Chapter 242 Osmanthus Cake

In the prosperous and modern city of Yanjing, the village in the city is a somewhat unique place.

It's old, chaotic, and sloppy, but also lively, friendly, and full of fireworks.

The dusty houses are dilapidated, black wires are intertwined between the buildings, most of the people passing by are dressed plainly, and it seems that the teenagers are out of place among them——

The young man is wearing a white down jacket. His tall and straight figure does not look bloated at all. On the contrary, he is as long as cedar. His hair is soft and drooping in front of his forehead. His lips are red and his teeth are white. people.

It's a pity that the young man seems to have injured his leg, and it's a little difficult for him to walk on crutches.

But he didn't care about it himself, he walked slowly with crutches, and the speed was very slow, which gave him time to appreciate and observe the surrounding scenery, his eyes with interest seemed to be tourists who came to visit.

Many people on both sides of the road were looking at the young man, but the young man didn't seem to notice, he wandered around for a while, and finally aimed at a mobile stall selling buns and pastries, walked over, and stood still.

The proprietress couldn't help becoming enthusiastic when she saw the boy's appearance: "Young man, what do you want to eat? I have steamed buns, steamed buns, and sweet-scented osmanthus cakes here! They are delicious! Does that big star Ming Dai know? She used to like to eat our The sweet-scented osmanthus cake from home, I have to buy two every day when I go to school!"

The young man, that is Ning Xu, his eyes light up slightly upon hearing this.

The owner of the small shop not far away laughed immediately: "No, do you really believe what the couple of the Ming family said? It's true that their daughter is named Ming Dai, but there are many people with the same name in the whole country. The person with the same name became a billionaire, so am I a billionaire?"

The proprietress was upset, and immediately choked back: "Why not? Aren't those couples in the Ming family very rich a while ago? They still invite people to dinner everywhere, it must be the money given by their daughter after she became a star! Otherwise, those stingy couples How can you be so generous?"

"Yeah, yeah, so I've been stingy for a few days, and recently I've become stingy again. Yesterday, Yu Ting came to my place to buy soy sauce, and she still wanted to bargain with me to [-] yuan for soy sauce that cost [-] yuan!"

The conversation between the two attracted the attention of many people nearby.

There are many migrant workers living in this village in the city, but many of them are local residents who live on rent, so they live a very leisurely and comfortable life. Participating in this kind of gossip discussion is what they are most passionate about——

"So, is the Ming family's daughter a big star?"

"Stop talking nonsense! I asked my son to find out about that celebrity named Ming Dai. She is so beautiful, and she is totally different from that daughter of the Ming family!"

"Yes, I've also watched Ming Dai's TV series. She looks generous, not at all like that daughter of the Ming family. She was shy and introverted since she was a child, and she didn't know how to say hello when she saw people."

"Then who spread the rumor?"

"Who else can there be? The Ming family couple. Last month, they told the neighbors every day that his family was about to get rich. The daughter became a big star. The brokerage company gave them 1 yuan a month, and they could still get it in the future." More money, and he said that he would be able to move out of the village in the city and buy a big villa to live in a luxury house in a short time!"

"It's really bragging and not drafting!"


When everyone was discussing with loud voices, they accidentally ignored Ning Xu.

Ning Xu didn't rush, he listened to these people's speech slowly, and glanced at the sweet-scented osmanthus cakes on the stall.

"So Mingdai likes sweet-scented osmanthus cake the most?"

The proprietress, who was busy arguing, was immediately dragged back by the business.

Lian nodded: "Of course! Of course!"

The others laughed and laughed at the proprietress not to make false propaganda, the proprietress told them to go away.

Ning Xu: "Wrap them up for me."

The proprietress: "Okay... huh? All, all wrapped up? All?"

Ning Xu remained calm: "Yes."

The proprietress thought it was too exaggerated, so she asked, "Young man, did you buy this for the whole family?"

Ning Xu replied seriously and focused: "No, I will eat it alone, I will eat it all."

Taste the sweet-scented osmanthus cake that Dai Dai likes. What kind of taste is it?

Seeing Ning Xu's insistence, the proprietress didn't say any more, and wrapped all the sweet-scented osmanthus cakes for him.

Ning Xu carried four big bags of sweet-scented osmanthus cakes and walked a little far away on crutches.

And a group of people who watched the whole process: ... Where did you get taken advantage of?

Ning Xu didn't go too far.

Holding the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, he turned the corner and soon came to a small building with gray walls.

The windows on the second floor with mottled green paint were wide open, and a pot of green radishes was dying on the window sill.

Ning Xu knew that behind that window was Ming Dai's home from childhood.

It's a pity that he has never seen it before, and it is the first time to come here today, which feels very novel and a little excited.

After standing downstairs for a while, Ning Xu didn't rush to leave, but waited for a group of people - all of them were full of flesh, with big arms and round waists, wearing black leather floral shirts and gold chains. provoke.

The eldest brother in the lead caught a glimpse of Ning Xu from a distance, waved his hand, and brought a bunch of younger brothers along.

When he arrived, he bowed his head respectfully and shouted:
"Liu Shao, we confirmed before we came, and the husband and wife are at home now."


Without raising her eyes, Ning Xu ordered softly,


A group of ten or so people walked into the small building in a mighty manner, and their bodies almost filled the cramped passage.

After a while, there was a knock on the door on the second floor of the small building that had no soundproof effect at all.

After the creak, there was a chaotic noise of soldiers and horses.

It didn't take long for men's roars, women's screams, and the sound of smashed things to be heard again, floating out from behind the mottled green window on the second floor.

As for Ning Xu, who was standing next to the telephone pole on the first floor, with a calm expression, he took out a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake from the bag, carefully put it into his mouth and took a bite, as if he had eaten something extremely delicious, and squinted his eyes comfortably.

However, there was too much movement on the second floor, and there were many people living nearby, so it didn't take long to attract the attention of others. Everyone joined forces in twos and threes, pointing at the second floor, but no one dared to come forward.

This is probably the bad side of urban villages.

Because the people who live there are mixed people, there are many small gangsters and bastards, and everyone is afraid that if they call the police or come forward to stop them, they will be targeted for revenge, so everyone is used to sweeping their own door.

Ning Xu was also one of these onlookers watching.

Others asked him if he knew what was going on when he came.

Ning Xu bit her osmanthus cake and shook her head innocently.

After a while.

The movement on the second floor finally stopped, and Ning Xu finished eating a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake.

Ning Xu clapped his hands, straightened his hair, and walked into the corridor.

 Late update~
  After two days of repeated high fever, the fever finally subsided today, and now I just have a cough, but other feelings are fine.

  I will try my best to adjust the word count and time in the next update, but it may take two days, after all, I just got better and I am afraid that it will be too embarrassing and cause repetition...

  Bao, who was unfortunate enough to be recruited like me, should rest more even if it turns cloudy, and don't stay up late!
(End of this chapter)

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