Chapter 259 Investors

Ming Dai hung up the phone and walked towards Yan Jiaxue.

"Director, did you call me?" Wasn't it her role?

Holding the phone, Yan Jiaxue scratched his head irritably: "Investors may come to the set later, so I'll let you know in advance."

"Investor?" The confused Mingdai caught a glimpse of the complex emotions on Yan Jiaxue's face, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration, "Is there something wrong with this investor?"

Yan Jiaxue was startled at first, thinking that some news had been missed.

But seeing Ming Dai's probing and inquiring eyes, she realized that Ming Dai should only be guessing, and immediately waved her hands with a forced smile:

"What's the problem? This investor is quite famous in the circle, a super rich man! It's just a matter of sprinkling water for our small crew of less than [-] million yuan!"

The more relaxed Yan Jiaxue said, the more suspicious Ming Dai became.

I didn't notice it before, but now that I think about it carefully, I feel that something is wrong:
"No, Sister Bai didn't come to the set for two days. Before that, she would come to the set to watch every day. It's unreasonable."

Ming Dai's tone was not a question, but an affirmation.

Even Yan Jiaxue had to be annoyed at Ming Dai's oversensitivity, which made him unable to hide it even if he wanted to.

He insisted on insisting, "It's okay! It's really okay! Don't worry!"

Ming Dai put on a stern face: "Director Yan! We are all part of the crew, if there is any problem, let us know, can't we solve it together?"

Yan Jiaxue didn't have so many twists and turns in his head, and subconsciously replied: "If you say it, it won't disturb the morale of the army... Ugh!"

Ming Dai knew it!
"Then tell me, can you? Doesn't this movie still have my investment?"

When talking about the salary of this movie, what Mingdai got was salary + bonus.

It just so happened that Mingdai received a few business promotional rewards at that time, and she had some spare money, so she simply invested all of the millions in the movie, plus the box office dividend she negotiated, Mingdai now has a total of 5% of the box office Dividends are more or less regarded as minority shareholders of "Twin Lotus".

It's just that the news was kept under wraps, except for Yan Jiaxue Baige and a few high-level officials, no one else knew about it.

Therefore, when Ming Dai mentioned box office dividends, even Yan Jiaxue couldn't say no to it.

He bowed his head and thought for a moment, then sighed and said:

"Then let me tell you, don't tell others for now."

"Don't worry, I won't tell you."

"Isn't the total investment of our film 7000 million? Only 1000 million of it was invested by me, you, and a few other small shareholders, and the remaining 6000 million was invested by an investor named Wang Lei. This Wang Lei is a The rich man who Ge spent a lot of effort to attract is very famous in the circle, and he has been included in many film investment projects."

Speaking of this, Yan Jiaxue also mentioned the other film investment projects of the investor surnamed Wang, all of which are successful films well-known to the public, which is enough to show the unique vision of the investor Wang Lei.

So all along, Yan Jiaxue and Baige were very relieved, and never thought about what would go wrong.

Ming Dai: "...Is something wrong now?"

Yan Jiaxue messed up his hair in annoyance: "Isn't the investment fund all in batches? The original plan was to give 2000 million in the early stage, 3000 million during the filming, and 1000 million in the final promotion period... Now the crew is preparing, machinery and equipment, advance salary These expenses have almost spent the 2000 million that arrived in the account, and the mid-term 3000 million should be paid according to the time, but there has been no movement from the investors."

Yan Jiaxue thought that this movie would encounter many difficulties, but the difficulties he imagined would appear after the film was shot and before it was released, and he was fully prepared even if there would be bad reviews in the early stage of the release!

But no matter what, he never thought about it. Now that the filming has just started, a good crew is about to fall into the sand!

After Ming Dai heard it, she also realized the seriousness of it.

"Could it be that there is a problem with the investor's funds?"

"Baige and I were also skeptical, but Baige didn't find out anything in the past two days. On the contrary, the investor suddenly said today that he would come to the crew to have a look and give the 3000 million. And I always feel that he came There is nothing good about this trip."

The problem Yan Jiaxue encountered recently was not as simple as what was covered in a few words today.

Seeing that the funds were stretched, the investor's attitude was vague, and there was always a sense of deliberately hanging on to Qiao. Even now that he said that he would come to the set for inspection in person, Yan Jiaxue still couldn't feel at ease.

But seeing Ming Dai frowning slightly, with a worried expression on her face, Yan Jiaxue didn't want her to worry.

So I deliberately said in a relaxed tone: "Sure enough, I don't know that eggs can't be put in one basket! Don't worry, I will ask Baige to contact other investors in the next two days, and I can't always let the initiative be in the hands of others." One person's hands, isn't it?"

Ming Dai knew it was not that simple.

She wasn't real, she had been in the entertainment industry for ten years in her previous life, and Ming Dai also saw a lot of people's feelings. It seemed that halfway through the filming of a drama, there were quite a few investors who directly broke the contract and ran away.

After all, film and television projects are known as "nine losses and one profit", which means that out of ten projects, nine will lose money and only one will make money. When some investors are not satisfied with the shooting progress and worry about losing money, they will stop in time. Reduce sunk costs.

Ming Dai thought, for Yan Jiaxue, compared to the investor whose capital chain is broken and has no money to continue investing, the investor is not optimistic about the temporary decision to withdraw the capital... I am afraid that the blow will be even greater!

I just don't know what this Wang Lei investor thinks.

So Ming Dai also concealed her worry, and said in a relaxed tone on purpose:
"Well, it's a big deal. I asked Sister Su to suggest Weilan Entertainment to participate in the investment. Didn't everyone say that I am the little princess of Weilan?"

Everyone knows that Weilan now attaches great importance to Mingdai, a rising star, and strongly promotes Mingdai as the signboard of Weilan in the future. It is really not difficult to invest tens of millions in making a movie for Mingdai.

It's just that accordingly, Ming Dai will definitely lose her current freedom to take plays, and the company will intervene more forcefully in her career planning.

Yan Jiaxue also understood the rules behind it, but no one said anything about it.

Yan Jiaxue raised his eyebrows: "Then maybe we will have to rely on you, little princess, in the future!"

With her hands behind her back, Ming Dai proudly puffed out her chest, "It's easy to say! It's easy to say!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, and the worry about investment seemed to dissipate.

In the afternoon, Ming Dai finally met this mysterious investor, who was said to be Wang Lei, a well-known rich man in the circle!
The man looked to be in his 40s, with black and yellow skin, a slightly fat body, and he smiled like a Maitreya. He seemed to believe in Buddhism, with precious small-leaf red sandalwood beads on his neck and hands, and he was playing with two Wenwan walnuts in his palm, saying He spoke slowly in anger.

(End of this chapter)

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