Chapter 270 This Shout Cannot Be Vain

There are so many pastries in the bamboo woven box that you can't finish them in a while.

Ming Dai tasted two pieces and put them away.

Out of the corner of her eye, she inadvertently caught a glimpse of the passing scenery outside the window, and Ming Dai said:
"By the way, where are we going?"

"Isn't it too late for your question?"

He Mu's laughing voice flowed over jade like a clear spring.

Ming Dai touched the tip of her nose: "I forgot."

He Mu explained: "On the way to send you back."

The main filming location of the crew is not in the center of Suzhou City, but in the ancient town on the outskirts of the city. The dormitory of the crew is also there. It takes about an hour to drive from the restaurant just now.

And Mingdai was curious: "How does little uncle know where I live?"

He Mu: "So, how do you think I know where you eat?"

Ming Dai: "Ask Lingling? No, Lingling doesn't know that I have a crew dinner tonight, and she didn't call me... Well, little uncle has great powers!"

He Mu caught a glimpse of Ming Dai's thumbs up.

Shaking his head and laughing, "I'm not covering the sky with one hand."

"Isn't it?"

Ming Dai's rhetorical question made He Mu smile endlessly.

No, it should be said that from the moment he saw Ming Dai, his laughter and good mood didn't seem to stop.

Especially when hearing this silly rhetorical question, He Mu was amused, and it was rare for him to crack a joke:
"If you're like this, don't you even know if you've been sold by me?"

"Will not."

Ming Dai flatly denied it.


"Little uncle will definitely not."

He Mu looked at Ming Dai's firm and confident face, almond eyes filled with unconditional trust in him... the smile froze slightly, and there was an unspeakable shock.

It turns out that there are really people who believe in him so far without any purpose or interest involved, without extra thoughts and calculations.

That kind of sincere, pure, and clear mind is clearer than crystal, more precious than gems, and more dazzling than gold.

It actually greatly touched his soul, such as Hong Zhong Da Lu, he couldn't return to his senses for a long time.


Ming Dai thought she was wrong.

He Muzai... in a daze?

"Hmm." He Mu suddenly came back to his senses, his voice was low, "I'm a little surprised that you trust me so much."

"Really?" Ming Dai scratched her face, a little embarrassed.

Of course she couldn't say that because of her past life, she knew that He Mu was full of kindness towards strangers, so she decided that he was trustworthy.

She racked her brains and could only think of one sentence: "Because it's my little uncle."

He Mu hummed in a low voice.

After a while.

He Mu casually asked: "Did something happen just now?"

Ming Dai was stunned.

To be honest, she had nowhere to vent her anger because of Ning Shu.

But thinking about it now... that anger seemed to be far away from her, and at some point in time, it disappeared without a trace, and Mingdai even almost forgot that feeling of anger.

Is it because of He Mu's arrival?
Ming Dai didn't know.

But she didn't want to bother He Mu with such a trivial matter, so she immediately prepared to deny it.

He Mu saw Ming Dai's small thoughts, before she opened her mouth:

"Didn't you say trust me? So, shouldn't you lie to me?"

Ming Dai's lies were instantly blocked in her throat.

Finally, she had to admit: "A little thing happened."

He Mu turned sideways slightly, intending to continue listening.

Ming Dai really couldn't hide it anymore, so she had to be honest and frank:
"There is a small problem with the investment of our crew..."

Then he briefly described what happened tonight.

Of course, she tried her best to conceal that investor Wang Lei's covetousness towards her, and brushed aside his unreasonable troubles.

But how could her discourse skills be able to hide it from He Mu?
He Mu, who has seen more and understood more about human nature, guessed almost instantly how precarious the real situation Ming Dai was facing tonight.

He was rarely angry, but he hid it well, and he could only hear a trace of strangeness in his voice:
"Did Ning Shu come out to rescue in the end?"

"Well, there's quite a lot of commotion here. He just came over, and Wang Lei is afraid of him...does little uncle know Ning Shu?"

Even Ming Dai had to admit that if Ning Shu hadn't come tonight, this matter would not have been easily settled.

At least one trip to the police station is a must.

At that time, I am afraid that the entire crew will follow the entertainment headlines.

He Mu: "I know his grandfather."

The implication is that only Grandpa Ning Shu is qualified to associate with him, and he doesn't have much contact with juniors like Ning Shu.

...Versailles, really Versailles.

Ming Dai was originally covered with a heavy heart, but almost laughed again.

He Mu glanced at her helplessly: "That investor's name is Wang Lei, right?"

Ming Dai blinked and deliberately joked: "What? Is the little uncle going to retaliate against him?"

Unexpectedly, He Mu nodded seriously: "Yes."

Ming Dai opened her mouth wide in surprise: "Actually, there is no need..."

He Mu is serious: "This is called eliminating harm for the people."

This reason is too open and aboveboard, and Ming Dai can't find a basis to refute it, so she has to admit that what He Mu said has some truth.

At this time, He Mu asked again: "Without this investor, is your crew short of funds?"

Ming Dai: "It's a bit lacking, but the heroine of our crew is Chu Yunping, sister Chu, and she agreed to invest 2000 million."

Before, she didn't bother to mention half a word to Ning Shu, but now Ming Dai is explaining it to He Muxi in detail.

He Mu: "You're still short of money, aren't you? Besides, the 2000 million before, it's worth it."

"Although this is the case, but..."

"How about leaving it to me?"


Because of He Mu's proposal, Ming Dai was stunned.

Soon, she repeatedly waved her hands and refused to say no, because Ming Dai really didn't want to bother He Mu over such a trivial matter.

"Little uncle is a big shot, with a lot of work to do every day, so there's no need to worry about such trivial things as our crew!"

Ming Dai shook her head like a rattle.

He Mu looked at her seriously:
"It's about your future, how can it be said to be a trivial matter?"

With such a serious matter, Ming Dai was stunned.

"That's not necessary..."

"What did you call me?"

He Mu interrupted Ming Dai's words.


"Then this little uncle can't be called in vain."

Ming Dai opened her mouth, and found that He Mu's words sounded logical.

"Dai Dai." He Mu's gentle eyes enveloped her, "People live in this world, they are never alone and helpless, they always have to accept help from others. Just like I helped you today, maybe one day in the future, you can help me too." What about me? The so-called coming and going, isn’t it?”

His soft words calmed down the little restlessness in Ming Dai's heart.

"What can I do to help little uncle..."

"Who knows in the future? There must be things you can do, but I can't."

 Although late but arrived at the third watch~
  Please take care of me in the new year!

(End of this chapter)

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