Chapter 269 The Distance From Him

Ming Dai didn't know the waves the Ning brothers had caused because of her.

She sat side by side with He Mu in the back seat of the car, with a pastry box woven from green bamboo on her lap.

According to He Mu, this is the gift Xia Ling asked him to bring.

"I heard it's a pastry?"

Ming Dai was very curious.

He Mu looked at Ming Dai's bright apricot eyes, with a thick smile in his eyes.

"Yes, she specifically told me to be careful all the way and not bump into each other."

Mr. Tangtanghe became the porter of pastry boxes in this way.

Ming Dai exclaimed: "That is really a precious pastry box."

It made her a little reluctant to open it.

But He Mu said: "Don't you want to try it?"

"It's so precious, I want to take it back and taste it slowly."

Mingdai hugged the bamboo box tightly, and after speaking honestly, she paused again, then suddenly remembered,
"Do you want to eat, little uncle?"

He Mu Gang wanted to shake his head in denial.

But looking at Ming Dai's shining eyes, he couldn't say no.

Finally, he nodded against his will: "Well, I'm a little curious."

Ming Dai was in high spirits: "Yes, Ling Ling said, little uncle, you like tasting food very much!"

With that said, Ming Dai decisively unwrapped the pastry box, opened it, and the light and sweet fragrance wafted lightly in the compartment.

Leaning against the back of the chair, He Mu casually said, "Does Lingling often mention me to you?"

Ming Dai was concentrating on looking at the beautiful art-like pastries in the bamboo box, and replied casually, "Occasionally."

This gift from Xia Ling is really unique. The cakes wrapped in oiled paper have different shapes, some are shaped like lotus flowers, some are in the shape of intricately entangled rolls, and some are layer upon layer of soft puff pastry. Each one was too delicate to be real, Ming Dai was dazzled by seeing it, and didn't know which one to start with.

In the end, he simply held the box and handed it to He Mu: "Little uncle, choose!"

He Mu lowered his eyes and picked out the most unremarkable one in the corner of the box.

"I want this pear cake."

Ming Dai took a second look, wondering what the pastry that could be selected by He Mu looked like.

He Mu caught a glimpse of her eyes, and directly handed the pear blossom pastry in front of him: "Do you want to eat?"

Ming Dai shook her head: "No, I didn't want to eat it, I was just curious!"

He Mu knew that Ming Dai didn't do it on purpose, but just to tease her.

Seeing that Ming Dai was in a hurry, the smile in his eyes grew stronger.

Ming Dai reacted a little too late, wrinkled her nose, snorted softly, looked away, and picked out the beautiful pink lotus flower cake from the pastry box.


and Twilight for handkerchiefs.

Ming Dai glanced at He Mu and did not refuse.

The soft handkerchief had a faint scent of cedar and sandalwood, which was very close to the scent of Kazuki's body, probably because of the closeness, it was naturally tainted with his scent.

There is still a slight residual warmth on the handkerchief, because it was taken out of his coat bag, it is warm and not hot, a bit like the feeling of He Mu, who is far away and unreachable, but only when he is close can he know his warmth .

Ming Dai said thank you softly, continued with her handkerchief, and began to eat the lotus flower cake in small bites.

The teeth bite through the layers of thin and crispy meringue, and the slag immediately melts in the mouth. The bean paste is used as the filling in the middle, and there is a very light lotus fragrance. As the mouth chews, this fragrance becomes stronger and stronger, even breathing seems to bring On the lotus fragrance, very special.

After eating this pastry, Ming Dai finally understood why Xia Ling sent this pastry to her side after asking He Mu for help all the way.

Good stuff, really delicious good stuff!

"It tastes good." He Mu also tasted the Pear Blossom Cake, and said in surprise, "This should be the handicraft of Ronghuazhai."

Ming Dai hummed: "Lingling said it was made by the retired master chef of Ronghuazhai. Uncle, can you eat this? It's amazing!"

Ming Dai marvels at He Mu's food appreciation ability.

After all, she always thought that the ability to judge the place of origin and provenance with just one sip was an exaggerated description of a work of art, but she never thought that a living example was right in front of her eyes!

Stared at by Mingdai's autumn lake-like eyes, He Mu's fingertips felt slightly numb, and he twitched involuntarily.

Then he said: "I was influenced by my grandfather when I was young, and I had a strong interest in food. When I was an adult, I even collaborated with my friends to create a small magazine as a joke. It is a small experience."

He Mu's explanation is very casual.

But Ming Dai suspected that it was not that simple, so she asked, "Can I know the name of the magazine?"

And Mu said.

Ming Dai suddenly opened her eyes wide.

joke?Small magazine?

Isn't this one of the most authoritative, well-regarded food magazines in the industry?
Even Ming Dai has heard about it. In her previous life, every issue would be fixed. Visiting stores based on the recommendations of magazines was one of her few hobbies in her spare time.

Ming Dai shook her head and sighed, "Little uncle is really too modest!"

He Mu said, "It's just a small hobby."

His tone was calm and calm, but also sincere and heartfelt.

Mingdai suddenly realized that He Mu might not be modest on purpose.

In his magnificent and wonderful life, the magazine that he started casually became an authority in the industry, just like a small wave in the ocean that embraces hundreds of rivers, it is the most insignificant achievement.

Through that easy-going, unassuming skin, Ming Dai seems to have glimpsed the tip of the iceberg inside him, deep and unfathomable.

She seemed to understand why many people didn't even dare to compare in front of He Mu.

The excellence of some people is the stars in the sky, not a field that ordinary people can set foot in.

Ming Dai's little finger trembled, and it was the first time that she felt the distance between her and He Mu.

This silenced her uncontrollably.

He Mu seems to have noticed Ming Dai's strangeness, his eyes move slightly.

In the silence of the carriage, he suddenly asked: "Is there a saying that the Chinese people's highest evaluation of dessert is 'isn't it very sweet'?"

Ming Dai raised her eyebrows in surprise: "This is an internet meme, does little uncle know about it?"

Hearing the popular jokes with Mu, it feels... a bit strange.

He Mu is helpless: "Dai Dai, I am a modern person."

Ming Dai was stunned: "Huh?"

"Not a caveman."


Ming Dai couldn't hold back, covered her mouth and laughed out loud.

The previous silence was gone.

It's like seeing that the fairy in the cloud didn't eat the wind and drink the dew and never sleep, but also eat and sleep, and reincarnate the five grains. The misty miasma dispersed, revealing the true nature.

As a result, the distance that was thought to be untouchable has become close at hand.

There was a smile on Ming Dai's lips, and the starlight in her eyes was floating, reflecting the light in the dimly lit carriage.

He Mu caught a glimpse of her expression, raised the corner of his mouth imperceptibly, and relaxed.

Suddenly, the sweet scent of pastries floating in the air seemed to become stronger.

Although sweet, but not greasy.

It penetrated into his skin like a mist like a cloud, and then flowed through the whole body along with the blood.

The apex of the heart trembles secretly.

No one knows.

(End of this chapter)

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