Chapter 253
Tonight's initiative to ask for advice has brought Ming Dai a lot of gains.

After returning to the room, she had a burst of inspiration and sorted out a lot of ideas and recorded them in a booklet. She accidentally stayed busy until late, and almost overslept the next day.

After eating half of the sandwich prepared by Huang Yuanyuan in the car, when she came to the set wearing a plain face, everyone else arrived about the same.

Ming Dai hurried to the dressing room.

Seeing her running over, the styling director smiled and said, "Don't worry, don't worry, you're not late."

The styling director of this drama is also the styling director of "Shining". This is the second time that Ming Dai has worked with her. The highly acclaimed villain's daughter's styling is from her hands, and everyone is familiar with it.

Ming Dai breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, it's not too late."

I touched my head casually, and found that the top of my head was in a mess like a chicken coop, so I quickly scratched it twice with my fingers.

"I've seen it all!" The styling director said with a smile, "Come and sit down, Director Yan said that he will take a makeup photo later. There will be a launching ceremony later."

Ming Dai walked to the makeup mirror and sat down, opened the script and flipped through it.

Ming Dai has already been familiar with the script by heart, no matter which page she turns to, she can smoothly pick up the following plot.

While she was reading the script in peace, the makeup artists began to get busy around her.

The background of the movie is modern, and the makeup and hairstyle are not as complicated as in ancient dramas. In addition, the role played by Ming Dai is required to be as pure and simple as possible, so it doesn't take much time, and the busy one hour is over——

Ming Dai's facial features were already perfect enough, too much makeup would become a burden on her face, so the styling director only asked her to put a thin foundation on her face to even out her skin tone, and to draw her eyebrows.

In addition, because the color of the lips is too bright and delicate, and some excess powder is pressed on, the lips appear sickly pale.

Straight black hair is pinned behind the ears, revealing small white jade-like earlobes. In addition to Ming Dai's slender figure after losing five catties, the chiffon white long dress is so light that a gust of wind can blow her. blow her away.

"It's exactly the feeling I want!" The styling director clapped his hands and exclaimed.

Ming Dai looked up and down in the mirror.

"Our little Tan is very beautiful."

Chu Yunping's voice suddenly sounded at the door.

Xiao Tan is Ming Dai's name in the movie, her full name is Song Tan.

The sister played by Chu Yunping is called Song Qing.

"Sister Chu!" Ming Dai shouted cheerfully.

Chu Yunping came over, smiled and wanted to touch her head.

The hand suddenly stopped: "Ah, you can't mess up the shape, can you?"

The styling director nodded beside him.

Chu Yunping was very sorry.

Then it was Chu Yunping's turn to style. Compared with Ming Dai, Chu Yunping's changes were much greater. Her waist-length hair had to be cut directly into a sassy short hair.

The styling was discussed by Chu Yunping with the styling director and director Yan Jiaxue. The reason for the setting is: Song Qing was busy with his livelihood and had no time to take care of his hair when he was a student, so he simply chose to cut it short. When he grew up and got used to short hair, he kept it .

Correspondingly, the younger sister Song Tan's hair is mainly long hair, one is because of the younger sister's own wishes, and the second is that the older sister always wants to give her what she can't get.

——Although it is only a small hair length, it is full of the embodiment of the character's personality and ingenuity.

When Chu Yunping's styling was over, it was almost time to take makeup photos and posters.

Ming Dai and Chu Yunping walked out together, attracting a lot of attention along the way.

If it weren't for the prohibition of taking pictures in the crew, the clicking sound of the shutter must be indispensable.

When they got near the studio, a figure walked towards the two of them and greeted them respectfully:
"Mr. Chu, Mr. Ming, I'm sorry I didn't arrive until today."

Chu Yunping responded with a good temper.

Ming Dai waved her hands again and again: "Don't call me teacher!"

The other party was very persistent: "I still want it!"

This stubborn man named Xu Ji was the leading actor selected after the audition that day.

Xu Ji was born with a cold and warm face, reserved and not good at speaking, he did not come from a major in college, but was scouted to become an actor after graduating from college, so he entered the industry at an older age than many of his peers.

He has been in the industry for four years, and he is 27 this year. It is a pity that he has not been able to meet the roles that made him famous in one fell swoop. So far, he has only played some side effects.

In the eyes of some people, the leading actor in the movie "Twin Lotus" is an underrated resource, but for Xu Ji, this is the best resource he has come into contact with since his career.

No wonder Xu Ji is always humble, even to Shang Mingdai, a girl who is almost ten years younger than him, he is still very polite.

But what Mingdai knows is that gold always shines.

Just like Chu Yunping next to her, she would come back a year later according to her previous life trajectory, meet a role that suits her, and once again nominate the actress to return to the entertainment industry;

The Xu Ji in front of him will also become popular two years later as the second male lead in a costume drama and become a popular and powerful actor.

You know, Ming Dai recognized Xu Ji at the audition that day, but she didn't deliberately interfere with the audition results.

But in the end Yan Jiaxue and Baige still chose him unanimously.

It can only be said that some things are destiny!
Ming Dai suddenly became more confident in her crew!
"Come here quickly after we're done talking!" Yan Jiaxue yelled with his hands on his hips in the distance.

The three protagonists hurried over, and under the command of the director, they joined a series of shooting including makeup photos and posters.

When the filming was almost done, I recorded a small tidbit that could be released as a promotional material by the way, and it was almost time for the opening ceremony.

Yan Jiaxue is young, and I don’t know where he learned it. He is very superstitious. There are a lot of things that should be in the boot, offering incense and red envelopes, etc., which can be called a sense of ritual.

Ming Dai also got a red envelope, and asked Huang Yuanyuan to help take two photos, which will be uploaded on the Internet as a plog in a few days to distribute benefits to fans.

When the opening ceremony was almost in progress, it suddenly began to drizzle.

The originally orderly studio suddenly became chaotic, and everyone started to pack things in a hurry.

Especially the shooting equipment, costing 10,000+ hundreds of thousands, this kind of precision machine can't stand the rain, if it breaks, the crew will lose a lot of money!

This time, the entire crew has only 7000 million funds. In addition to the filming, we also need to count the follow-up announcements and so on. Every money has to be spent wisely, and there is no room for waste!
In the end, even Ming Dai and other protagonists joined in to help move things, and the carefully groomed looks were also messed up.

Worried with the same superstition: "Is it raining before the opening ceremony is over, is it a bad omen?"

"Bah!" Someone immediately retorted, "It's obvious that you can get rich by seeing water! Our "Twin Lotus" box office is going to explode!"

Sure enough, it is still necessary to use magic to defeat magic, and superstition to defeat superstition!
 There are only 2 chapters today, and I will try to update as soon as possible tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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