Chapter 235
After returning to school after the three-day holiday on New Year's Day, it means that the time for the final exam is also approaching.

For Ming Dai, after the final exam, another exam is coming soon——

Art exam.

Ming Dai's grades are not good. After rebirth, although there are two gold-medal tutors on the left and right, she has worked hard, but learning this kind of thing is not easy. Ming Dai wants to catch up with others in just two months. His efforts are almost impossible to imagine.

Although she spends all her time studying and solving problems except for her acting work, her grades have been average so far.

But that's enough.

After a serious discussion with Su Fangyun and Huang Yuanyuan, Ming Dai decided on the Yanjing Film Academy among the two best performing schools in Yanjing.

According to Yanjing Film Academy's enrollment score line last year, Ming Dai's current cultural class score is more than enough.

So now, in addition to reviewing for the final exam, she also has to prepare for the art exam.

Su Fangyun helped Ming Dai drop all the work, and arranged for a famous art test tutor to teach Ming Dai one-on-one.

They didn't take this exam lightly just because Ming Dai was already a well-known actress, but they were more cautious.

So now Mingdai has three teachers, and the schedule is full every day.

There is no time to think about those grievances.

Even when he met Ning Xu who came to school with a cane at school, he didn't react lightly, didn't even bother to nod, and hurriedly passed by with his books in his arms.

Ning Xu turned her head, eagerly looking at Ming Dai's back for a long time.

Lu Yu around him couldn't stand it anymore.

Is this humble dog-licking appearance still my high-spirited Brother Xu?

...But it seems understandable to change it to the goddess Ming Dai!

Lu Yu patted Ning Xu on the shoulder: "Brother Xu! Come on!"

Lick the dog, lick the dog, lick until the end!
Ning Xu rolled his eyes and shook Lu Yu's hand off his shoulder.

After a while, someone called Ning Xu. After Ning Xu got through, he hummed twice and his expression quickly turned dark.


Ning Xu, who was on crutches, was still flying fast.

Not knowing what happened, Lu Yu trotted behind Ning Xu's long legs.

Lu Yu chased him out of breath: "Brother Xu, what happened?"

Ning Xu didn't answer, and walked faster, and arrived near the school gate in a blink of an eye.

Next to the security room, a tall and burly young security guard stood majesticly, and squatting beside his legs was a man with mischievous eyebrows holding a camera.

Lu Yu stared, and a word immediately popped up in his mind: paparazzi!
And Ning Xu has already walked to the opposite side of the security guard.

The security guard laughed when he saw Ning Xu, and shouted after Lu Yu: "Brother Xu, he's here."

Lu Yu was stunned for a moment, when did Brother Xu have such a good relationship with the security guard?

"Thank you." Ning Xu raised his finger lazily, as a way of saying hello to the security guard, "I'll read a certain letter later."

The dignified security just now immediately smiled: "Brother Lexu!"

"You go first."

The security guard turned his head and entered the security room without saying a word.

Seeing this, the man squatting on the ground saw that Ning Xu and Lu Yu were lame and stupid, and they were both immature high school boys, so they thought they would be easy to deal with.

So he rolled his eyes, stood up immediately, and pretended to say:
"Students should study hard! Don't worry about things you shouldn't care about!"


Ning Xu's metal crutch mercilessly hit the man's ankle bone.

He didn't have much strength, but he was in pain. The man screamed and wanted to ask for help, but there was no movement in the security room.

The man's arrogance finally subsided, and he pulled the corner of his mouth dryly:

"What, what are you doing, classmate?"

"What are you here for?"

Ning Xu's eyes were gloomy, and his voice was so cold.

Man: "No, I didn't do anything..."

However, subconsciously, he hugged the camera tightly in his arms.

Lu Yu, a qualified little brother, has slowly figured out the situation, and grabbed the man's camera.

"Bring it here! Young master, how can I not know about you paparazzi! Did you come to secretly take pictures?"

The man reflexively wanted to take it back, but Ning Xu's crutch was already pressing against his abdomen.

The man just saw the young man's steady and ruthless attack, and he knew that this young man was definitely not a good person, he was someone who could not be offended.

"It's all just for dinner! Hehe!" The man bowed his head to the two high school students and smiled humblely.

Ning Xu threw a sentence to Lu Yu: "Look at him."

Lu Yu: "Okay Brother Xu!"

Then he handed the camera to Ning Xu, and stood in front of the man himself.

It's better for a man to be afraid of Ning Xu if he looks at Lu Yu up and down.

Lu Yu saw it, he grinned to reveal his white teeth, and raised his hand to reveal his powerful biceps.


Looking down at his thin body like a bamboo pole, he was listless.

Ning Xu ignored the interaction between the two, and turned on the camera to watch.

Unsurprisingly, it was filled with candid photos of Ming Dai.

In fact, the paparazzi only got into Mingdai school until now, which is considered inefficient.

After becoming popular with "Shining", Ming Dai has been able to keep a low profile until now, one reason is because of her disguise in school, and the other reason is because No. [-] Middle School is strictly controlled.

It's a pity that the paparazzi's sense of smell is really strong, and they still found an opportunity to touch Ming Dai's trajectory.

In the photos here, some are coming out of school, wearing a hat and chatting and laughing with Xia Ling; some are just getting off the car, biting a bun on her mouth, with a drowsy face; some are smiling at others with bright smiles Not a trace of haze...

Ning Xu was stunned, and couldn't help touching the small face on the screen with his thumb, as if feeling the warmth.

With a flick of your finger, the touch screen automatically slides forward, skipping a series of photos.

Some of the faces were familiar.

Ning Xu frowned, and immediately slid the photo to the target position.

That's right, it was Ming An and Yu Ting.

Ming Dai's adoptive parents... No, this kind of people can't be called Ming Dai's parents at all.

In her previous life, Ming Dai didn't know that when they were dating, Ming An Yu Ting approached him many times in private.

The purpose is nothing more than to take a fancy to his background, and think that a little leak from his fingers is enough for them, so he asks for money, asks to help relatives arrange work, and even relatives are locked up for fighting She also asked Ning Xu to come forward.

At that time, Ning Xu was in a romantic relationship with Ming Dai, and had a high tolerance for Ming Dai's parents. At the beginning, he would deal with it patiently, satisfy some small requests that were not outrageous, and give him pocket money of tens of thousands of 10,000+.

Gradually, the couple's appetites grew, and Ning Xu felt sick to his stomach with their greedy faces.

Later, he was intentionally picky and prejudiced against Ming Dai, and the matter of Ning Shu was a reason, and the couple also accounted for a lot of it.

But why was he so obsessed with ghosts back then, that he misunderstood that Ming Dai was the same as this couple?

When the regret spread, the hatred was also raging and restless, urging Ning Xu to do something.

"Who are the two people in the photo?"

 Posted before six o’clock, it’s afternoon haha

(End of this chapter)

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