Chapter 249 Extortion
Gu Lingsi was unwilling to admit it, and immediately retorted:
"It's impossible! If you didn't know anything all these years, how dare you come to me and blackmail me today!"

"Extortion? Don't talk nonsense! Isn't it natural for parents to ask their daughter for some money?"

Ming An yelled in dissatisfaction, those who didn't know thought that his personality had been greatly insulted.

"Say it again! I'm not your daughter!"

Gu Lingsi didn't know how many times to repeat it.

Ming An ignored it:

"If we had known that you were our daughter, would you have lived a stable life until now? But that girl Ming Dai is not her own. It's a pity that the money spent on her over the years has been lost. It's really a big loss!"

Ming An seemed to be bitter about not being able to extract more benefits from Ming Dai.

Gritting her teeth, Gu Lingsi listened and had to admit that Ming An was right.

With the greed and shamelessness of the couple, if they had known the truth earlier, it would be impossible for them to do nothing peacefully.

So the person who holds the wrong child is really...

Gu Lingsi was in a daze, unable to recover for a long time.

"Hey!" Ming An knocked on the table impatiently, urging, "Have you thought about it? How much money can I spend to honor your parents?"

Seeing Qian's open eyes, Ming An made Gu Lingsi hate him so much, but she dared not really refuse.

Because Gu Lingsi knew very well that Ming An would definitely do something to make trouble for the Gu family.

If all the Gu family knew... No!She will never allow this to happen!

Gu Lingsi almost gritted her teeth, and finally took out a bank card from her bag:

"Here is one hundred thousand, the money I have saved over the years..."

Before he finished speaking, Ming An snatched the bank card away.

Ming An didn't think it was much: "Just one hundred thousand? Is the Gu family so poor? When Ming Dai first signed the company and became a star, she was able to give us ten thousand a month!"

Gu Lingsi hated being beaten by Ming Debi the most, so she made a gesture to snatch the card back: "If you don't want it, give it back to me!"

Ming An quickly put the bank card into his pocket, reluctantly: "Okay! Then I'll accept it! What's the password?"

Gu Lingsi: "If you want me to tell you the password, you can answer me a question first."


"Who told you about my existence?"

Ming An hesitantly glanced at Yu Ting beside him.

Thinking that since he didn't specifically tell him, he simply confessed:

"It's the boy I met at the gate of your school last time. His surname is Ning. I don't know what his name is. I heard they are all called Liu Shao."

When Ning Xu was mentioned, Ming An's attitude was obviously awe-inspiring, and it seemed that Ning Xu had completely frightened him.

"Ning Xu?"

This is the answer that Gu Lingsi never expected.

The last time Ning Xu exposed her background in front of her face, Gu Lingsi was so panicked that she was anxious for days, fearing that he would suddenly tell the Gu family the secret.

As a result, several days were spent in fear, but nothing happened. There was no movement from Ning Xu's side, and there was no disturbance inside the Gu family.

This made Gu Lingsi relax a little bit, and even guessed that what Ning Xu said that day was a knife-mouthed bean curd, but in fact, she was still thinking about her kindness, and silently kept it a secret.

She thought it was over.

But now, Ning Xu actually told the Ming family couple directly, and his purpose is also obvious.

So what is he doing?Cat and mouse?
Every time she let her guard down, she dropped the bomb again?

The scariest thing is——

Gu Lingsi has no idea what Ning Xu will do next time, and when will the knife hanging above his head fall...

On the second floor of the Gu family's old house, Gu Lingsi's frail figure was illuminated by a dim lamp. She sat on the bed with her knees hugged, blankly wondering what she was thinking.

No one else in the family came back for dinner tonight, which is normal for the Gu family——

Gu Qi and Gu Changming father and son always have various entertainment and drinking occasions;

In addition to eating with his little sisters, Wein also has concerts, dramas, art exhibitions, shopping and other activities to fill his time, and he will not waste time on a small family dinner.

Gu Lingsi was used to this.

Someone knocked on the door.

Gu Lingsi didn't look up: "I said I won't eat dinner!"

The nanny's voice sounded outside the door: "Miss, sir is back and said he has something to ask you."

Gu Lingsi straightened her back, and her heart skipped a beat.

She thought that today's incident could be concealed from the past... It seems that the scene of Ming An Yuting coming to her at the school gate was still heard by her father.

Gu Lingsi was in a panic for a moment, so anxious that her palms were sweating.

The nanny outside the door was still urging: "Miss?"

Gu Lingsi used the usual gentle tone: "Tell Dad, I'll pack up and go down immediately."


The nanny is gone.

Gu Lingsi tightly held her trembling hand, and repeatedly warned herself:

Don't panic!We must survive this time!
After repeated cheers, Gu Lingsi got off the bed, put on a sweater jacket over her home clothes, and went to the living room as if nothing had happened.

It turned out that not only the father, but also the elder brother and mother were there.

Gu Qi was reading documents on his tablet, and when he saw her coming, he immediately put down his work, with serious eyes, and asked:
"I heard that a couple went to the school gate to look for you today?"

"How would Dad know?"

Gu Lingsi, who was mentally prepared in advance, didn't seem panicked.

Before Gu Qi could speak, Gu Changming answered her gently:

"It was an uncle who asked about it at dinner today, and said he heard it from his daughter who was in No. [-] Middle School. Don't be nervous, Lingsi, Dad didn't mean to question you, but just wanted to care about you."

Gu Qi did not refute.

Wein, who was flipping through a magazine, also had a look of nothing to do with him.

Gu Lingsi took out the excuse she had prepared a long time ago: "The couple are Mingdai's parents. Last time they came to school to look for Mingdai, I helped them once, but they fell for me..."

Gu Lingsi looked helpless.

Gu Changming had no doubts at all: "Why didn't you say something like this earlier?"

Gu Lingsi stopped him: "No brother, we are classmates at the same school after all, I don't want to make the relationship too rigid."

Wein suddenly said at this moment: "Why did Mingdai's parents look for you?"

Gu Qi: "Do you know Ming Dai?"

Wein curled his lips: "It's the very impolite little girl who came to our house last time, the one who made a big splash at the Lingsi school celebration performance last time."

Gu Qi came to a sudden: "So it's her." Even Dai was not happy with the name Ming Dai.

Gu Lingsi observed her parents' reactions cautiously: "It seems that they have a conflict with Ming Dai and want to sever the relationship... Don't worry, Mom and Dad, I will handle this matter well."

Wei Yin couldn't help but sneer at Ming Dai's family relationship.

Gu Qi also warned: "Stop getting involved with this kind of person."

Gu Lingsi lowered her head: "Got it, Dad."

(End of this chapter)

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