Chapter 247
Gu Lingsi's blood seemed to be frozen.

She didn't know how the situation in front of her happened, she just felt that Yu Ting's greasy, sweaty hand was holding hers, and the nausea and sticky feeling couldn't go away, which made her almost get goosebumps all over her body.

Gu Lingsi tried her best to break free from Yu Ting's palm, but Yu Ting, who had been working in a stall all year round, was much stronger than her, and she couldn't get rid of it until her skin turned red and left fingerprints.

Ming An also looked at her with horror, the so-called loving eyes were more like a knife rushing towards her, weighing how to tear her apart and eat her.

Feeling that more and more eyes were staying around, Gu Lingsi hastily pulled out a stiff smile:

"Uncle and aunt are Mingdai's parents, right? Are you looking for the wrong person? Here, Mingdai is right in front!"

Gu Lingsi tried hard to push Ming An Yu Ting towards Ming Dai, but the couple aimed at her.

Yu Ting wiped away her tears, and grabbed Gu Lingsi again: "No, child, we are here to find you!"

Ming An rolled his eyes, understood Gu Lingsi's panic, and suddenly said, "Son, you may not know that we are your biological children..."

"Shut up!"

Gu Lingsi hurriedly interrupted him!The voice echoed shrillly over the school gate!
There were already many people paying attention to the movements on their side, and now there are countless eyes watching them.

Gu Lingsi is a well-known campus goddess. Everyone knows that she is as gentle and kind as the bright moon in the sky, but now Mingyue loses her composure and loses her temper?Still getting involved with such two people?
I don't know how many people are secretly curious, speculating, and talking about it.

Ming Dai was stunned for a long time, then slowly came back to her senses and understood the current situation a little bit.

And she also realized that there was absolutely no innocence behind this kind of thing, so she deliberately looked for Ning Xu's shadow among her classmates.

But Ning Xu doesn't seem to be here.

It was Xia Ling who was beside her poking her shoulder, and asked confusedly: "Those two are not your father... Oh yes, they have nothing to do with you. Then what is their relationship with Gu Lingsi? Could it be that they know each other?"

Ming Dai shook her head, not knowing where to start with Xia Ling, her mood was very complicated.

Xia Ling thought that Ming Dai didn't know, and continued to pull Ming Dai to be a curious crowd.

Over there, after Gu Lingsi lost her composure, she almost couldn't hold back her smile.

"Uncle and aunt, I don't know you, please don't make trouble! There are security guards at the school gate, and my driver is also nearby!"

Gu Lingsi was still a little immature, thinking that these words could scare Ming An and Yu Ting away.

As a result, the reaction of the couple did not follow her idea at all.

Ming An: "It's really promising, everyone has their own driver."

Yu Ting: "You don't believe it? We can go parent-child immediately..."

"Enough! Enough!"

Gu Lingsi finally knew that this method would not work.

Her chest heaved violently, and she didn't dare to look at other people's eyes, and she didn't want words like "biological parents" and "paternity test" to appear again that might cause others to guess.

She finally compromised with the couple, and whispered almost pleadingly:
"Can we talk somewhere else?"

Ming An Yu Ting didn't insist on making trouble, but nodded and agreed.

People left, no fun to watch.

But the aftertaste brought about by this unexpected accident has not dissipated, and many people nearby are discussing:
"Who is that? The nanny driver of Gu Lingsi's family?"

"It doesn't look like it, it's one child at a time."

"I seem to have seen them before. They are Mingdai's parents?"

"No way, you see they didn't talk to Ming Dai, I guess it's a misunderstanding."


Ming Dai heard the discussion nearby, she didn't expect Ming An Yu Ting's parents' names to be erased so easily, and they even drew a clear line with her.

Ming Dai suddenly felt a sense of relief, turned around and heard Xia Ling still muttering, feeling that the excitement was not enough, Ming Dai tugged her.

Xia Ling woke up like a dream: "What? Do you want to go home in a hurry?"

Ming Dai: "No... Lingling, I have something to tell you."

Ming Dai felt that since they were friends, there should be no secrets.

So, two minutes later, the two sat in Mingdai's nanny's car, with the windows blocking the view from the outside, and Sister Hui, who was in the driver's seat, stepped out of the car temporarily to make room for the two in the car to be quiet and confidential.

Seeing such a big battle, Xia Ling couldn't help becoming nervous.

"Could it be that there is something important to announce?"

"Lingling, didn't you just ask me about the relationship between that couple and Gu Lingsi?"

"Hmm... Did you know that, Dai Dai?"

"I know." Ming Dai paused, and met Xia Ling's surprised gaze, and said, "They are Gu Lingsi's biological parents."

Xia Ling's mouth opened little by little, and he stood there dumbfounded, unable to recover for a long time.

Ming Dai shook her: "Ling Ling?"

"Wait a minute, let me take it easy!"

Xia Ling clutched her heart, and more questions began to pop up:

"How could Gu Lingsi happen to be the daughter of your adoptive parents? Then how could she become the daughter of the Gu family? How did you know this, Dai Dai? Do you have something to do with the Gu family?"

Ming Dai knew that the most critical of these questions was actually only one sentence.

Then he nodded and replied: "In terms of blood relationship, I have a relationship with the Gu family. But for the rest, we are not too involved."

In an instant, Xia Ling's mind flashed many fragments of classic dog-blood dramas——

Civet cats for princes, real and fake wealthy daughters...

"Drama comes from life, sincerity does not deceive me." Xia Ling murmured.

After the shock was over, Xia Ling also noticed the indifference in Ming Dai's attitude.

The next first sentence was: "Dai Dai, you already knew about it? And you don't want to go back to Gu's house, right?"

Ming Dai nodded resolutely: "Yeah."

"I see."

Seeing that Xia Ling didn't seem too surprised and curious, Mingdai couldn't help asking:
"Aren't you surprised? Why don't I want to go back home?"

"You must have your reasons."

Xia Ling didn't even think about it,

"What's more, these things, some people desperately want them, but in the eyes of some people, they may not be worth mentioning."

Xia Ling didn't ask specifically, in her opinion, if Mingdai wanted to say something, she would always say it.

Ming Dai was slightly moved.

At this moment, Xia Ling frowned suddenly:
"Wait, since you knew the truth a long time ago, wouldn't it be... Gu Lingsi also knew it a long time ago?"

"I thought she didn't know it at first, but it wasn't until the time at your birthday party that I found out that she knew it all along."

"Hiss, this scheming is deep enough. So she targeted you because of your background?"

"I'm afraid so."

Xia Ling was speechless.

Looking at Ming Dai in front of her, she just felt distressed.

He simply opened his arms towards Ming Dai and gave her a big hug!

Ming Dai was slightly startled at first, then smiled again in an instant.

 One more night

(End of this chapter)

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