Chapter 233 Just Be Yourself
Mr. Sun praised Ming Dai for beating He Mu, and was as happy as if he had won He Mu.

He Mu didn't bother with him, and echoed: "You are always right."

Old Mr. Sun glanced at him curiously.

Then he continued to say to Ming Dai:

"I'm getting older, and my energy is not as good as before. Many dishes can only be directed by my apprentices, but this does not represent my true level! Don't listen to this kid He Mu!"

Ming Dai tried hard to control it, but unfortunately she couldn't hold it back and couldn't stop laughing.

It seems that it is the first time I have seen someone dare to be so hurtful!The boy yelled... It's really strange!
Especially seeing the helplessness on He Mu's face, the corners of Ming Dai's mouth twitched even more.

Old Mr. Sun thought that Ming Dai was laughing in anticipation, and raised his volume by two points: "I'm not in good health for a while, and I'll be recuperating after a while, and I'll cook the whole process by myself, please come eat!"

Ming Dai's eyes sparkled like jewels: "That's great!"

After being dull for a second, I suddenly remembered He Mu,

"Is little uncle coming too?"

Obviously, Mr. Sun came here just for He Mu, how could Ming Dai leave him alone if he is ignorant?

Mr. Sun deliberately squinted at He Mu, raised his chin: "Are you coming?"

He Mu seemed unable to see Mr. Sun's provocation, and readily agreed: "Come."

Old Mr. Sun snorted: "At that time, you should have a good experience of my current craftsmanship! That is not what it used to be!"

He Mu raised his eyebrows: "Really? Didn't I just come here last week? It turns out that you have made such great progress in just one week."

Mr. Sun was so choked that he couldn't speak, he suddenly aimed at Xia Ling who automatically lowered his sense of presence: "This little girl is Ling Xiu's daughter, she really looks like your mother!"

Xia Ling was surprised: "You always know me?"

"Can you not recognize me? You were brought here several times by your parents when you were young." Mr. Sun said proudly, "With my sharp eyes, I will never forget the old customers who came to the store!"

Childhood memories are too far away, of course Xia Ling doesn't remember them, but she is still curious and eager to call her mother...

Well, forget it, my parents are in the world of you and me, if she calls to disturb, I'm afraid she won't get a good face.

Compared with a stinky daughter who doesn't wink, it is better to be a sensible baby girl.

After greeting Xia Ling, Mr. Sun put his hands behind his back and prepared to leave.

Before leaving, he repeatedly confirmed with Ming Dai that she must remember to come next time.

When Mr. Sun's back disappeared, Xia Ling got up.

"I'm going to the bathroom!"

After speaking, he ran away in a hurry.

Mingdai glanced at Xia Ling's bowl, the almond tofu had been cleaned up long ago.

But in front of Ming Dai, besides what was left in her own bowl, there was also He Mu's bowl.

Mingdai just remembered that He Mu pushed the almond tofu to her: "Does little uncle really not eat it?"

He Mu Shen laughed and said, "You eat."

Ming Dai didn't refuse anymore, but was very happy to eat another bowl.

I don't know if it's because of the experience of getting along while hiking in the snow-capped mountains. Even though Mingdai and Hemu are the only ones left face to face in the private room, Mingdai still doesn't feel restrained, her appetite doesn't diminish, and she eats very happily.

Looking at her across the table, He Mu suddenly remembered something.


he called.

Ming Dai hummed without raising her head, she was already used to this address.

Asked coldly with Mu:
"Do you remember what happened on the rooftop last time?"


Ming Dai paused, quite puzzled why He Mu would ask about that matter.

"I later heard what happened that day from Miss He." He Mu explained.

It was also after hearing He Xiang's words that He Mu recalled the Ming Dai that he rushed up to the rooftop that day and caught a glimpse——

Firm, stubborn, crazy... Desperate to grab that hand, even if it is life.

This is obviously unreasonable.

Survival is the instinct of human beings. Although dedication is also the background color of many people, these people will basically hesitate and be afraid.

But Mingdai, she can't see these things in her body.

Therefore, the current He Mu said to Ming Dai: "I don't want to explore your past, I just want to say, when people are always beyond their power, don't be too persistent."

have to say.

He Mu is very keen.

He Mu's words "I can't do it", opened the floodgate of Ming Dai's memory, and those painful fragments roared in.

Why did Ming Dai try so desperately to save He Xiang?That moment without even thinking, without hesitation?
Because Ming Dai thought of herself, of herself who was struggling to survive but didn't get any help.

Maybe at that moment when she rushed out of the rooftop, it was not only He Xiang who caught her, but also herself.

It was her soul that had sunk and fallen in the darkness.

don't be too persistent...

Is it really possible not to be attached?
Ming Dai didn't know, she was in a daze, and even paused for a long time to happily eat almond tofu with a spoon.

He Mu observed her expression, a little annoyed.

At the very least, he felt that he shouldn't say such unwelcoming words when Ming Dai was eating so happily.

But he knew that Ming Dai didn't want Xia Ling to hear this.

After a meal with Mu Yuguang, he opened the wooden box in Mingdai's hand, took out the silver sachet, and brought it to Mingdai's eyes.

The silver incense sac swayed back and forth, and the golden bowl containing the spices rotated accordingly, and a faint cool fragrance continuously seeped out from the hollowed-out gaps in the outer layer, as if the smoke had drifted into Mingdai's body, which shocked her instantly, Get out of the confused mood.

Ming Dai opened her eyes wide in a daze, the silver sachet was reflected in her amber eyes like a glowing ball.

"Don't think too much about it."

He Mu gently took Ming Dai's hand, and stuffed the sachet into her palm.

He moved very softly, making almost no skin-to-skin contact with her.

Only when she put down the sachet ball, her fingertips accidentally touched the soft flesh of Ming Dai's palm.

Ming Dai shuddered, and suddenly raised her eyes, and bumped into He Mu's vast and endless eyes.

What kind of training does it take to have the temperament of my little uncle...

"Just be yourself."


It turned out that Mingdai unconsciously expressed the curiosity in her heart.

He Mu looked into her eyes and repeated again:

"Just be yourself."

This sentence is like a feather scratching at the tip of my heart.

It turned out to be stronger than the feeling brought by the touch of the fingertips just now.

Ming Dai took a deep breath, clenched the silver sachet tightly in her hand, and the continuous fragrance lingered in her brain.

"Got it." Ming Dai replied softly, "Thank you."

"Aren't you going to eat?"

He Mu pointed to Ming Dai's bowl.

Mingdai's gaze followed his fingertips, and she made a little ah, her appetite seemed to open up again.

When Xia Ling came back, Mingdai's remaining half bowl of almond tofu had already bottomed out.

It was almost time now, the meal was over, and the three of them got up and left.

(End of this chapter)

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