Chapter 271
Ming Dai still complied with the proposal.

An hour's drive flies by.

Ming Dai looked out the window and saw the familiar scenery near the dormitory.

She murmured softly, "It's almost here."

Does time go by so fast?

He Mu looked sideways at Ming Dai in silence.

I saw her flawless white jade face, and the golden lights along the road outside the car window flowed like a waterfall, shining brightly.

His long, slender fingers resting on his knees curled quietly.

The gate of the small courtyard of the dormitory was already close at hand, and the vehicle slowly stopped.

It's time for Ming Dai to get out of the car.

With her hand on the car door, she suddenly turned her head: "How many days will my little uncle stay in Sucheng?"

He Mu: "Three days."

He Mu's group has countless business needs to deal with every day, even though he has a huge team of secretaries to help him, the documents handed to him are still piled up day by day.

Even if it is only three days, it is the time that He Mu squeezed out of the sponge, no more.


Ming Dai lowered her head, she couldn't tell if she was disappointed or not, but she seemed to be thinking about something.

For a moment, she took a deep breath and opened her mouth to propose...

Coincidentally, at the same time as Ming Dai spoke, He Mu also spoke after Shensi...

The voices of the two overlapped——

"Do you want to..."

The male and female voices stacked verbatim intertwined and reverberated in the carriage, and at the same time fell silent.

Then, the two laughed at the same time.

He Mu smiled reservedly and subtly, with only a faint smile in his eyes: "Dai Dai, tell me first."

Ming Dai didn't hesitate, raised her eyebrows and said, "I was thinking, since my little uncle is going to be an investor in our movie, shouldn't he come to the set to see it? At least he has to confirm it with his own eyes, so as not to waste money."

Tens of millions is not a small amount, Mingdai doesn't want He Mu's money to be wasted like this.

After hearing this, He Mu didn't wave his hand and say a little money.

Instead, he thought about Ming Dai's proposal seriously, and nodded in agreement: "It makes sense."

Ming Dai tentatively asked: "When will the little uncle be free? Can you do it tomorrow?"

He Mu nodded: "Of course. I was just about to ask you about tomorrow's arrangements. Since I'm here in Sioux City, I should go eat something good."

Hearing this, Ming Dai seemed to want to take her somewhere, curious: "Has little uncle been to Suzhou City before?"

He Mu hummed: "I have been here a few times, and there is a store that you must not miss, so I want to take you to see it."

As soon as Ming Dai heard it, she knew that what He Mu was talking about must be those hidden gourmet restaurants.

A gourmet who personally founded an authoritative gourmet magazine, how delicious is the restaurant he recommends?
Just thinking about it makes my mouth water.

It's a pity that Ming Dai remembered a key point.

"No." Ming Dai wrinkled her face in frustration, "I'm filming recently, and I need to control my weight."

He and Mu Mo fell silent.

In fact, the first time he saw Ming Dai today, he felt that her cheeks were much thinner.

However, he felt that it would be abrupt to say such a thing, so he kept silent.

It turned out to be for filming.

"It's fish, don't worry about gaining weight."

He Mu expressed his understanding and explained kindly, but he didn't try to persuade Ming Dai not to lose weight.

Ming Dai's eyes lit up all of a sudden:

"That's great!"

Not only tonight, she hasn't eaten for several days, and every day is a salad to reduce fat.

Occasionally indulge in a meal, and if it is light fish... don't worry about the growth of meat that will affect the shooting, right?
Ming Dai's mood quickly rose: "I'm really looking forward to tomorrow!"

Can't wait to dial the time forward and go to tomorrow immediately!

This little look of anticipation, just like a child, made He Mu smile even deeper.

Then the itinerary was finalized: "Then I'll come to the set tomorrow afternoon, and when you're done, go have dinner together?"

"Okay, okay!" Ming Dai nodded vigorously, smiling, "Then I'll go in first, see you tomorrow, little uncle!"

"See you tomorrow."

Ming Dai happily pushed the door and got out of the car, her steps were light and cheerful, jumping up and down.

Through the car window, He Mu watched Ming Dai's back disappear behind the gate, and then ordered:

"lets go."

The place where He Mu stayed on this trip was in a friend's private garden, which took about an hour and a half from this area.

It's getting late, so we have to hurry there as soon as possible.

at this time.

As soon as Ming Dai stepped into the courtyard, Huang Yuanyuan, who had been waiting impatiently for a long time, immediately rushed to her.


Ming Dai saw it and was startled:
"Sister Yuanyuan, why are your eyes so red? Did something happen?"

Seeing Ming Dai's face of "holding up and nothing has happened", Huang Yuanyuan's heart ached even more for a moment.

My baby has been wronged outside, how can I not let her, my own mother, be crushed like a knife?

Huang Yuanyuan only regrets that she didn't rush there tonight to tear those unruly greasy old men to pieces!
"Woooooooo, Dai Dai, you are wronged!"

Ming Dai was confused.

Slowly, I remembered everything that happened tonight.

Said it happened tonight, but Ming Dai felt that those things were far away from her, and they couldn't make any waves in her emotions.

"That matter." Mingdai comforted Huang Yuanyuan in turn, "It's all in the past!"

Huang Yuanyuan supported her shoulders and wiped her tears: "Dai Dai, I read what happened tonight in the work group. Everyone was very angry and said that Wang Lei would be kicked out of the crew! Don't worry, Dai Dai, everyone is standing It's on your side, so you don't need to pretend, I know you must be in a bad mood."

Ming Dai was at a loss: "...No."

However, Huang Yuanyuan believed that Ming Dai was secretly sad and superficially strong, like taking care of a baby, she pulled Ming Dai into the room, warmed her milk, and fetched water to soak Ming Dai's feet.

"There is no bathtub, and soaking your feet is the same. Get some sweat and sleep, and forget all your troubles!"

Huang Yuanyuan clenched her fists to cheer Ming Dai up.

also asked her:
"By the way, do you want to eat something? Even barbecue is fine! Food can soothe all worries!"

"...That's not necessary."

Ming Dai is thinking about the delicious food that she will eat with He Mu tomorrow, and the hot pot barbecue that she craves every day is not worth mentioning now.

Huang Yuanyuan misunderstood: "Hey, I know you don't have an appetite, it doesn't matter, you will pass."

Ming Dai found that she couldn't explain clearly.

...then enjoy it!

Drinking milk, soaking your feet in slightly scalding water, and watching a variety show casually.

The long-lost salted fish life is very pleasant.

Huang Yuanyuan went to the yard for a while, and when she came back, she called out to Mingdai:
"Dai Dai, I've charged your phone for you! By the way, Sister Su called you just now!"

It was only then that Ming Dai remembered that her cell phone had been turned off tonight because it ran out of battery.

She simply borrowed the mobile phone from Huang Yuanyuan and called Su Fangyun back.

Sure enough, Su Fangyun spoke cautiously:

"Dede, are you okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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