Chapter 263

Ning Shu reluctantly showed a faint smile on his indifferent face, and he would not refuse the wine handed to him.

No one thought that Ning Shu looked down on them coldly, but they knew how rare it was.

Simply follow Wang Lei, a topic that interests the Fourth Young Master.

"Speaking of Director Yan's son, is the director in the group behind Wang Lei just now named Yan?"

"That's right, it's him. Not many people know about it! You all have to help keep it secret!"

"It's easy to say! This little director Yan made a drama some time ago, and my daughter followed him like a fan every day. She also likes an actress in it. What's her name Ming?"

"Ming Dai, that girl is so beautiful, just wait a few more years and she will definitely be a beautiful woman! Well, she was among those people just now, and Director Yan's new movie is cooperating with her." .”

"There is also Chu Yunping. I saw her just now. I think I was also a fan of Chu Yunping's movies back then. Unfortunately, I didn't find a chance to say hello to her just now."


All the people sitting at this table are men, and they get very excited when they talk about women, coupled with the stimulation of alcohol, the words they use to the female stars in the entertainment industry are inevitably contemptuous, a bit critical.

Seeing these people have become more and more excited.

At this moment, someone suddenly noticed Ning Shu in the main seat, and his expression changed subtly.

There was a chill in the deep eyebrows and eyes, and the dark eyes were heavy, unable to distinguish between emotions and anger.

The clever and winking ones stopped talking tactfully, secretly speculating in their hearts whether Ning Shu had something to do with Ming Dai or Chu Yunping.

But out of the dozen or so people present, there were two or three who were drinking and couldn't see the situation clearly. They continued to comment on the female star, and their words became more and more excessive:
"Ming Dai and Chu Yunping, one is immature and young, the other is mature and charming, they are both beauties, it seems that Wang Lei is really blessed, no wonder they both want to invest in the entertainment industry!"

"Isn't it? Even I want to enjoy this blessing!"


In addition to rambunctious nonsense, Ning Shu pressed the wine glass with his fingertips, lowered his brows and eyes, and his anger gathered like dark clouds.

And the two people who were talking didn't notice it until someone else couldn't stand it and tried to interject:
"Hey, you two drank too much, so talk less."

"Why drink too much? I didn't drink too much! I still want to toast Si Shao!"

As he spoke, the man held the wine glass in both hands, and handed it to Ning Shu with a flattering smile.

Ning Shu drank his wine just now, which made him feel a little smug.

Now he thought that Ning Shu would also take the glass of wine.

But it didn't.

Ning Shu glanced at the wine glass lightly, as if ice had been scraped, it was bitingly cold:

"No, I can't afford this wine."

These words were like a basin of cold water poured on the face, which made the other person tremble all over, and realized something was wrong after a while.

"Four young masters..."

"What were we talking about just now?"

Ning Shu personally asked the topic, so there is no reason for others not to join in.

So those who were not good-looking were logically pushed aside in the cold, and everyone else catered to Ning Shu.

The bold ones brought up Ming Dai and Chu Yunping again.

When Ning Shu heard Chu Yunping's name, he didn't respond coldly.

But when he heard the word 'Ming Dai', especially when he heard the compliments from others, he probably didn't even notice the gentleness in the corners of his eyes and brows.

Everyone at the table knew it immediately!

at this time.

Ming Dai reacted quickly, moving as nimbly as a cat, and nimbly got out of Wang Lei's alcohol-smelling range, keeping a distance from him.

Her tone was slightly cold: "I am young, so I dare not take this compliment."

Wang Lei didn't seem to notice, insisting on taking Ming Dai to drink.

Chu Yunping stood up in time and slightly raised the volume: "Mr. Wang, Ming Dai is in high school, how can she drink?"

Bai Ge and Yan Jiaxue, who were "trapped" by Wang Lei's secretary assistants, heard it, and immediately found an opportunity to sneak over, surrounded Wang Lei, and insisted on dragging him back to drink.

Seeing the stalemate in the atmosphere, Wang Lei became a little annoyed. He completely forgot that he had just patted his chest and promised to settle the investment. Instead, he said: "The 3000 million is not impossible to talk about."

Baige and Yan Jiaxue suddenly became in a bad mood, and they had already guessed what the other party was going to say.

Sure enough, Wang Lei's next sentence was: "Let Ming Dai drink this glass of wine."

Wang Lei, who had been pretending to be a good person all day, finally tore off his disguise and revealed his true colors.

Baige vetoed it flatly: "The little girl can't drink, I'll drink for her!"

As he spoke, he picked up the glass of wine and drank it down.

Ming Dai didn't have time to stop her.

But Wang Lei smiled and remained silent, just poured Ming Dai another glass of wine, completely ignoring Bai Ge's actions.

Baige's face was so ugly that it was about to drip water.

Chu Yunping stood up again: "It's still me..."

Before he finished speaking, Yan Jiaxue, who was silent, suddenly picked up his wine glass and splashed it on Wang Lei's face!
There was an uproar all around!
"Dog! I have endured you for a long time!"

Ming Dai was surprised by Yan Jiaxue's agitation, and quickly stretched out her hand to hold him.

The transparent wine trickled down Wang Lei's face and onto his shirt, looking very embarrassed, his eyes turned red under the dual stimulation of alcohol and anger, and he was furious on the spot:
"How dare you pour wine on my face? I think you really don't want your investment money anymore!"

"If you don't want it, then don't! I don't think you have any sincerity, so why don't I announce the termination of cooperation first! Let me tell you, we kicked you out of the game, idiot!"

Yan Jiaxue, who started playing punk rock in his teens, is really not a good-tempered and docile guy. It is not easy to bear Wang Lei to this day. At this moment, the rebelliousness and stubbornness in his bones are almost leaking out!

It's not enough to pour wine now, roll up your sleeves and prepare to beat Wang Lei up, Mingla can't hold back!
Of course, Wang Lei's bodyguards couldn't just stand by and rush up quickly!

The young guys in the crew who had been upset for a long time also rushed forward to help!
There was a moment of chaos in the box!Some dishes and chopsticks were overturned directly to the ground!

This movement caught the attention of the waiter in the corridor, who rushed in to stop it, and called the security guard along the way.

This time things really got serious, the guests in the nearby boxes heard the movement, and they all poked their heads out to look.

Ning Shu's box also heard the voice, someone went out to have a look, and said in surprise after returning:
"It's Wang Lei's box! He seems to be fighting with Director Xiao Yan!"

It turned out that Ning Shu, who had nothing to do with himself, suddenly stood up and walked out quickly.

The others looked at each other in blank dismay, realizing something, and hurriedly followed.

In the surging crowd, Ming Dai was so dizzy that she almost couldn't tell who was in front of her.

At this time, a hand grabbed her forearm and pulled her over.

(End of this chapter)

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