Chapter 266 Longevity Lock

What Ning Shu is doing now, I'm afraid even he doesn't know.

He just stopped the driver subconsciously, turned around subconsciously, and subconsciously wanted to make sure Ming Dai was okay.

It is also now, after a short period of confusion and hesitation, Ning Shu seemed to have found a suitable reason, and said smoothly:

"When Wang Lei came to me, he bowed his head and admitted his mistake, and said that he was willing to pay off the follow-up investment of your film unconditionally, but I think this matter has something to do with you, and you should tell me how to deal with it."

"Then please tell Mr. Wang, and you won't need to invest in the future."

Sue for peace and then expose the matter, of course, there is no need.

After the conversation with Yan Jiaxue and the others just now, Ming Dai has confirmed everyone's attitude.

There is really no need to continue to cooperate with people like Wang Lei. Now he gave in because of Ning Shu's power. What about after that?

So on this matter, Ming Dai was not ambiguous at all, she refused cleanly.

After finishing speaking, he added: "If there is nothing else..."

Ming Dai didn't really want to talk to Ning Shu much.

Unexpectedly, Ning Shu pondered for two seconds, then suddenly said: "Wang Lei's investment, how about I take it over?"

Ming Dai was caught off guard by the question, and was a little stunned: "Huh?"

"I will take over the 2000 million investment in his hand, and I will be responsible for the subsequent investment of your crew. In addition, I will add an additional 1000 million investment."

It seems that Ning Shu and Wang Lei have a clear understanding of the investment, even how much money was invested in the early stage and how much money will be needed in the follow-up.

His proposal was also quite generous. Given his personality, it would definitely be credited in one go, and the additional investment of 1000 million was enough to make the entire crew of "Twin Lotus" much more relaxed.

Moreover, Ming Dai knew very well that Ning Shu was deeply involved in film and television investment, and had his shares in the three major platforms. In addition, he had extensive contacts with many bigwigs in the circle.

If he really participated in the investment, this network alone would be enough to bring many benefits to the film.


"It's not necessary."

Ming Dai still refused, and didn't want to get too involved with Ning Shu.

She said quickly: "Mr. Ning should be all right? If so, I'll take a step first."

Then he nodded, and before Ning Shu could answer, he raised his foot and planned to leave.

"and many more."

Ning Shu's first reaction was to go to La Mingdai.

This time Ming Dai avoided Ning Shu's hand directly, frowning at him.

Ning Shu tightened his fingers and pressed his eyebrows a little irritably.

"You refused because of me?"

Ming Dai didn't speak.

Ning Shu took it as her acquiescence.

"It's true that there was not much quarrel between us, but it's too naive for you to act like this."

Ning Shu's chin was slightly closed, looking at Mingdai's helpless eyes, it was like looking at a vexatious child who acted on his temper.

He began to analyze the pros and cons, directly stating the benefits of investing in the crew.

And persuaded Ming Dai: "Although you are also a part of the crew, should you ask your director and producer about this kind of thing? What if they think differently from you?"

When he said this, Ning Shu felt a strong sense of conviction.

It was as if Yan Jiaxue and Bai Ge were determined to make the opposite choice to Ming Dai for the sake of real interests.

Ming Dai took a deep look at Ning Shu.

Ning Shu felt a little uncomfortable, always felt that there were too many things in Ming Dai's eyes, but he couldn't read them.


"Why did Mr. Ning help us?"

Ming Dai asked Ning Shu a very crucial question.

Yes, with Ning Shu's capital, investing in "Twin Lotus" is definitely not out of self-interest, but his selfishness, which is to help Ming Dai and the others.

Ning Shu was stunned.

Ming Dai put her hands in her coat pockets, glanced at Ning Shu casually, and continued:
"As Mr. Ning said, a mature and rational person will only use interests as a reference for making choices. Is Mr. Ning's current behavior immature and irrational?"

Ning Shu was speechless for a moment.

Then, the reason that had been repeated thousands of times in his mind emerged, making Ning Shu blurt out:

"It's because of Xiaoxu!" Ning Shu paused, and his words became more and more smooth, "Of course it's because of Xiaoxu, I don't want my brother to be troubled because of you."

"So Mr. Ning should let him draw a clear line with me. Isn't the current behavior putting the cart before the horse?"

Ming Dai stopped Ning Shu.

It was only now that he discovered that Ming Dai was so eloquent that he couldn't answer a single word.

He even asked himself - is it really just because of Xiaoxu?
Ning Shu's eyes fell on Ming Dai's face.

In the dense night, the bright and bright lights of the hotel behind her outline her outline, her bright eyes and white teeth are as bright as spring flowers, and the stars in the sky are reflected in her eyes.

His heart moved slightly, and Ning Shu's thought that had been suppressed for a long time suddenly popped up, and he asked without thinking:

"Isn't it really you?"


Ming Dai was a little confused by the question.

Ning Shu realized what he said, and his lips were tightly pursed into a line.

But the thirst for truth overwhelmed all.

Ning Shu finally asked:

"Didn't you really see a longevity lock when you were a child? It is pure gold inlaid with jade, engraved with auspicious lotus patterns, and there is a word 'shu' at the bottom."

"How could I have seen..."

Ming Dai's voice suddenly stopped, her brows were furrowed, and her long memories rolled over.

She found that she had actually seen the longevity lock that Ning Shu mentioned!
But it's not in her own place, but in the hands of Gu Lingsi in her previous life!
At that time, Gu Lingsi approached Ming Dai, and said with a guilty face that he would be engaged to Ning Shu, and said that this was the decision of the two families, and no one could control it, with a very helpless tone.

Ming Dai was shocked by this fact, found it absurd and funny, and was even more lost in Gu's family's choice, her parents didn't think about herself at all.

In a daze, Ming Dai caught a glimpse of Gu Lingsi wearing a longevity lock, which didn't match her elegant Morandi color scheme, but Gu Lingsi seemed to like it very much.

Seeing that Mingdai found the longevity lock, Gu Lingsi raised her hand to caress it, and said with a smile:
'Is it good looking? '

Ming Dai nodded vaguely at that moment, but her mind was not on the longevity lock.

But recalling it now, Ming Dai found that the longevity lock hanging around Gu Lingsi's neck was exactly the same as what Ning Shu had described!
The only thing that can't be confirmed is whether the word "Shu" is engraved on the bottom... But Mingdai thinks that Gu Lingsi's longevity lock is probably the longevity lock that Ning Shu said, otherwise it would be impossible to explain Gu Lingsi's well-dressed Why would you wear such an incongruous piece of jewelry on that day?

Ming Dai is also stupid, she didn't even see Gu Lingsi's intention to show off hidden under her superficial helplessness.

(End of this chapter)

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