Ming Dai felt that when her eyes blurred, the people around her changed. It was no longer the impulsive crew colleagues, but a group of well-dressed young and middle-aged men, all of them looked at her with concern, as if she was theirs. Get close to the younger generation.

"Miss Ming, are you okay?"

"You should stay away, it's too dangerous, don't get hurt!"


Under their concern, there was uncontrollable curiosity and scrutiny.

After standing still, Ming Dai settled down, and finally looked at the man who had not let go of her forearm, seeing the strange expression on his face, she was slightly startled.

Ning Shu's brows were still full of anger, worry and anxiety rolled in his eyes, his fingers were as strong as steel to hold her firmly, and he asked straight away:

"Are you injured? Why are you standing there stupidly and don't know how to avoid it?"

Looking at his attitude, Mingdai knew why those people behind him had such gossipy and concerned expressions.

Ming Dai thought it was funny, she broke free from him with all her strength, and took half a step back to create a clear distance.

The tone was even more unfamiliar and alienated: "Why is Mr. Ning here?"

In the noisy environment, Ming Dai's attitude was like a glass of cold water in the face, and Ning Shu's head, which was dazzled by anger, instantly sobered up.

He couldn't help being dazed, as if he just realized what he had done on impulse.

Just like Ming Dai's resistant attitude now, she is questioning him clearly——

'What is Mr. Ning's position to care about me? '


That's right, they have nothing to do with each other, the only connection is with his younger brother Ning Xu, and that is definitely not happy.

So what is he doing now?How could he rush to care about her before acting rationally?

Ning Shu was caught by himself, and couldn't recover for a long time.

Ming Dai observed the changes in his expression, and couldn't help showing sarcasm.

Suddenly, the noise behind him grew louder.

Wang Lei, who was constantly cursing, grabbed the decanter full of red wine on the table and wanted to throw it in the direction of Yan Jiaxue, but Wang Lei slipped his hand carelessly, and the decanter missed its aim and flew in another direction instead.

As soon as Ming Dai turned her head, she watched helplessly as the long-necked glass decanter hit her face!

Ning Shu didn't have time to continue to think deeply, after subconsciously shouting, he wanted to reach out and pull Ming Dai away.

But he pulled it out.

Because Ming Dai reacted faster than him, she easily dodged the flying wine decanter by bending her knees and waist.

But Ning Shu was not so lucky, he was so focused on meeting La Mingdai that he forgot that he was also exposed to danger.

So when Ming Dai dodged, the decanter slammed straight at him. By the time he realized it, it was already too late. The red wine just turned over and drenched him from head to toe!
The crowd who followed Ning Shu exclaimed:

"Four young masters!"

Ning Shu's forehead quickly became red and swollen, the wound was slightly broken, and the wound was not too big, but the dripping red wine flowed down his hair, cheeks and jaw line, which looked like blood at first glance, very eye-catching and amazing!

This change stunned everyone in the box. They had never thought that they would hurt anyone by making such a noise before!

Especially the culprit, Wang Lei, woke up from the rage, and when he recognized the identity of the embarrassed man surrounded by him, his hands and feet became weak almost instantly and he almost fell to his knees on the ground!

Ning Shu's jaw line was tense, and he raised his hand to press the forehead, his eyes were so painful that he could not open them due to the alcohol.

The people who came around were caring, those who cursed, and those who called doctors called doctors, but Ning Shu ignored them.

Enduring the pain in his eyes, he looked down and saw Ming Dai who was obviously stunned.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine." Ming Dai shook her head, "Mr. Ning, what are you doing?"

Ning Shu's Adam's apple rolled, and he was stunned for a moment.

Immediately, as if he had found an excellent excuse, he said, "Be careful, lest Xiaoxu worry."

Ming Dai: "My business has nothing to do with him."

Ning Shu raised his eyes, hesitant to speak.

But when he moved, the wine on his eyelashes accidentally dripped in, causing him to grunt in pain.

Ming Dai hesitated for a moment, looked around, and finally took out a tissue from her coat pocket and handed it over.

Ning Shu accepted it.

After wiping off the alcohol on his face, the stinging eyes were relieved a lot.

Finally, he was free, passed the concerned crowd, and glanced at Wang Lei coldly.

Wang Lei was so frightened that his whole body trembled.

"Fourth, Fourth Young Master... are you okay..."

Wang Lei's voice was trembling because of fear, and he was no longer as arrogant as when he was swearing just now.

Ning Shu snorted: "Mr. Wang has a big temper."

Wang Lei wished he could kneel and kowtow to Ning Shu on the spot!

I can't wait to go back in time, I didn't appear here at all!

Sure enough, it's the unfavorable age of the year that violates the Tai Sui, even hitting someone can miss the crown prince's head!
"Fourth Young Master, I was blind and didn't see you standing there! But I really didn't do it on purpose! Please don't remember the villain! Please forgive me this time!"

Regardless of the strange stares of the people around him, Wang Lei apologized to Ning Shu humbly.

How could Ning Shu easily expose this?

Someone behind me just said, "Fourth Young Master, the doctor is here, and he's in the corridor."

Without saying a word, Ning Shu raised his foot and planned to leave.

Before leaving, the footsteps stopped.

Looking sideways at Ming Dai: "You are with me."

How could Ming Dai agree?She stepped back without hesitation, shook her head firmly and refused: "No need."

Ning Shu had no choice but to tell her, "Then be careful yourself."

The group of people who followed Ning Shu knew Ning Shu's temper well, and they didn't get angry when they saw him being slapped in the face in public. He politely called her Teacher Ming, and said he liked her TV series.

Ming Dai has just acted in a TV series, and the viewers are mainly young people. The people here are basically young and middle-aged people, and what she said is a bit too false. Ming Dai is not very cold, and her attitude is cold.

Wang Lei looked at all this and was dumbfounded.

He finally knew why Ning Shu appeared here, and why he didn't give himself a good face.

When Ning Shu and his party left, Wang Lei hesitated for a while, thinking that someone had to tie the bell to untie it, so he stood in front of Ming Dai decisively, bent down deeply, and said to her:
"Mr. Ming, it's because I don't know Taishan with my eyes. Don't care about it like I do! What I said just now is because I was drunk and confused, and I definitely didn't mean to offend you!"

Ming Dai saw that the other party turned his face like flipping through a book, and his mood didn't fluctuate much.

She has seen this kind of people a lot, they tend to follow suit, and they are able to bend and stretch.

Apologizing to her now is only for Ning Shu's sake.

Ming Dai turned sideways: "You don't need to apologize to me."

Wang Lei has not had time to be happy.

"I can't stand the apology."

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