Chapter 254

Jiangnan water towns always give people the impression of being gentle and affectionate.

In movies, it is often used as a shooting location for romantic literary films, using a rich and rainy atmosphere to create a sentimental atmosphere between men and women.

But in Yan Jiaxue's lens, the Jiangnan water town is gloomy, cold, and gloomy. The drizzle is as sharp as a needle, and it is full of murderous intent everywhere. People devoured.

The black rocker camera pointed at the running back, the cool Martin shoes stepped on the puddles, and the seemingly slender and well-proportioned long legs possessed unimaginable explosive power. Kicked the back of the fleeing man in front, and suppressed him neatly.

With a flick of short hair, bright eyebrows and eyes are revealed. His eyes are as firm as flaming torches, containing unrivaled beliefs, illuminating one side of the screen like their own light, and becoming the well-deserved center.

Soon someone rushed to help, took out the handcuffs, handcuffed them, and took them away in one go.

The short hair also clapped his hands and got up, and he didn't care if there was a little muddy water on his cheeks, and he casually raised his hand to wipe it away with his thumb.


Yan Jiaxue shouted in satisfaction.

Chu Yunping, who raised his foot and walked halfway, immediately turned around and returned to the group performers, and asked with concern: "Are you all right?"

The kick just now was not a stand-in, but a real kick on the body.

Chu Yunping didn't dare to guarantee his strength, so he hurried forward to apologize.

The group performers waved their hands and smiled wryly: "I specialize in filming fight scenes, so I know how to protect myself... But Sister Chu, with your skills, it's no problem to be a star!"

Chu Yunping smiled and replied, "How do you know that my previous dream was to become the number one female hit star?"

After joking and joking, he walked out of the camera and a vacuum flask landed on the ground in due course.

Chu Yunping turned his head and met Ming Dai's bright eyes.

Raising his hand to touch her head, it was completely the attitude of a biological elder sister doting on her younger sister:

"Isn't it the scene in the afternoon? Why are you here now?"

"Come and see sister Chu! It's amazing!"

Ming Dai sincerely gave Chu Yunping a thumbs up, and grinned with neat white teeth.

Chu Yunping, who was used to hearing compliments, couldn't help but blushed a little when he received such warm and sincere praise, and deliberately said lightly, "It's just a trivial matter."

Ming Dai shook her head: "No! It's really good. I heard that Sister Chu only received five days of martial arts training before going into battle!"

Song Qing played by Chu Yunping is an old criminal policeman. Generally speaking, an excellent female criminal policeman who can achieve this level has to work harder and have stronger abilities than other male criminal policemen. Therefore, one of Song Qing's settings is Excellent skill and super fighting power.

The movie started in a hurry, and the play training only took five days. It is estimated that no one thought that Chu Yunping would hand in such a perfect answer.

After hearing this, Chu Yunping couldn't help laughing: "Dai Dai, you think so highly of me! I'm not a god, how could I have practiced to this point in five days? The last movie I made three years ago, the character She is a chivalrous woman, I have spent half a year practicing fighting scenes, and in the past three years I have occasionally practiced boxing and Sanda with my coach, thanks to this, I was able to shoot without any difficulty today."

"It turned out to be like this!" Mingdai was stunned, but she still felt that Chu Yunping was amazing, "That's the reward for sister Chu's little practice!"

Chu Yunping said eloquently: "Being an actor sometimes pays off for every hard work. In the past, an old senior I worked with, in order to shoot a Go-themed movie, studied with a teacher for a year and participated in an amateur Go competition. He won the championship! In addition to Go, I heard that he can also play archery, guqin, and horseback riding...all of which are close to professional standards. Compared with him, I am nothing."

Ming Dai began to think about it.

Chu Yunping patted her on the shoulder: "Dai Dai, I think you are different from other young actors. You are a calm child, and your achievements will be very high in the future."

Ming Dai couldn't help but pursed her lips shyly: "I will try my best."

"Don't underestimate yourself, believe in your strength. So don't be nervous this afternoon, you know?"

Only then did Ming Dai know that Chu Yunping had noticed her nervousness.

It has been two days since the filming started, and Yan Jiaxue felt that a good and steady opening symbolized the success of the follow-up filming, so the scenes shot in these two days were mainly based on Chu Yunping.

After Ming Dai watched the whole process, she realized the difference between seeing actress-level acting skills on the screen and seeing it in reality. The shock of seeing it directly with her own eyes was like knocking on the soul with a hand.

This made Ming Dai feel the pressure, especially since she will be in the scene this afternoon, the pressure is even heavier.

Chu Yunping's consolation had a certain effect, but unfortunately the effect was limited.

When it was finally Mingdai's first scene in the afternoon, Mingdai's heart was beating wildly.

It's like returning to the feeling of strangeness, anticipation, apprehension and irrepressible feeling when I was filming for the first time.

Before the filming started, Yan Jiaxue took Ming Dai to talk about the play.

"This scene is Song Tan's first appearance. The first impression is very important. She must be a cute and pitiful character to be able to successfully pretend for so many years. Here you only have one line, but the eyes and atmosphere Feeling is more important, you know?"


Ming Dai nodded seriously.

Yan Jiaxue looked at her and smiled suddenly:

"Don't be nervous, I believe in your strength, otherwise I won't be the first to find you with the script."

Instead of relieving the tension, Ming Dai felt that the weight on her shoulders was getting heavier.

Fortunately for Ming Dai, the more nervous she is, the more she can concentrate.

In this scene, Song Qing was slightly injured during the arrest of the prisoner and wanted to go home to change clothes. The hero Qin Yue and two other colleagues accompanied him, ready to pack up and go straight back to the bureau.

It was also at this time that my younger sister Song Tan, who just came back from school, came out of the room and met the hero and several colleagues unexpectedly.

The younger sister, Song Tan, who debuted for the first time, is a weak and pitiful little girl. No one thought that she was the real culprit behind countless murders.

As Yan Jiaxue said, this appearance should be plain, showing Song Tan's superficial characteristics, but also create a unique atmosphere, and not be overwhelmed by the aura of other people, especially Song Qing... This is a big problem.

Ming Dai has seen how natural and light Chu Yunping's acting skills are, and she must show an acting skill that is not inferior to Chu Yunping's in order to be able to stand up to him and not become a foil.

Ming Dai took a deep breath, nervous but also full of energy.

Such a plot has been broken into several parts, and the scene of entering the door has already been filmed.

Now it's Ming Dai's turn.

(End of this chapter)

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