Chapter 234 Are They Friends?
When paying the bill, Ming Dai took a quick step.

He Mu's voice came from behind with a smile: "I won't rob you."

Ming Dai didn't believe it, she still quickened her pace and arrived at the front desk in a blink of an eye.

He froze when he saw the bill.

This price is much cheaper than she imagined.

Ask the front desk again: "Is this all the expenses? Including the charter fee?"

The front desk smiled and said: "There is no booking fee, this is specially reserved by Master Sun for Mr. He."

Ming Dai suddenly realized that it was human favor!Then this is much more difficult than ordinary meal expenses!

In a blink of an eye, He Mu has already arrived in front of Ming Dai.

The frequency of his legs is not too fast, maybe it's because his legs are too long, a random step can reach two or three steps of others, just look at Xia Ling who is trotting after him now.

He Mu Jian Ming Dai frowned slightly, knowing what she was worried about: "It's just a small matter."

Ming Dai muttered: "But today it is clearly stated that I am here to treat guests, so the cost of this meal is probably not worth a quarter of the rent."

There are not many private rooms in this store, as long as it is fully booked, Ming Dai said that a quarter is considered conservative.

He Mu lifted the bag in his hand: "So you gave me the scarf?"

Not to be outdone, Ming Dai took out the wooden box: "Didn't my little uncle also give me a sachet ball?"

Xia Ling, who just walked there, interjected teasingly at the right time: "Since you can't figure it out, don't forget it."

Ming Dai didn't understand what Xia Ling meant.

It was He Mu who glanced at Xia Ling lightly.

Xia Ling didn't panic this time, and stood beside Ming Dai, hugging her arm:

"Daddy, let's go home!"


Ming Dai is no longer obsessed with the issue of meal expenses, she immediately takes out her mobile phone to pay the bill, and leaves!

When turning around, Xia Ling, who was holding Ming Dai's arm, looked at Yanhe Mu with a smile:

"Little uncle, let's go!"

He Mu's eyes fell on the backs of the two of them.

Later, he followed suit.

There are three people in a group, two people are in front, their figures are cheerful and light; one person is behind, their shadows are as silent as a mountain.

It is inexplicably pleasing to the eye and harmonious.

Their car was waiting at the door, but there seemed to be a little traffic jam at the moment.

Because Mr. Sun’s private restaurant is located in Yanjing Hutong, and the road in this Hutong is narrow enough for only one car to pass by. When there are cars coming from both ends, it is easy to get congested.

At this time, the oncoming car was a black Volvo off-road, very low-key car, the owner of the car was not in a hurry to honk the horn, but tried to communicate with the opposite car in a calm manner.

When the car window was lowered, Ming Dai saw the slightly familiar silhouette on the driver's seat, her eyes paused slightly.

He Mu's gaze also stayed somewhere, and he raised his eyebrows slightly.

Xia Ling also reacted, pointing at the people in the Volvo car:
"Isn't that Professor Zhou Yunzhi?"

The alley was quiet, Xia Ling's voice was heard by the people in the car.

Zhou Yunzhi looked back, skipped Xia Ling, skipped Ming Dai, stayed on He Mu, and then returned to Ming Dai, as if he was exploring something.

He Mu had already greeted him: "Why are you here?"

Zhou Yunzhi thought for a while, then simply opened the door and got out of the car: "Is it your car?"

He Mu nodded.

Zhou Yunzhi also had long enough legs, walked up to him in the blink of an eye, and explained in the previous sentence:
"My mentor has returned to China, and I want to invite her to a banquet at Sun's residence, but I called to make an appointment, and the restaurant said it was full, so I wanted to come and see for myself."

Zhou Yunzhi should have great respect for that mentor, so in order to treat her to a good meal, he did not hesitate to make a special trip.

Ming Dai didn't expect Zhou Yunzhi to have such a passionate side. Most of the time in his previous life, he was as indifferent and rational as a humanoid computer with a chip.

But... do you know Mu and Zhou Yunzhi?

Ming Dai was purely curious, and turned to He Mu with questioning eyes.

He Mu then introduced: "This is a friend I met abroad, Zhou Yunzhi."

Ming Dai nodded knowingly.

Zhou Yunzhi suddenly said: "We met last time."

These words made He Mu's eyes pause for a moment, and he said calmly, "Really?"

Probably because he is familiar with his old friend's temperament, so He Mu knows how unexpected Zhou Yunzhi's reaction is now.

"It's our school's anniversary." It was Xia Ling who explained, "Professor Zhou and my mother are colleagues and alumni of the No. [-] Middle School. We went together last time for the school celebration. We happened to see Dai Dai perform. The response from the audience was really qualified!"

Xia Ling explained the cause and effect in a few words, and by the way, Zhou Yunzhi was attributed to the audience in a single sentence.

……joke!If you choose one of the two, of course you will help your family!

Especially Ming Dai would nod along with Xia Ling's words: "Yes!"

He Mu laughed very quickly.

"So, no further introduction is needed."

"Of course!"

Xia Ling rushed to answer.

Ming Dai just stood there obediently, with a face of nothing to do with her.

After all, he said long ago that he would treat Zhou Yunzhi as a stranger he didn't know, who would talk to a stranger?At most, it is just a few words of emotion that the world is really small.

Zhou Yunzhi didn't answer.

Shen Shen's eyes fell on Ming Dai, her brows and eyes were as pale as ink, and she seemed to have no emotion.

He Mu looked down at his watch: "It's getting late."

Ming Dai was reminded, and immediately said, "Yes! I have to go home and write questions!"

Xia Ling: "Then let's go, the time of senior high school students cannot afford to be wasted!"

He Mu didn't mean that.

"Hold on."

He tried to stop the two of them.

But Xia Ling had already grabbed Ming Dai and ran towards the nanny's car.

"Little uncle, go back and rest early!"

... What family members?

He Mu was funny.

Zhou Yunzhi withdrew his gaze: "I'll go and move the car away."

Xia Ling, who had already returned to the car, muttered, "I never thought that Professor Zhou would be friends with my uncle."

Ming Dai looked out of the window indifferently: "Yeah, I didn't expect that."

Zhou Yunzhi had already moved the car, and the nanny's car drove unimpeded.

When the two cars passed each other, Ming Dai seemed to feel a gaze coming in through the car window.

But she didn't care, and asked Xia Ling as if nothing had happened: "Next time you come to dinner, Ling Ling, you want to come!"

Xia Ling waved his hand: "If you don't come, I still know myself."


"Oh... I mean, that old Mr. Sun didn't invite me, so it's rude to come here so rashly!"

Xia Ling was very satisfied with the excuse he found.

Ming Dai didn't doubt that he was there, and whispered to herself: "Then it's just me and little uncle?"

Xia Ling raised his eyebrows and smiled meaningfully.

After a whole night of observation today, Xia Ling was sure that his little uncle must have something serious about Ming Dai!
No matter how well he concealed it, his behavior still inevitably revealed his heart!
It's arranging a banquet in the Sun's residence, and sending sachets... Tsk tsk, I didn't expect the banishment to be so excited, and it's so out of control!
It's a pity that Dai Dai didn't see any signs of it.

Of course Xia Ling would not do assists, let alone point it out to Ming Dai.

Little uncle, oh little uncle, wish yourself good luck!
 There is another update in the afternoon... This time it's really afternoon!
(End of this chapter)

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