Chapter 267

Ning Shu caught Ming Dai's pause.

Intense joy enveloped him in an instant, and even he himself couldn't explain why he was so happy!

"Have you seen it? Have you seen it? So you really are..."

"I haven't seen it."

Ming Dai interrupted Ning Shu's successive inquiries.

She is not lying.

After all, it was a previous life to see the longevity lock. At the current point of time, she has not seen the longevity lock yet.

Seeing her categorical denial, Ning Shu didn't want to believe it: "But you hesitated just now?"

Ming Dai casually said: "I was reminiscing, and then confirmed, I haven't seen the longevity lock you mentioned."

Ning Shu's face sank, and the original joy quickly faded like a tide. This huge contrast made him feel bad and lost.

Ming Dai deliberately asked: "Is this longevity lock something very important?"

Ning Shu didn't speak, her black eyes were gloomy.

Ming Dai didn't seem to notice: "Before, Mr. Ning asked me where I lived for 12 years. Could it be that this longevity lock has something to do with that incident?"

With Ning Shu's mood at the moment, he was obviously unwilling to answer Ming Dai's question, and his tone was very cold: "This has nothing to do with you."

Ning Shuyue said it was irrelevant, Ming Dai wanted to ask!
She directly ignored Ning Shu's black face, and guessed: "Could it be that Mr. Ning met a little girl 12 years ago, and her palm happened to have red moles like mine, and Mr. Ning also gave his long life The lock was given to her, now Mr. Ning is looking for her, right?"

Ning Shu remained silent.

Ming Dai: "Who is she to you? A childhood sweetheart? A lifesaver?"

Ning Shu's tone was cold: "You are indeed an actor."

"It turned out to be a life-saving grace."

Ming Dai suddenly realized, her eyes were full of sarcasm.

If it was a guess last time, then this time it is certain——

Therefore, in his previous life, Ning Shu might have used Ming Dai's red mole on his palm to unilaterally think that she was the little girl he was looking for. He made friends with her, took good care of her, and spoiled her like a princess...

Until he found out that he had identified the wrong person, and that the longevity lock as a token was actually in Gu Lingsi's hands, and Gu Lingsi was the girl he was looking for.

He was furious, thinking that Ming Dai had cheated him by throwing her from the cloud into the mud, and decisively decided to get engaged to Gu Lingsi.

... What a big pot of dog blood.

Ming Dai thought that this kind of dramatic plot would only appear in TV or novels, but she never thought that reality would always be more dramatic and ridiculous than works.

What's even more ridiculous is that she was kept in the dark in her previous life, and she didn't know the truth of this matter until she died.

Nameless anger burned in all limbs.

Ming Dai asked coldly: "I really want to know, if I am the person Mr. Ning is looking for, what would Mr. Ning do?"

Ning Shu's mind moved slightly, and he revealed his sincerity in a strange way: "I will give you everything you want."

Ming Dai laughed angrily.

Yes, to give her everything she wants, isn't that what Ning Shu did in his previous life?

Knowing that she lacked love since she was a child, he put her in the palm of his hand to protect and pet her, and weaved a huge net with tenderness, making her addicted to it and unable to extricate herself.

"It seems that no matter who the little girl was back then, Mr. Ning would repay her like this." Ming Dai sneered.

Ning Shu frowned slightly and looked at Ming Dai, always feeling that there was something in Ming Dai's words: "Is it really not you?"

Ming Dai's small face was as cold as jade, and she had no emotion: "It's not me, Mr. Ning has identified the wrong person."

Ning Shu felt an inexplicable sense of loss and disappointment in his heart.

But he didn't know whether this loss and disappointment was because he couldn't find the little girl back then, or because the little girl back then was not Ming Dai.

Ming Dai pinned her hair disheveled by the cold wind behind her ears: "Then I wish Mr. Ning find the person you are looking for soon."

Ning Shu didn't answer the sentence: "About investment..."

"No need." Ming Dai flatly refused, "Didn't you tell me everything? I'm not the person Mr. Ning is looking for. This kind of help is unnecessary."

Ning Shu was dumb.

At this moment, a soft call came from behind——


The deep and magnetic voice was brought to the ear by the wind, and gently scraped over the pinna.

Ming Dai's ears numb, she was surprised at first, and then the surprise turned into surprise, like the thin ice and snow in the early spring quickly dissipated by the sun, and the vitality burst out in the eyes and brows.

She turned her head quickly, and as expected, she saw that tall and straight figure on the side of the road, like a majestic and unchanging mountain in the deep night, with exquisite eyebrows and eyes carved like cold jade, more exquisite than a picture scroll, and a handsome nose with an impeccable curvature , His aura spread out silently, with an unparalleled sense of presence.


Ming Dai resolutely trotted over, the joy on her face was completely different from the indifference when she faced Ning Shu.

Seeing her back, Ning Shu tightened his throat, and wanted to grab her again.

But she only had time to brush her slippery hair with her fingertips, and she quickly drifted away like a wind like a cloud, leaving him behind.

Ning Shu was in a daze, looking at the man Ming Dai was running towards the side of the road... that man... He Mu?
When Ning Shu saw that face clearly, she felt a strong surprise in her heart.

The next moment, he found that He Mu also raised his eyes and glanced in his direction.

A glance, just a glance.

Ning Shu, who has always been arrogant and arrogant, seemed to be overwhelmed by the silent momentum, and the memories of the past emerged——

In the capital, everyone knows He Mu.

For many people, he is the unattainable sun, the mountain that can only be followed and looked up to forever.

But for his contemporaries, He Mu is a nightmare, a lingering shadow.

Ning Shu was already very good, and was praised by Mr. Ning, who believed that he was good enough to take on the great cause of the Ning family.

But when it comes to He Mu, Mr. Ning is still regretful and lost, saying:

'Why wasn't such a person born in my Ning family? '

In the view of Mr. Ning, as the heir, Ning Shu can keep the Ning family and let it rise steadily.

But only a person like He Mu can make the Ning family change into a new world and enter a new era.

Ning Shu is not as good as He Mu, this is the fact that Mr. Ning believes.

Even Ning Shu herself couldn't think of comparing herself with He Mu.

But now...

Strong unwillingness and secret thoughts are intertwined, Ning Shu actually has the urge to break free from past cognition and walk in front of He Mu!
But at this time, Ming Dai's tone was light and cheerful like a bird: "Little uncle, why are you here!"

Such intimacy and naturalness, it was as if a heavy hammer had hit Ning Shu head-on.

And He Mu didn't pay much attention to Ning Shu, turned his gaze away, and only looked at Ming Dai with a smile.

With that bland posture, Ning Shu couldn't get into his eyes at all.

The two whispered something in a low voice, and soon Ming Dai ran to Yan Jiaxue and them to say goodbye.

After that, he didn't even look at Ning Shu, and got into the car with He Mu and left.

 It's the last day of 2022. During this time, I really lived in a mess. My family and friends around me were all over the sun, and my grandfather was not in a good state... Fortunately, everything is improving now, and I am also working hard to adjust my state. Starting from the restoration to the third shift tomorrow, the update time will be slowly adjusted and fixed in the future!
  The new year is coming soon, I wish you all a happy new year, good health, and everything you wish for!
  I believe the new year will get better and better!Come on!
(End of this chapter)

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