Chapter 241 Finalized
In terms of appearance, Chu Yunping can only be described as handsome.

But she is the kind of oriental beauty with superior bones, with grand and stretched eyebrows and eyes, and a unique temperament.

Put it in a movie that pays attention to light and shadow effects, this kind of appearance can be called the director's favorite, no matter from which angle it is shot, it is beautiful, it can be enchanting and charming, it can be stubborn and cold, and it can be awe-inspiring...

Especially now that Chu Yunping is 35 years old, it is the most attractive time, and the unique beauty exuded by years of accumulation is deeply attractive, and the story is already written on the face without talking.

This made Ming Dai, Yan Jiaxue, and Bai Ge's eyes shine.

Even though the two sides haven't had time to talk to each other yet, they have already silently agreed in their hearts that Chu Yunping will be the best candidate no matter in terms of appearance or acting skills.

Then the problem is coming...

Yan Jiaxue gave up the friendly smile he had shown to others just now, and asked seriously:

"May I ask, why did Mr. Chu choose our small film crew? With your reputation, there should be many people offering olive branches to you, and many of them have more investment and stronger lineup than our film."

In Yan Jiaxue's view, if Chu Yunping didn't want to come here from the bottom of his heart, but because of friendship with Su Fangyun, there is no need.

Chu Yunping heard the meaning behind Yan Jiaxue's words, and smiled lightly: "Why does Director Yan think so?"

Yan Jiaxue made a sound in doubt.

Chu Yunping shrugged and continued: "Why does director Yan think that many people will invite me? I have been out of this circle for three years, the public awareness has declined, investors no longer trust me, the director thinks that I lack the This is not my era anymore. During this period of time, I did receive a lot of books, whether it was the original wife who beat the mistress and forgave her husband, or the mother and aunt of the hero and heroine, or the supporting role of the border, but these are not The script I want to act in."

The entertainment industry is changing rapidly, and the actress Chu Yunping, who used to have top-level scripts at her disposal, has to face the embarrassing situation of not having a good script to act in after three years of retirement.

When talking about these, Chu Yunping was not too angry or embarrassed, but in a very relaxed tone.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Yunping said another surprising fact:

"One more thing, you may have misunderstood me. I didn't know about this movie because of Fang Yun's introduction. On the contrary, I first noticed that "Twin Lotus" was in preparation, and then I contacted Fang Yun to help make the connection. I don't know if this counts. Doesn’t that count as opening the back door?”

Yan Jiaxue changed his previous seriousness, and couldn't help but complacently said: "Are we famous now?"

Even Chu Yunping knew about it?

Chu Yunping complimented calmly: "I have watched "Sparkling" and think that Director Yan is a director with great ideas and good storytelling skills, so I think "Twin Lotus" will definitely be an excellent crew worthy of my joining .”

Yan Jiaxue stroked his hair, as if he was a little embarrassed, but Ming Dai and Baige on both sides could tell that his tail was about to go up to the sky!
Ming Dai covered her mouth and snickered.

Baige rolled his eyes directly, ignored Yan Jiaxue who was embarrassed, and stretched out his hand to Chu Yunping:
"Welcome to join us!"

"Did I pass it?"

Chu Yunping shook his hand and smiled in surprise.

"Of course!"

Chu Yunping breathed a sigh of relief. She seemed to be talking eloquently, but she was also nervous.

Ming Dai, who accidentally noticed, thought to herself.

When she raised her eyes, she happened to meet Chu Yunping's gaze and friendly smile.

"You are Ming Dai, right?" Chu Yunping leaned forward slightly, looking at Ming Dai with bright eyes, "No wonder Fang Yun always praised you when she mentioned it to me, she never praised me as much as she did to you back then. Pass!"

Such enthusiasm and kindness also made Ming Dai feel good about her.

"Maybe it's because I'm embarrassed to Teacher Chu. In fact, Sister Su mentioned you many times in front of me, all of which are praises."

And regret.

What Ming Dai said was not polite.

Su Fangyun mentioned Chu Yunping several times in front of Ming Dai, and occasionally did not mention the name, but replaced it with "an artist I brought with me before". In fact, Ming Dai knew very well that what Su Jie was talking about was Chu Yunping .

Su Fangyun's words are all about how hardworking and dedicated Chu Yunping is in acting. He is talented and hardworking. Logically speaking, he should be able to achieve higher achievements, but he chose Xiying when he was at the peak.

Now that Chu Yunping is really back, sister Su will be very happy, right?

Then Chu Yunping stayed for more than ten minutes, and everyone chatted about the plot and characters of the movie.

It can be seen that Chu Yunping's enthusiasm for writing is high, and he kept asking about the details of the script. Several times, the tricky questions made Yan Jiaxue, who wrote the script himself, speechless.

However, Chu Yunping has not seen the complete script yet, and will have to wait until the contract is confirmed.

"Can it be faster? I can't wait."

The resolute Baige immediately made a decision: "Let's sign the contract tomorrow. Mr. Chu can bring his agent and lawyer with him. We will discuss the specific remuneration and conditions on the spot."

Chu Yunping nodded with a cheerful smile: "I will bring a lawyer, but the manager may not be able to. I just came back and don't have a manager yet."


That's it.

After Chu Yunping left, Yan Jiaxue rubbed his hands excitedly: "I didn't expect to invite such a heavyweight man! Now it's stable!" Then he went to see Ming Dai again, "How is it? Is there any pressure? ?”

Of course Ming Dai did.

She has seen a lot of Chu Yunping's movies, so she knows how good Chu Yunping is as an actor, as if she is born to shine, without much effort, she can suppress the aura of other people in the same frame, and make all the characters become her supporting role.

No matter how beautiful Ming Dai is, if she doesn't know how to show off her charm on the big screen, then the result of welcoming her will be nothing more than becoming Chu Yunping's supporting vase.

The second-tier actress who came to the audition earlier was worried that she would become Ming Dai's foil vase.

Now this worry falls on Ming Dai.


"I won't lose!"

Ming Dai clenched her fists, declaring her determination word by word!There seemed to be a raging fighting spirit burning in his eyes!

Yan Jiaxue smiled and nodded: "It's good to have fighting spirit! Remember, the name of this movie is "Twin Lotuses."

They are two lotus flowers born side by side. If the halo of one of them is suppressed, the name of this movie will lose its meaning.

Ming Dai nodded solemnly: "I understand."

After finalizing the heroine, the rest is the male lead candidate.

The three of them were busy until the afternoon, and finally finished the rest of the audition, and finally confirmed the actor of the male lead.

The rest of the supporting roles will be finalized by Bai Ge and Yan Jiaxue in the next few days.

Everything is ready to start shooting.

(End of this chapter)

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