Chapter 246 The child finally found you!

The bell rang at the end of the first exam. Mingdai packed up her things and walked out of the exam room. She saw Xia Ling waiting for her in the corridor. It seemed that it had been a while.

Ming Dai paused when she picked up the book bag, and said in surprise: "Ling Ling, did you hand in the paper in advance..."

Before the question was finished, Xia Ling mysteriously dragged Ming Dai to a corner.

He looked around first to make sure there was no one there, then lowered his voice and asked:
"It turns out that Gu Lingsi is in the same examination room as you! Why didn't you tell me before?"

"...I just found out today." Ming Dai blinked in confusion, wondering, "Is this something important?"

"Important! Of course it's important! What if she wants to take advantage of the exam to trip you up? Accusing you of cheating, cooperating with the teacher to bury you, affecting your exam... There are many ways!"

Xia Ling's eyes flashed with vigilance, and he had already automatically made up ten or eight plans.

Ming Dai was dumbfounded when she heard that: "Lingling, you...are thinking too much?"

"Being defensive is a must! You can't just let people bully you without knowing it!"

Xia Ling was worried, as if if she didn't stare at Ming Dai for a second, Ming Dai would be able to sell herself.

Ming Dai touched her face, curious about how weak and helpless she was in Xia Ling's heart...

At this moment, Gu Lingsi just came out of the classroom, alone.

When passing Mingdai Xia Ling's place, his eyes paused for a while, then he quickly moved away and hurried away.

Xia Ling: "Look! That must be a malicious look!"

Ming Dai rubbed her chin: "Really? Why do I think she looks in poor condition and mentally exhausted?"

"Is there?" Xia Ling thought about it carefully, and it seemed that it was true, "Could it be that the rumors are true?"


Xia Ling sneered.

"You also know that there is no impenetrable wall in this circle. Didn't the Gu family want Gu Lingsi to marry the Ning family? But on the day of the school celebration, Gu Lingsi made a mistake in public, which greatly humiliated the Gu family. I heard that her father blamed her very much. If she directly cut off her credit card, the matter of studying abroad may also be suspended."

Ming Dai was very surprised.

"Blame? Aren't Gu Lingsi's parents doting on her very much?"

"I dote on her very much, and I can take it back at any time."

Xia Ling said lightly, raised her hand to rub the back of Mingdai's head, sighed,
"We, Dai Dai, are still too simple to see through the darkness of human nature! For the dignified Gu family and those in power, how can there be favor and love for no reason? Everything is conditional!"

Ming Dai was stunned.

In her previous life, she thought that Gu Qiwei had brought up Gu Lingsi as his parents, so his relationship was extraordinary, and it was not comparable to her, a daughter who returned home halfway.

So what about blood?There are many relationships in this world that are connected by blood but hate each other.

So they would meticulously prepare gifts for Gu Lingsi, send dresses to horse races, and accompany her on the trip to greet her with care, but they didn't even bother to care about her birthday, except for reprimanding.

Ming Dai felt deeply out of place, and there were many moments in her previous life when she envied Gu Lingsi.

Now she suddenly understood.

It turned out that Gu Lingsi's situation was no different from his own.

But now she has broken free from the shackles of the Gu family, and is ready to go her own way;
Gu Lingsi was still struggling in the mud.

But who is to blame?
The road is chosen by oneself, and people have to pay the price for the choice after all.

Mingdai quickly cleared up her complicated emotions, and pulled Xia Ling to leave.

Xia Ling happily put other topics behind her: "How did you do in the exam today?"

Ming Dai glanced at Xia Ling's excited face: "Do you think it's easy?"

"Well, not really."

"Don't lie."

"Okay, it's pretty easy, I did it in an hour, how about you?"

"Although it is very reluctant, but fortunately I finished the paper!"

"It seems that I will do well in the exam this time!"

"Borrow Lingling auspicious words."

"Where are you going to eat at noon? Let me treat you!"

"Eat a hot soup pot in winter!"



The sound of the conversation between the two gradually faded away along the corridor.

After two days of exams, everything was calm as usual.

What Xia Ling was worried about didn't happen, and Gu Lingsi was extraordinarily quiet around Ming Dai.

There was no provocation, no secret stumbling... nothing, a complete stranger's state.

In this regard, Xia Ling still said that he could not relax his vigilance until the last moment.

Although Ming Dai was helpless, she still listened carefully to Xia Ling's words and was always on guard.

However, neither of them expected that when the final exams were over, it would not be Ming Dai who actually encountered problems, but Gu Lingsi himself!
In the afternoon when the last exam was over, Ming Dai and Xia Ling walked out of the school gate talking and laughing.

At this moment, Ming Dai suddenly felt two strong gazes falling on her.

Ming Dai was worried that it was the paparazzi, so she searched the area quietly with great experience.

When she found someone hiding in the crowd watching her, she couldn't help but stop.

Xia Ling then stopped: "What's wrong?"

Ming Dai hesitated, "I seem to have seen..."

Ming An and Yu Ting?Why are they here?
The couple obviously noticed themselves, hatred was burning like a raging fire in their eyes, and they wanted to rush up and tear themselves apart!

Ming Dai immediately frowned, and was about to call Sister Hui who was nearby—are these two here to find fault again?

Ming Dai thought the situation was even worse, and asked Xia Ling:
"Lingling, help me see if there are any paparazzi sneaking around."

Realizing the importance of the situation, Xia Ling kept Ming Dai behind her and squinted her eyes to search.

This action of the two seemed to have stimulated the couple who were not far away, causing them to jump over the crowd and walk aggressively in Ming Dai's direction!

Ming Dai tightened her body, ready to deal with the husband and wife's unreasonable troubles at any time, and then... watched them pass by?

Isn't Ming An Yuting and his wife's goal their own?
Could it be that……

Mingdai hurriedly turned her head to look, and saw the husband and wife in front of Gu Lingsi who had just walked out of the school gate!
Gu Lingsi seems to be very tired recently. She usually likes to have a gentle and smiling face, but she barely smiles, and there is an unconcealable irritability between her brows and eyes.

But Gu Lingsi still maintains the demeanor and habits of many years. Her back is straight, her swan neck is slender, and her chin is raised proudly. At first glance, she looks like a wealthy and well-educated daughter of a wealthy family.

It's a pity that all these appearances were destroyed because of the arrival of Ming An and Yu Ting!
Ming An, who was always selfish, now had tears of excitement on his face, and those who didn't know thought he was really a loving father.

He looked at Gu Lingsi movedly: "Son, we finally found you!"

Yu Ting also cried and held Gu Lingsi's hands tightly: "Baby, we are late!"

(End of this chapter)

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