Chapter 252 ask for advice
Ming Dai felt that the timing was about right, and put the booklet in her hand on the table:
"Sister Chu, these are some of my thoughts on script writing recently."

After speaking, the already relaxed mood became tense again.

As a junior in acting, it seems that it is the first time for her to communicate face-to-face with a senior like Chu Yunping. It is like a student facing a teacher's test, and it is difficult to calm down.

Chu Yunping should have noticed it, and when he put the rose tea in front of Ming Dai, he smiled slightly, and instead of rushing to get to the point, he asked her:

"Let's taste it. I bought it on a trip to Province Y not long ago. The price is not expensive, but I think it's good to drink. It has a special fragrance and helps you sleep. Ah yes, if you like it, I can give it to you. Have a drink."

"That's so embarrassing!"

Ming Dai herself came here empty-handed, so how can she eat and take both?
But Chu Yunping insisted: "You are an artist of Fangyun. I heard that Fangyun treats you like a sister. That is also my sister. Why not take care of me? Besides, we are close sisters in the movie. both!"

Chu Yunping's words always make people feel comfortable and comfortable, and his emotional intelligence is very high.

Ming Dai couldn't shirk it, so she had no choice but to agree.

After these few words, together with the comfort of rose tea, Ming Dai's nerves relaxed again.

Then Chu Yunping picked up Ming Dai's booklet, and after flipping through it, he found that it was densely packed with words.

"Have you done so much homework?"

"Stupid birds fly first."

Although Ming Dai's acting is often praised now, she feels that she has taken advantage of the extra life. The experience of the previous life has become the foundation of this life, and she has become a very talented actor in the eyes of others.

But Ming Dai knows her true level, so she never hesitates to spend more on it, and goes all out for every preparation.

In the eyes of outsiders, "Twin Lotus" is not a promising work, the cost is low, and the final box office results may not be very good, but Ming Dai still spent a lot of time and energy on it.

This booklet is the best proof.

There are many contents written by Ming Dai in the booklet, but now time is tight, Chu Yunping can't read all of them carefully, so he can only roughly flip through the contents along the lines.

There are materials I consulted, bits and pieces of experience when I read the script, and the perfection and grasp of the character's psychology, which can be said to be comprehensive in all aspects.

Chu Yunping couldn't help but praise: "It's very well written and thoughtful!"

Ming Dai could hear Chu Yunping's incomplete meaning, and hurriedly asked: "Is there anything that needs to be improved?"

Chu Yunping probably didn't expect Ming Dai to be so perceptive: "Actually, it's already great to achieve this level, but from my habits, there may be something lacking."

Chu Yunping did not directly tell Ming Dai what she lacked, but handed her script to Ming Dai to read.

Of course Ming Dai was also curious about what would be written in Chu Yunping’s script, so she took it and opened it—to her surprise, the notes Chu Yunping wrote down were not as many as expected, but only a few in key places. A few words, and the notes before and after string together a complete context, about the past, present and future of the character...

There wasn't much content, Ming Dai finished reading it quickly, and then held the script thoughtfully.

"How about it?"

"My analysis seems to be limited to the script."

Ming Dai found the difference between herself and Chu Yunping.

All the analysis of the characters in her booklet is based on the plot of the script - what is the character's psychology when he says this sentence, what is the emotional connection with other characters, what is the cause of the character...

Although there is a lot of writing, it is too superficial.

Compared with Chu Yunping's script notes, it is really far from it.

Chu Yunping was very relieved to see that Ming Dai understood everything: "What we are going to play is a real person, and what is shown in the script is only the tip of the iceberg. Outside of the script, there are countless hours that make up her life. It has contributed to the development of her character, so we have to consider not only the paper characters in the script, but also what her future will be like, and how she will choose when encountering difficulties. We can even set up some obstacles by ourselves, and then To imagine the reaction of the character after entering this situation..."

Chu Yunping narrated his experiences and ideas.

Ming Dai listened very carefully, she knew that these things were difficult for her acting teacher to teach her, even for other senior actors.

Because acting skills are different for thousands of people, everyone has their own experience, and some have their own ideas, Chu Yunping can say this to Ming Dai, it is definitely a heart-to-heart level.

When she had finished speaking, Chu Yunping still wanted to comfort Ming Dai: "When I first entered the industry, I was far less successful than you. These are all slowly explored. You are young, and you still have infinite possibilities."

Ming Dai nodded solemnly, instead of being frustrated as Chu Yunping was worried about, she became more motivated to fight.

The two matched the scene again according to the script.

Only after Ming Dai had close contact with her did she know why Chu Yunping was able to count as queens at the age of 30.

Chu Yunping didn't use much force, just sat and recited his lines so easily, there was a strong aura controlling the situation from the inside out, so that Ming Dai was led away unconsciously.

Mingdai was a little annoyed after trying twice in a row.

Chu Yunping said: "To find your own rhythm, an actor must have a sense of isolation from the world. It doesn't mean that you are separated from the world, but that you have to immerse yourself in your own world."

Mingdai's memory was touched by these words, and she remembered the death scene of Princess Mingzhu who played in "A Generation of Emperors". At that time, her acting skills were at their peak, and her whole soul was completely immersed, completely forgetting herself.

At that time, she entered the play relying on the plot of the script and the atmosphere of acting skills, but now, she has to find a way to enter this state by herself.

"Yeah, it's almost ten o'clock." Chu Yunping glanced at his watch, "Dai Dai should go back to rest early, and she has to go to the studio to try on makeup early tomorrow morning."

Ming Dai hurriedly got up to say goodbye, and thanked Chu Yunping very much before leaving.

Chu Yunping shook his head and smiled: "Many people think that I quit filming because of my love brain. In fact, this is only a part of the factor. The one thing that really made me decide at the time was that I was acting with a young actor of the younger generation. She has a deep background. , even the director has to pamper and coax her, come to the set every day to memorize the lines, never touch the script too much in spare time, and the director even praises her for her good performance. I thought the actor's future was like a joke at the time, continue Working with this kind of person in the circle, it would be better for me to quit the circle early. But Mingdai, you changed my mind. Now it seems that my original mind was too extreme."

The sincerity in the words made Ming Dai's heart burst with joy.

(End of this chapter)

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