle should give it to Lingling first. Her academic performance is much better than mine, and she will need it more."

Between her favorite sachet and her friendship with Xia Ling, Mingdai chose the latter without even thinking about it.

Xia Ling subconsciously wanted to deny it, saying that she was not interested in sachets...

"It's okay." He Mu suddenly stopped, "I have prepared something else for Ling Ling."

"Really?" Ming Dai was taken aback.

Xia Ling was holding back a laugh.

How could she not know the temperament of her little uncle?

It was already extremely rare to remember to ask an assistant to prepare a present on a previous birthday.Out of nowhere, he suddenly said that he wanted to give her a gift?
Glancing at the wooden box in front of Ming Dai, Xia Ling sighed softly in her heart, she was indeed the one who took the lead.

On the face, he smiled exaggeratedly towards He Mu: "Wow! Little uncle, you prepared a gift for me! It's so thoughtful!"

He Mu sighed lightly.

Seeing that Xia Ling was looking forward to the gift, Ming Dai gave up the idea of ​​giving the sachet to Xia Ling.

There was a knock on the door outside.

He Mu said please come in, and the waiter delivered the last dessert on a tray.

Sweets always make people happy, a small bowl of almond tofu makes Ming Dai's eyes smile.

“Delicious! So delicious!”

"Although Mr. Sun is a national treasure-level culinary master, I think he has special skills in dim sum."

Talking with Mu, he gave Ming Dai the untouched almond tofu.

"You can eat, I don't like sweets."

As soon as he finished speaking, an old laugh came through the door, vaguely joking:

"It seems like someone is talking bad about me?"

Not long after, a paunchy old man stepped into the box.

The figure of the old man seems to be a standard chef's figure, with a round belly, but his arms are strong and strong, and the thin chef's uniform wraps his raised biceps, which makes him not easy to mess with at first glance.

However, Ming Dai has long passed the stage of judging people by appearance, and she can see the deep kindness in the old man's eyebrows, so she is no longer afraid that the old man can hit three of her big waist with one punch.

"Mr. Sun." He Mu stood up and asked helplessly, "When did you hear that?"

"From the time you said I'm a national treasure culinary master..."

Mr. Sun is an old naughty boy. He was very upset when he mentioned this sentence. He deliberately bit down on the word "although" and snorted heavily.

He Mu calmly said, "Did I say something wrong? You are obviously better at desserts."

Mr. Sun: "Isn't it my current reputation to be the best in white cases?"

National treasure-level culinary masters are already the pinnacle of the chef industry. There are only a few dozen people on record. Compared with the huge number of chef practitioners, it is just a drop in the ocean.

This shows how powerful Mr. Sun is.

But He Mu went against the routine, and said unhurriedly: "Maybe we can reach the summit five years earlier."

Mr. Sun probably watched He Mu grow up, so he immediately blew his beard and stared at him: "You boy!"

Ming Dai couldn't help but turned her head and exchanged glances with Xia Ling, and the two looked at each other.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, He Mu and Mr. Sun laughed at the same time.

"Okay, okay, you're right, okay?"

Mr. Sun turned out to be the first to raise the flag to surrender.

As for He Mu, his expression remained unchanged from the beginning to the end.

At this time, Mr. Sun finally turned his attention to Ming Dai and Xia Ling.

It should be said that he had noticed the two of them a long time ago, but he just pretended to be calm on purpose.

Now that his eyes moved, he showed a bit of eagerness and curiosity. He first glanced at Xia Ling, and finally stayed on Ming Dai, as if saying "It's you".

Ming Dai tilted her head, a little strange, does this person know her?

So he took the initiative to say hello: "Hello, Mr. Sun, I really like this dish today, thank you for making such a delicious dish."

The sweet little girl boasted that people are different, Mr. Sun's eyes were all smiles, and he nodded while stroking his beard.

Suddenly asked again: "Then which dish do you like the most? Let me state in advance, I can't say that they are all delicious!"

Ming Dai smiled, without thinking: "Lion's head and almond tofu, silver chrysanthemum soup is also very good."

Old Mr. Sun smiled brighter and brighter.

He Mu explained in a timely manner: "In this table of dishes, there are not many dishes that are completely done by Mr. Sun, and they happen to be the three things you mentioned."

"Your tongue is really good, so you recognize it?" Old Mr. Sun said, trembling again, "But, I think this little girl is stronger than you!"

 Late third watch.

  I'm sorry it's been so long, my friend's health improved today, and I moved out of the house because I was afraid of infection, so I spent the whole afternoon cleaning up the house, it took longer than I expected, and I was busy until the evening...

(End of this chapter)

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