Chapter 258
Relying on a short three-second shot in "A Generation of Emperors", how famous is Ming Dai?

Fanart, Lalang editing, fanfiction... The enthusiasm for the second creation is high, not to mention that these three seconds were made into animations and spread all over the Internet. With a small supporting role, the whole crew took off directly, and the popularity of the trailer almost doubled times!
What's more, he directly analyzed the trailer of "A Generation of Emperors" frame by frame, speculated on the main plot of the TV series, and imagined the love and hatred between the Seventh Prince and Princess Mingzhu.

This is probably the first fire before the broadcast!
Who would have thought that not long ago, the industry generally believed that Ming Dai's popularity with "Shining" was only temporary?

Because no one is optimistic about Ming Dai's follow-up works. They think it's either a supporting role with few roles, or a movie with an unreliable cast. So what if she is beautiful?Once the heat goes down, it's hard to think about it again.

Unexpectedly, Ming Dai's path is to break the conventional path. Even if she is a supporting role with a pitiful role, she can still spark the topic and make everyone's focus on her.

At this time, the crew of "Twin Lotus" also felt that it was time. Taking advantage of this hot wind, they directly opened the official Weibo, and the content of the first blog post was to announce the lineup and launch the first set of makeup posters!
Since it is "Twin Lotus", the core of the makeup poster is Ming Dai and Chu Yunping, the sisters, and even the male protagonist has completely become a foil.

In the poster, the younger sister played by Ming Dai, Song Tan, and the older sister played by Chu Yunping stand with their backs. Both of them looked at the camera casually, but they gave people completely different feelings.

Just from this group of photos, the feeling that the movie wants to bring out immediately came out!
Thanks to this group of posters, countless netizens and fans poured in, causing the number of fans on the official Weibo to exceed [-] immediately, and they rushed towards [-]——

[I believe in Chu Yunping's vision, the movies she likes are definitely right! 】

[A generation of movie queens finally bowed their heads for money, so what is Ming Dai's background? 】

[Her background is our hardcore fans!With Mingdai's face, it's strange if she isn't popular, okay? 】

[I just came over after watching the trailer of "Emperor", and saw Ming Dai in "Twin Lotus", wow, it's so hard to choose! 】

【Am I the only one who thinks this set of posters looks like a suspense movie?I was a little skeptical of the director's ability at first, but now I seem to be looking forward to it! 】

[The director who is famous for the bloody romance drama does not mean that he can only shoot the bloody romance drama, okay?I believe this movie will give people a refreshing feeling! 】

[Is it being filmed now?I really want to go to the theater to see it tomorrow, what should I do? 】


There are occasional negative comments in the comment area, but it is much better than when the blogger who broke the news came out to talk a while ago.

"I saw the comment section of your new movie official announcement, it's much better than expected."

Xia Ling's voice came through the phone with a thick nasal voice.

Ming Dai heard her distressed, coaxing softly:

"Okay, I know you care about me, but shouldn't you take more rest? Did you still have a fever?"

"Well, it's more than 39 degrees, but the family doctor came and gave a fever-reducing injection, and it's already much better...Who would have thought that I would still be sick at this moment?"

Xia Ling complained angrily, feeling very sorry.

Ming Dai in turn advised her:
"It's okay, it's the same when you come back after you recover from illness."

When Xia Ling and Ming Dai made an appointment to wait for the winter vacation, they wanted to visit Ming Dai on the set.

Seeing that the Spring Festival is just around the corner, with the huge family size of the Xia family, Xia Ling must be busy at the time of introduction. Finally, after a discussion, the time was set for today. Xia Ling will arrive in Province J by plane, and Ming Dai also agreed that she will pick her up at the airport in person. They are ready to ask Director Yan for leave.

But at the moment of departure, Xia Ling was knocked down by a bad cold. Not to mention his fever was over 39 degrees, his hands and feet were so weak that he couldn't even get up.

In this state, it is definitely not possible to take a plane. The trip is temporarily canceled and Xia Ling has to wait for Xia Ling to reschedule the visit time. I am afraid that he will have to wait for the bad cold to get better.

The problem is that illnesses come and go like a mountain, and go away like silk. How can it be easy to nourish them until they are completely cured?
Xia Ling sighed, afraid that she would not get better by the time of the Spring Festival, and then the plan would really be ruined.

"No, no, you'll get better soon!"

Ming Dai coaxes her friend patiently.

Xia Ling who was sick was very fragile. She changed her usual demeanor of a cold and aloof lady, and became clingy and coquettish like a child.

Now hearing Ming Dai coaxing her, she complained even more:
"Originally, I prepared a gift for you, but I packed it up and brought it today... This damn cold!"

"Isn't it the same to give it in a few days? You take good care of your illness, get well soon, and you can give me the gift soon!"

When Ming Dai softened her voice, it smelled sweet and sweet like cotton candy, soothing people to drowsiness.

Xia Ling couldn't help but yawned, and at the same time did not forget to say:
"But this gift is a snack I specially prepared for you. It can be stored for two or three days at most, and it will be broken in a few days! This is made by the retired master chef of Ronghuazhai. It is rarely eaten. There is no such store in this village!"

"Then why don't you help me eat it?"

Ming Dai smiled.

"No, I will give it to you if I say I want to give it to you. Well, I will find a way to send it to you."


Mingdai happily agreed, and comforted Xia Ling to take medicine and rest well.

"The director is calling me, so I went to work?"

"Well, let's go."

Xia Ling hung up the phone, grabbed the tissue again, and blew his nose hard.

Mother Lingxiu came in with porridge and hot water, and couldn't help laughing at her:
"You're really a weak baby when you're sick? You know how to act like a baby with Dai Dai!"

"I'm happy!"

Xia Ling wrinkled her nose, feeling a little complacent.

"You." Ling Xiu laughed, "Take the medicine first."

While Xia Ling threw the pill into her mouth, she didn't forget to think about how to send the gift to Ming Dai.

Ling Xiu asked: "Is Dai Dai filming in Sioux City?"

Xia Ling answered absent-mindedly: "Yes."

"Isn't your little uncle going there? Tell him to take it for you along the way."

Ling Xiu just said it casually.

But Xia Ling seemed to have listened, and actually thought seriously:
"Little uncle? Well..."

The effect of the cold medicine was surging, making Xia Ling's head dizzy.

If it was when his mind was clear, Xia Ling would rather ask his assistant to make a special trip than ask his little uncle.

But now Xia Ling is in a half-drowsy state after taking cold medicine, and his mind has gone wrong, so he nodded along with his mother's words:

"I'll call and ask."

(End of this chapter)

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