Chapter 248 Dog bites dog

Gu Lingsi took the couple together, avoiding the location of her car and the driver, and randomly picked a teahouse to enter.

Coincidentally, this teahouse happened to be the place where Ming Dai brought Ming An Yu Ting to the place last time.

However, Gu Lingsi was not clear about this. The first sentence was to ask the waiter for a private box.

She walked in a hurry all the way, and she didn't communicate with the couple behind her all the way. In addition, there was a huge gap in the clothes of the two parties, so that the waiter didn't regard them as fellow travelers at all.

Gu Lingsi had already stepped onto the steps, but Ming An Yuting and his wife were stopped by the waiter.

The waiter recognized the two of them. The incident last time was so big that even the police came. It is hard to forget:
"Is it you two human traffickers? Sorry, our teahouse is not allowed to enter!"

"What human traffickers! We are guests!"

Ming An roared anxiously with a pale face, deeply feeling that he had been insulted.

The waiter didn't believe it, so he waved his hand to dismiss the two of them and called the security guard in the store by the way.

Yu Ting yelled: "We are customers who come to consume! How can you turn away customers like this!"

The waiter curled his lips quietly, and still drove the two out of the door.

"Our daughter is ahead!"

The couple shouted this sentence one after another.

Gu Lingsi's movements froze, and she really wanted to walk up with her head sullen, pretending not to know the two of them, but she had already been put on fire, and she knew that if she left, it would only make things more embarrassing.

Turned around and went downstairs in a hurry, lowered his head and covered his face: "Sorry, they came with me."

After a pause, he explained again: "I'm not their daughter, I misunderstood."

What else did Ming An Yu Ting want to say.

Gu Lingsi hurriedly said, "What would you like to drink, uncle and aunt?"

This time the couple was led quietly to the second floor.

As soon as the door of the box was closed, Yu Ting began to wipe away her tears, saying that she was complaining, but in fact she was in a strange mood:

"It's said that a son doesn't dislike an ugly bitch and a dog doesn't dislike a poor family. I didn't expect my own daughter to dislike our poor family. I don't even think about how I worked so hard to give birth to her! I have no conscience, no conscience!"

Gu Lingsi's face turned blue and pale, and she couldn't speak for a long time.

Ming An observed her, the smile on his face was inexplicably proud and sure of victory.

He picked the upper chair and sat down, Da Lala leaned back, the loving father he pretended to be at the school gate before was not at all left, and his nature was unreservedly displayed:

"I remember that the best one here is Taiping Houkui. Tell the front desk to serve me a pot! Hey, I was in a hurry last time, so I didn't have a good taste."

"Are you... commanding me?"

Gu Lingsi pointed at herself in disbelief.

Ming An: "Who else could it be if it's not you?"

Gu Lingsi's hands were hanging by her sides, her nails pinching her palms fiercely.

She forced a smile: "Uncle and aunt, I don't know who arranged what in front of you, but I'm sorry, I'm not your daughter, I have a father, a mother and an elder brother, and it has nothing to do with you!"

Ming An shook his legs: "Then do a paternity test."

Gu Lingsi was speechless.

Ming An has long seen her guilty conscience, and he chuckled: "You girl should have known about your own background, otherwise you wouldn't rush to drag us away at the school gate. Do you recognize our poor parents?"

Every word here is like a boulder trying to crush Gu Lingsi. She almost collapsed, and shouted with red eyes out of control: "You are not my parents at all! My father is Gu Qi! My mother is Wein! My brother is Gu Changming!"

But the more Gu Lingsi lost control, the more sure Ming An was able to get her right.

Immediately said to himself: "I heard that the richer people are, the more they pay attention to their own blood. If your mother and I ran to the door of Gu's house to yell, do you think your so-called parents will have doubts and become parents with you?" Appraisal? No matter how much you shout at that time, it will be useless!"

Gu Lingsi grabbed her hair in pain, she never thought that one day she would fall into this situation!

Why did the couple in front of them know her life experience?They obviously didn't know her when they came last time!
Who the hell told them?Ming Dai?
Then this means that Ming Dai knows whose daughter she is...

No, it is impossible for Ming Dai to know!Who would hold back after knowing that she was the daughter of the Gu family?Who can give up the glory and wealth of the Gu family?

Or no one told the couple at all that they were the culprits who carried the wrong child. They knew who she was early on, and they pretended not to know her last time!
What a vicious scheming!

Ming An saw that Gu Lingsi hadn't responded for a long time, and he was about to get up:

"Sure enough, it would be better if both parents come to talk..."

"and many more."

Gu Lingsi covered her head and stopped her abruptly.

Ming An laughed triumphantly: "What's wrong? Changed your mind?"

Gu Lingsi remained silent for a long time before asking, "What do you want?"

"Money! Of course it's a lot of money!" Ming An's greedy eyes flickered wildly, "As a biological daughter, it's not too much to support your parents, right?"

Gu Lingsi clenched her teeth: "How much do you want?"

Ming An said very politely: "It doesn't take much, just a few million."

Gu Lingsi: "How can I have so much money!"

The Gu family has also been going downhill over the years, and they are not financially generous to their children.

Gu Lingsi usually used his father's supplementary card, but now that the card has been suspended, there is only [-] fixed pocket money left every week.

Even with the new year's money she saved from previous years, it's still far from the big sums of several million!
So how does Gu Lingsi satisfy Ming An's lion mouth?

Ming An was immediately upset: "What, how did the Gu family raise their daughter? Not even willing to give a few million pocket money?"

"It's so easy to say, why can't you come up with a few million?" Gu Lingsi's hateful words almost squeezed out from between his teeth.

"I didn't ask you for it because I didn't!" Ming An took it for granted, "And you have to remember, if it wasn't for me and your mother, where would you have the fortune to be the daughter of the Gu family?"

These brazen words made Gu Lingsi stare at Ming An bitterly.

"What are you looking at? Don't want to give it? Yes, then let's talk in front of your current parents!"

Gu Lingsi was in a hurry: "If the truth is revealed, do you really think that the Gu family will let you go?"

"What truth?"

"Didn't you replace the child on purpose?"

Ming An was taken aback for a moment, then burst out laughing.

"We didn't do this. It's your current mother who carelessly carried the wrong child!"

In an instant, Gu Lingsi was struck by lightning, feeling absurd that this world is just a joke.

After learning the truth about her life experience, Gu Lingsi had always imagined her biological parents as heinous people, people who would do anything for the sake of wealth... In the end, it was Wein who carried the wrong child?
(End of this chapter)

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