Chapter 251

Many bloggers came out to break the news one after another. With more and more fragmented information, netizens finally decoded the complete content——

Ming Dai and Chu Yunping are going to co-star in Yan Jiaxue's double heroine suspense film?
[What are you kidding, it doesn't fit at all. 】

[Chu Yun held his breath for three years and had resources dropped so badly?This is already cut in half! 】

[The director who made a romantic drama switched to a suspense film?Are you crazy or am I crazy? 】

[Is Mingdai's resources a little too good?To make Chu Yunping willing to cooperate? 】

[Little Princess Azure said this! 】

[There is no official announcement, so don't use unwarranted rumors to smear innocent actors, okay? 】

[Chu Yunping's ten-year movie fan said that if Chu Chu is really so blind, she will never be grateful for her fans. 】

[Fans of movie queens need to understand, maybe they came to make money because they got divorced and had no money, people always have to eat. 】


The vast majority of netizens feel that this lineup is outrageously inconsistent with the type of film, and the film is decided.

A small number of netizens focused on the battle between Mingdai's fans and the sunspots. With the role of Chu Jing, Mingdai became famous too quickly, gained a lot of fans, and attracted a lot of sunspots.

After all, the entertainment industry has an acre of three-thirds of land, and those who have a slight collision with Ming Dai are worried that her rise will lead to a sharp drop in resources and opportunities for their own idols. Shouldn't they suppress Ming Dai when she is still fledgling?
There is also a small group of Chu Yunping fans. Although they don't understand Chu Yunping's thoughts, the three years before Chu Yunping held his breath, it really tempered their temper and made this group of fans very Buddhist. Expressing dissatisfaction is mostly silently withdrawing from the circle or trying to dissuade them, and few people swear directly.

After looking at countless pieces of information, I couldn't find a few good comments from netizens.

——The crew who had just arrived in Province J also saw the news.

In the crew meeting room, everyone whispered in private while the director and the protagonists didn't come:

"Look, Director Yan is anticipating this kind of situation, so he hides and doesn't promote it unintentionally."

"Isn't it being exposed by someone now? This person did it on purpose."

"It must be intentional. There are companies behind these bloggers who broke the news. Maybe they just use money to do things!"

"As for who will take the shot, there are too many. The three of our crew are all masters of the show!"

Which three are the masters who attract the wind?

Needless to say, everyone knows it.

of course--

Ming Dai, Chu Yunping, Yan Jiaxue.

"What tree attracts the wind?"

Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao.

Yan Jiaxue pushed the door open, followed by Ming Dai and Chu Yunping.

The people who were discussing in low voices immediately fell silent and got up to greet them.

Yan Jiaxue didn't ask any further questions, and everyone took their seats.

After a while, the producer Bai Ge also arrived, and everyone began to formally discuss tomorrow's shooting and confirm the final preparations.

After the crew was formally established, hundreds of thousands of dollars were burned every day. If the preparations were not perfect, the money, time and energy wasted would be immeasurable. Therefore, before the filming started, everyone had to double check and confirm again. To ensure nothing goes wrong.

Actors like Ming Dai and Chu Yunping are fine, they just need to study their roles well and wait for other arrangements.

This part of the job is the home of producers and directors.

Ming Dai understands Yan Jiaxue's ability, but it's rare for Bai Ge and Ming Dai to see her work status, which is called vigorous and orderly.

I thought that Momo Haw would have a long meeting, but it ended successfully within an hour.

After talking about the main work, the atmosphere became a little more relaxed, and someone boldly asked:
"Director Yan, have you seen the news on the Internet? Someone broke the news about our movie!"


Yan Jiaxue was still a little out of bounds.

The person who spoke had to repeat it again.

This time Yan Jiaxue understood: "I know about this."

As he spoke, he pursed his lips and frowned, his expression became very dignified and serious, those who didn't know thought something big had happened.

The crew members who initially asked became uneasy: "Director Yan, does this issue have a great impact on us..."

Yan Jiaxue kept a straight face: "Well, it's very big."


"Food is the most important thing for the people, what to eat for dinner today is of great importance!"

The meeting room was silent, and a needle could be heard.

Baige rolled his eyes upwards: "This is not funny."

Yan Jiaxue giggled: "Isn't it funny? Is it really not funny? Didn't I want you to relax?"

The others reluctantly pulled the corners of their mouths, and even Ming Dai and Chu Yunping, who hadn't spoken much the whole time, looked at each other helplessly and exchanged glances.

Yan Jiaxue comforted loudly: "Okay, okay, it's not a big deal, isn't it just being questioned? At worst, we can stage a headwind and blind their dog eyes!"

These words touched everyone's heart.

Although it is for salary, who in the film industry does not have the dream of a box office hit and the world's attention?

Seeing that they are bad-mouthing them on the Internet, if they don't understand or be optimistic about them, their morale is especially important.

After Yan Jiaxue yelled loudly, the others followed suit, and I don't know who else yelled——

"30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi! Don't bully the young and poor!"

It made the conference room burst into laughter.

Most of the people here are young people, the oldest is only in his 40s, the atmosphere is harmonious and active.

After the meeting was over, everyone turned to have a dinner, and Ming Dai took the initiative to find Chu Yunping while taking advantage of the gap.

"Mr. Chu, can I talk to you?"

Chu Yunping turned around with a smile.

"You don't need to be so unfamiliar."

"Then... Miss Chu?"

"I'll call you Dai Dai too."

The two happily exchanged names.

Mingdai asked nervously: "Sister Chu, I want to share with you my experience in figure out the role."

After hearing this, Chu Yunping readily agreed: "Of course it's good, the performance will be smoother then, how about finding a place to chat later?"

Ming Dai hastily nodded.

After the dinner party was over, Ming Dai went to Chu Yunping's room and took her script and handbook with her when she returned to the residence that the film crew had rented near the filming location.

Chu Yunping was making tea when he heard Ming Dai knock on the door: "Come in, the door is unlocked."

Ming Dai pushed open the door, saw Chu Yunping standing in front of the tea bar, and greeted her respectfully.

Chu Yunping smiled and stretched out his hand to tell her to sit down quickly: "I don't know what kind of tea you like, but it's a bit late now, so the roses I made were all brought by me. They taste good."

Ming Dai obediently sat down on the sofa: "I don't choose Sister Chu."

Chu Yunping smiled and said nothing, and pushed the teacup in front of Ming Dai.

The complete and large roses spread their petals in the steaming hot water, and the pleasant fragrance wafts out.

Ming Dai's spirit relaxed a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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