Chapter 273 Arriving in person
Yanjing Xia Zhai, when Xia Ling hung up the phone, he coughed so badly.

But this did not interrupt her deep thinking, but made her eyes more meaningful.

Mother Lingxiu came in pinched and urged her daughter to take medicine.

"Look at you coughing so badly, and you're not a child, how can you resist taking medicine?"

Ling Xiu personally handed the medicine and warm water to Xia Ling.

Xia Ling rubbed her painful temples: "Mom, wait."

Ling Xiu narrowed her eyes and warned: "Don't pretend to be pitiful and refuse to take the medicine!"

"That's not what I meant... hey."

Xia Ling sighed, took the medicine first, mixed it with warm water and swallowed it.

After taking the pill, Xia Ling fell headlong on the bed, burying his face in it.

Ling Xiu was shocked: "Is there something wrong with the medicine?"

Xia Ling's muffled voice: "No."

Ling Xiu breathed a sigh of relief, and then patted Xia Ling on the back reproachfully: "I'm scared to death!"

Xia Ling sat upright, her eyes sparkling brightly: "Mom, I asked my little uncle to help deliver the things to Dai Dai."

Ling Xiu took a deep breath: "Your little uncle agreed?"

"Well, yes."

"You child... I just said it casually!"

Ling Xiu was a little embarrassed, she didn't expect her daughter to be so bold, so she sent He Mu to help run errands.

Running errands with Mu... It's quite interesting to think about it, haha!
"Your little uncle treats you well. He even brought you a birthday present before. You should respect him more in the future, you know?"

The relationship between uncle and nephew is good, and Ling Xiu is also very happy to see it.

And Xia Ling twitched the corner of her mouth:

"Ha ha."

"Why are you still sneering? Did I say something wrong?"

With an expression of "Mom, you want to be simple", Xia Ling looked away and sighed heavily again.

"A man with ulterior motives!"

Suddenly said something bitterly!
Ling Xiu was at a loss, thinking that her daughter was mentally ill and confused, stupid.

Hesitantly persuaded: "Do you want to rest more?"

Xia Ling couldn't listen, and smashed his head on the quilt again.

"I don't want to be an assist!"

"Mom, do you want to call the doctor again to show you?"

"...I'm not sick!"

Just angry!
Knowing that Xia Ling's health has improved, and she will be able to come to the crew to visit the set after three or four days of recuperation, Ming Dai is in a happy mood.

It just so happened that Bai Ge and Yan Jia learned about the film crew, so Ming Dai approached them directly and told He Mu about the investment.

Both of them were taken aback for a moment——

I was still planning where to start investing... Is this an easy solution?

Baige asked, "Who is this Mr. He?"

Ming Dai opened her mouth, and after a few seconds of slowness, she explained: "It's my friend's little uncle, he's an elder."

When Bai Ge and Yan Jiaxue heard this, the image of a generous, kind and friendly middle-aged man appeared in their minds, and they did not think of the man who came to pick up Ming Dai last night at all.

Ming Dai didn't know what they were thinking: "He'll come over to the set in the afternoon to have a look."

"That's a good relationship! We must treat you well!"

Yan Jiaxue was in high spirits, much more sincere than when he faced Wang Lei yesterday!
It was also out of trust in Ming Dai that both Yan Jiaxue and Bai Ge thought in their hearts that this new investor introduced by Ming Dai must not be as much of a moth as Wang Lei!

A rare smile appeared on Baige's face: "It's just a matter of informing the rest of the crew of the news, so as not to panic."

Yan Jia Xuelian nodded: "Yes, yes! I see they have been discussing this in the group, and they are worried!"

Baige turned his head suddenly: "What group?"

Yan Jiaxue coughed: "It's the work group."

Baige frowned: "Why didn't I add it?"

Ming Dai realized later: "I don't seem to have either." Sister Yuanyuan seems to have added?

Yan Jiaxue touched his nose in embarrassment: "I sneaked in."

Ming Dai and Bai Ge: ...

It's really you!Yan Jiaxue!
The good news that new investors are coming in the afternoon is like a spring breeze blowing through the crew, calming everyone's anxiety.

The uneasy working conditions of the crew have obviously improved. After all, finding a new investor so quickly is also a good sign.

It's just that everyone subconsciously took a serious attitude, for fear that they would be joking like yesterday, and in the eyes of investors, they would become sloppy and not serious.

When He Mu came here in the afternoon, what he saw was the rigorous and solemn crew, everyone restrained spontaneously, everything was in order, there was not even a chatter or a laugh, the atmosphere could be called... dignified.

This surprised him a little, he didn't expect such an atmosphere in the crew.

However, what He Mu didn't know was that the crew members who saw the appearance of the new investor were equally surprised.

They didn't even dare to breathe loudly, and stared at him blankly, for fear of scaring away the heavenly beings.

...Where did this fairy come from!

They were used to seeing handsome men and beautiful women in the entertainment industry, but when they met He Mu, they still felt a sense of shock.

Such an existence has already surpassed the skin, and turned into images of mountains, rivers, seas, and heaven and earth.

Apart from admiration and admiration, it is difficult to say a word.

Yan Jiaxue said with difficulty: "That is your friend's... little uncle?"

Ming Dai nodded: "Yes, yes, didn't you guys meet last night?"

Yan Jiaxue's mind was dizzy for a while, and inspiration was like a torrent of inspiration raging in his brain.

"Last night, it was dark, and it was far away, so I couldn't see clearly... No, Dai Dai, please help me to ask this little uncle if he has any plans to enter the entertainment industry?"

Ming Dai looked at Yan Jiaxue speechlessly, with "Do you think it's possible" written brightly on her face.

Yan Jiaxue sighed in disappointment: "Of course I know it's impossible, but...but..."

This Mr. He is really too dazzling. As a director and artistic creator, Yan Jiaxue not only has the impulse not to record his figure in the film history, but also has the impulsive idea of ​​blasphemy against Nuwa!

It is really a pity that the perfect complete set created by Empress Nuwa is not preserved as a classic in film history!
"Forget it."

Ming Dai ruthlessly dispelled Yan Jiaxue's unreliable thoughts, and then trotted towards He Mu.

"Little uncle!" She said cheerfully, "Why did you come here directly? Didn't the security guard stop you?"

"I said I was an investor, so he let me in." He Mu ban joked, "It seems that the security of your crew needs to be strengthened."

"The security guard knows that investors are coming this afternoon! Besides, you are too imposing, little uncle."

Ming Dai thought, if she were a security guard, she wouldn't dare to stop her.

In fact, compared with Mu and Wang Lei, the ostentation is really not that big.

Yesterday, Wang Lei had seven attendants by his side, but what about He Mu?There was only a black-clothed bodyguard who was so silent and low-key that he hardly had any sense of presence.

However, no one will despise, ignore and twilight.

Because his own existence is the biggest pomp.

But such He Mu bowed his head obediently:

"Well, it's my problem."

"I'm not blaming you."

Ming Dai put her hands behind her back in embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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