Chapter 275

She is not that kind of person!
Ming Dai secretly hummed.

He continued to drag He Mu to visit the set, but he didn't dare to use his past life experience as the material of the story.

After wandering around for a while, so that He Mu, as an investor, had a solid understanding of the situation, Mingdai said solemnly:
"Don't worry, little uncle, we will take pictures seriously, and we will never let your money go to waste!"

He Mu looked at Ming Dai's sincere little face, and his heart was touched, and he didn't have the nerve to tell her that this little money was really nothing.

Usually, his capital flow is always in units of [-] million, but this time the investment goes directly to his personal account. If it is placed in other projects, it is not even He Mu's turn to go to see it in person, and any secretary around him can handle it.

But now, seeing Ming Dai's extraordinarily focused and imposing manner, He Mu also nodded seriously:
"Well, I believe you."

Ming Dai immediately smiled, as if she had shouldered a heavy responsibility.

"Dai Dai!" Huang Yuanyuan ran over from a distance, glanced carefully at He Mu, and whispered to Ming Dai, "It's time for your show."

"Is it so fast?" Ming Dai glanced at her phone, and found that an hour had passed without her noticing.

She could only hastily arrange He Mu, and then ran away with Huang Yuanyuan like a gust of wind.

He Mu who was left behind felt very helpless, he could only pace slowly to keep up with Ming Dai's direction.

When walking back to the side of the set, in the blink of an eye, there was already an extra sprinkler here.

I'm afraid even Ming Dai has forgotten, the falling-into-water scene she mentioned just now is exactly what she is going to shoot today——

The content of this scene is that Song Tan personally kills people, and she, who has always been instigating behind her back, is the first time to do it this time, but she is almost discovered by her sister Song Qing. In fact, he avoided being discovered by his sister.

What Ming Dai wants to shoot is to finish the murder in the rain first, and then jump into the river to escape.

Today happened to be cloudy, and the atmosphere fit the tone of the scene very well.

Ming Dai had already put on a raincoat and rain boots over her white skirt, and put on gloves on her hands, wrapping them airtightly.

He Mu came over and felt a little relieved when he saw her outfit.

But he didn't know the next arrangement, he raised his heart unconsciously, and looked at Ming Dai's position intently.

He didn't notice it, because of his arrival, many people on the set were very energetic and tried their best to let him see a good side.

So everything becomes more efficient.

Before the filming officially started, Yan Jiaxue tried to give up the director's chair: "Mr. He, why don't you sit here with me?"

He Mu politely declined and chose a seat closer to Ming Dai.

Seeing this, Yan Jiaxue asked someone to hand He Mu an umbrella.

Then, after returning to the monitor, he picked up the walkie-talkie, told the departments to get ready, and shouted to start.

He Mu silently observed the movement here.

When the director gave an order, the "heavy rain" sprayed by the sprinkler poured down like a torrent, and the rain curtain instantly enveloped this small world. Even though He Mu was standing next to him, he could still feel the damp water vapor rushing towards his face.

He Mu's eyes fell on Ming Dai, and he noticed that Ming Dai's expression behind the camera had changed.

Since the filming, Ming Dai has gotten more and more into the mood, almost counting seconds into the film.

In the eyes of others, it is like switching a personality——

The bright and bright smile just now has changed in a blink of an eye, dark, fragile, innocent, and pure. The contradictory temperament is mixed and combined in her, like a flower in hell that looks pure white but is actually poisonous.

The adult man, who was one head taller than her, was injected with drugs and was completely paralyzed. In her eyes, he was just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. She watched his struggle before death jokingly, like a cat catching a mouse. There is no awe and respect for life at all.

She put her hands in the pockets of her raincoat, held the dagger through her gloves, and cut a knife at the escaped man from time to time. Her eyes were not excited, but curious. She deliberately avoided those deadly positions, just to see how far the man could bear.

She walked unhurriedly, watching the man wailing, begging for mercy, crying, and finally squatting in front of him.

There was a police siren in the distance, she raised her eyes, she didn't pay much attention, but slowly approached the man's neck with a dagger.

"Let me go, I will never tell you, please!"

The man's begging for mercy failed to arouse her in the slightest.

"It's boring."

As soon as she exerted force on her arm, blood sprayed on her face as white as fine porcelain.

The man's voice stopped abruptly.

And she received a call at this time, and it was her accomplice calling to tell her that Song Qing was among the policemen who came.

The eyes that were so cold that they couldn't see any human emotions suddenly flashed panic.

Only then did she hastily put away her phone and deal with the follow-up.

The sirens in the distance did not approach because she had made arrangements in advance and misled the police.

But my elder sister Song Qing is very smart, she still found the clue and found the right way.

In this regard, Song Tan was full of pride.

Her sister's excellence made her very proud.

But that didn't mean she wanted Song Qing to catch her. After quickly dealing with the scene, Song Tan quickly fled along the path, passing Song Qing's group very dangerously in the middle, and finally Song Tan succeeded.

She came to the small river smoothly, looked back, and then jumped into the water lightly, and her figure disappeared in the cold river water.



The staff who arranged in advance to wear a diving suit immediately pushed Ming Dai out of the water.

When the cold wind blows, Ming Dai is shivering from the cold.

A hand was held in front of her.

She gritted her trembling teeth, raised her face, and froze for a while.

Because it was He Mu who stretched out his hand towards her, he bent over and half squatted, the hem of his coat fell into the muddy water, he didn't care, he just looked down at her.

Ming Dai hesitated for two seconds, then stretched out her hand to hold He Mu's.

The heat from his palm came warmly, ironing her skin that was as cold as ice.

With a little force, he pulled her up from the water, took the towel and down jacket that he had prepared in advance, and wrapped her up, his movements were so smooth that no one else could react.

He Mu: "Where's the hot water bottle?"

Huang Yuanyuan groaned bluntly, quickly handed out the hot water bottle she was holding in her arms, subconsciously gave it to He Mu first, and asked He Mu to stuff the hot water bottle to Ming Dai.

——I don’t know when, He Mu had completely controlled the audience, and the others unconsciously obeyed his command, helping to dry hair, change towels, and hand hot water...

Ming Dai let them fiddle with her, she didn't feel too much cold, she was stuffed into a chair to rest, and she was covered tightly by two down jackets.

"Cough cough cough."

Just as Ming Dai coughed twice, a cup of ginger brown sugar tea was handed to her.

 There is a little delay today, so there will be only two more shifts, and tomorrow will be the third shift!

(End of this chapter)

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