As the shadow of the car went away, Ning Shu suddenly woke up.

There was a flash of embarrassment on his face that he didn't have time to clean up.

He moved his eyes and found that the crew who was walking with Ming Dai not far away were looking at him curiously, habitually disguised with indifference, put on a thick shell, turned indifferently and got into the car on the side of the road.

The secretary sat in the co-pilot and called out hesitantly, "Fourth Young Master..."

"To shut up."

Ning Shu was in a terrible mood, even the tone of scolding was cold and impatient.

The secretary looked at him anxiously from the rearview mirror: "Well, Fourth Young Master..."

"I said shut up!"

Ning Shu raised his voice, and his anger echoed in the car!

The secretary lowered her head in fright, and said in a quicker tone: "It's not Si Shao, I just want to say that your mobile phone was left in the car. I just had a few missed calls from Liu Shao. Do you want to go back?"

The matter of his younger brother Ning Xu has always been the number one priority for Ning Shu. Even when Ning Xu called during a major meeting, Ning Shu answered the call without fail, and everyone around him knew about it.

This secretary has been with him for many years, no wonder he wanted to report this matter at the risk of offending him.

And Ning Shu was stunned for a moment.

Then the first thought that came to mind was:

...Xiao Xu knows?

"Give me the phone."

The secretary agreed, and offered the phone respectfully with both hands.

Ning Shu looked at the missed call on the screen, hesitated for a few seconds, and finally dialed back.

When the call was connected, Ning Shu's tone could no longer hear anything strange: "Xiao Xu? Can you help me?"

Ning Xu's lazy voice came through the receiver: "Are you in Suzhou City?"

Did not call brother.

It's not the first time that Ning Shu discovered the details of Ning Xu's speech, he remembered that it seems to have started from the time when Ning Xu's injuries worsened after a car accident and he almost died.

Ning Xu's temperament has become a little weird, his eyes are often cold, and he likes to lock himself in the room alone, and he has given up all his hobbies like playing basketball and games...even he stopped calling.

But Ning Shu thought that Ning Xu did not think too much because Ming Dai was angry with him.

As for the question of whether to call him brother, he chose tolerance.

So at this moment, he still pretended not to hear, and his tone was calm as usual:

"Well, there is an officially organized economic forum here, and many entrepreneurs and university professors have been invited. What do you want?"

"Dai Dai was filming there recently, have you met her?"

Sure enough, Ning Xu never left Ming Dai in three words.

Ning Shu once again felt his younger brother's attachment to Ming Dai, and his mood changed.

It is no longer the previous hatred of iron and steel, but a subtle... guilty conscience.

"No." Ning Shu heard herself say, "I'm very busy."

Ning Xu didn't seem to have any doubts, and his tone was light, a little disappointed: "Really? I thought you could meet her."

Ning Shu's tone became more and more calm, and he was able to say it smoothly and freely: "Suzhou City is very big, and it is not as easy to meet as you imagined. But you, didn't you say that you want to rest at home? Run around again, beware of the crutches that will stick you for a lifetime !"

Through the mobile phone, Ning Xu suddenly laughed lowly, his voice was cool and light: "Do you still think I am a child? I have grown up."

Ning Shu relaxed his back muscles and leaned back: "Children always like to say that they have grown up."

"Really?" Ning Xu drew his voice, "It's okay, one day you will see and admit this fact."

Ning Shu didn't care, he treated Ning Xu as a child with a stubborn mouth.

He saw his younger brother always like this, and felt that Ning Xu would always be that timid little boy hiding behind his legs, the one who cried and asked his elder brother if Mom and Dad didn't want our little crying bag.

As everyone knows, Ning Xu has already grown wantonly in a place he didn't see, and has grown into an appearance beyond his imagination.

"By the way." Ning Xu suddenly mentioned, "Did you find the little girl you were looking for?"

"No. Why did you suddenly ask about this?" Ning Shu felt weird.

"Just asking, haven't you been thinking about this all these years? I wonder if I can help you."

Ning Xu's tone was lazy, and he didn't seem to really care about it, it seemed that he just mentioned it casually.

Ning Shu also thought so: "I'll take care of it, you take good care of your legs."

Ning Xu clicked his tongue, and said no more: "It's over."

In the gloomy carriage, Ning Shu pressed his forehead and closed his eyes in pain.

And this time.

Yanjing, Ningzhai.

In the room with no lights turned on, Ning Xu sat cross-legged on the carpet in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

The lush and lush forest behind the house is like a shadow with claws and claws in the thick night, reflecting the playful smile on Ning Xu's lips, it is very gloomy and penetrating.

He was playing with the phone, throwing it up and holding it, throwing it up and holding it, suddenly tightening his fingers, until the fingertips turned white, and the screen of the phone was almost shattered.

"you are lying."

He faced out the window and said something thoughtlessly.

Then he grabbed the laptop next to his leg, opened the software hidden by him, put on the bluetooth headset——

In the quiet night, the whistling wind came from the earphones, like a car speeding across the road.

Suddenly, a deep man's voice sounded:

"Is He Mu also on the invitation list this time?"

"Fourth Young Master, I just checked, and Mr. He decided to come here on the spur of the moment. It is said that he declined the original invitation."

Another male voice replied respectfully.

...Yes, it was the conversation between Ning Shu and the secretary that sounded in Ning Xu's Bluetooth headset.

Half a month ago, Ning Shu left his phone at home without any precautions.

Ning Xu took this opportunity to install eavesdropping software on Ning Shu's phone.

There was no opportunity to use it before, and it was not until today that this wiretapping software came in handy.

Ning Xu pressed the earphone expressionlessly, and quietly listened to the continuing conversation between Ning Shu and the secretary:
"Wang Lei called again, do you want to answer it?"

"No. Since Ming Dai refuses, there is no need to pay attention to him."

"Understood." The secretary hesitated for a few seconds, "Does Miss Mingdai need to send a gift? I just saw that you two didn't seem very happy."

"……what to give?"

"Flowers? Jewelry?"

"Forget it, don't use it for now."


The conversation from the earphones fell into Ning Xu's ears clearly without saying a single word.

It took a lot of effort for Ning Xu to hold himself back from throwing the Bluetooth headset out!
"Ning Shu! What are you, you dare... How dare you..."

Ning Xu's pale face was ferocious and terrifying, his eyes were scarlet and full of hatred, like an evil spirit who wished to tear people into pieces!

He was so angry that he wished he could rush to the other end of the phone to expose Ning Shu's hypocritical face!

I even want to point to the tip of Ning Shu's nose and tell him that he has no right to approach Ming Dai!

Ning Xu called his assistant: "Book a ticket to Sioux City."

He knew that the assistant would tell Ning Shu about it.

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