Chapter 272 Pack up
"I'm really fine!"

Ming Dai, dumbfounded, had to explain again,
"When I was first approached by that investor, I was really in a bad mood, but now that the follow-up has been dealt with, I have long lost my anger!"

Su Fangyun heard Ming Dai's tone very seriously, and it didn't seem like she was pretending deliberately.

Hesitatingly said: "That Yuanyuan said that you were sad after you came back..."

Ming Dai was helpless and funny: "Probably sister Yuanyuan is more worried about me."

Su Fangyun once again confirmed that Ming Dai's condition was much better than expected, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But Su Fangyun immediately apologized: "I'm sorry, I really shouldn't let you go alone this time. As a manager, I should always be by your side."

Ming Dai comforted her very understandingly: "I know you are very busy, Sister Su, let alone tonight's unexpected situation."

Ming Dai knew that it was a critical period for Su Fangyun recently——

Su Fangyun is already the top gold medal broker in Weilan Entertainment, and if he wants to go further, he will take the company's equity and become a partner.

It's just that Weilan Entertainment, as an old and big company, has many mountains and intertwined interests. This seemingly simple step is not so easy to cross. I am afraid that there are countless hands trying to stop Su Fangyun from going up and becoming the one who divides the cake.

In the previous life, Su Fangyun failed after two years of hard work, but Su Fangyun was not a fish to be slaughtered. After the failure, he decisively chose to leave with his artists to set up a new brokerage company, and reached a new peak in another way. .

At that time, Su Fangyun took away a lot of good seedlings and network resources of Weilan. If it wasn't for the mudslide accident that caused Su Fangyun to die regretfully, I am afraid that Su Fangyun's career would be more successful than imagined!
But this time, Mingdai's reborn butterfly wings have affected Su Fangyun, and her strong rise has benefited Su Fangyun. Her position in the company has risen and become indispensable, and she is no longer so far away from the position of a partner.

Therefore, during this period of time, Su Fangyun was not only responsible for acting as Mingdai's manager, but also responsible for handling the business of Weilan's senior management, and he was very busy.

And because Su Fangyun saw that the crew of "Twin Lotus" were basically acquaintances, he would rest assured that Ren Mingdai would stay here.

How could he have thought that Cheng Yaojin, Wang Lei, would be killed halfway?
Ming Dai expresses her understanding, but Su Fangyun is dumbfounded.

"These are not reasons. Letting you face it alone is my problem. Don't worry, that Wang Lei, I won't make it easy for him."

Su Fangyun almost gritted his teeth.

Having been in the entertainment industry for so many years, Su Fangyun has his own means, and if he really misses someone who wants to take revenge, he will always find an opportunity.

Anyway, Su Fangyun has time, he can afford it, and sooner or later, that doggy man will suffer!
Ming Dai listened, but couldn't help laughing out loud.

"what happened?"

Su Fangyun thought Ming Dai was angry.

Ming Dai rubbed her nose: "No, I was thinking that you all treat me very well."

Thinking that in addition to Su Fangyun, He Mu also said that he would help her get revenge, the ending couldn't help but feel a little smug, and his heart was even more flattered.

Su Fangyun was very keen: "'You'? Who else?"

Ming Dai didn't hide anything: "Little uncle... well, it's Mr. He."

Su Fangyun came to a sudden: "By the way, I forgot to tell you, Mr. He contacted me tonight!"

Because of the Tan Wenshu incident last time, Su Fangyun had contact with He Mu and left a business card.

At that time, Mingdai was arranged by He Mu to go to the hospital for examination. Su Fangyun saw it with his own eyes, and knew that the gentleman surnamed He was not simple, and the surname "He" was unique, and there was only one family in Yanjing...

So although Su Fangyun was wary of having too much contact with Mu and Ming Dai, he was still clear about key matters.

For example, tonight when He Mu called Su Fangyun to ask about Mingdai's location, Su Fangyun just learned that there was a commotion in the dining room, she was so anxious that she couldn't rush there immediately, so she simply told Mingdai's address Leaving He Mu, just thinking about what Mr. He might be able to help.

"So that's how my little uncle found me."

Ming Dai recalled the conversation in the car just now, and suddenly realized.

Su Fangyun urgently asked: "Have you made an appearance with Mr. He?"

Ming Dai simply recounted roughly what happened tonight.

Su Fangyun didn't expect that Ning Shu would be involved in it, so he was taken aback when he heard it.

However, the summary is: "You are fine!"

Ming Dai nodded humbly.

Su Fangyun: "As for talking to my husband about investing, I think it's a good arrangement. At least we don't have to worry about those troublesome things in the future."

Ming Dai: "I'm just a little worried that his money will be wasted..."

"Dai Dai, did you underestimate something?" Su Fangyun could finally laugh easily, "With the script quality of "Twin Lotus" and Yan Jiaxue's directing ability, I can't guarantee that the box office will be a big hit, but it will definitely not pay off." The problem! It’s a matter of earning more and earning less! So you don’t have to worry at all!”

"Really? Then I feel more at ease!"

Ming Dai believed in Su Fangyun's judgment, and immediately became elated.

"Well, I feel more at ease."

Su Fangyun thought to himself, with Mr. He protecting her, there is no need to worry about Dai Dai.

After hanging up the phone call, Mingdai took the time to wash and tidy up, and went to bed early.

After a good night's dream, I got up refreshed the next day and arrived at the set half an hour earlier, but many people didn't show up.

Fortunately, the makeup artist is already in place.

Ming Dai sat in the dressing room ahead of time, flipped through the script, let the makeup artist do her makeup and hair, and waited for today's scene to start shooting.

During this period, Ming Dai found that many people were secretly observing and paying attention to her, probably because the incident of last night had spread.

These eyes, there are curiosity, observation, sympathy, worry...

In addition to Ming Dai, there is also the crew.

Everyone is a laborer, afraid that without investment, the crew will be shut down, and wages will also be affected.

Mingdai understood the emotions of her colleagues, and suddenly remembered that she seemed to have forgotten to tell Baige and Yan Jiaxue about the Hemu investment.

Should I call now, or wait until they come to the set?
While Ming Dai was hesitating, a phone call came to her first.

It's Xia Ling.

"Hello? Lingling? Are you feeling better?"

"It's better... cough cough cough!"

This violent cough is obviously not convincing.

Ming Dai is still worried, but Xia Ling has braced herself up and talked about the main point:

"By the way, the pastries I bought for you are going to be brought by my uncle today. My mother said that he happened to be going to Sioux City to attend an economic forum in the past few days. I thought it would be better than express delivery, so I'm in trouble. he."

After speaking, there was another continuous coughing.

Ming Dai was slightly stunned: "Today? But little uncle arrived yesterday."

(End of this chapter)

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