Chapter 276 Asleep

Ming Dai stared blankly at the rough pottery teacup, followed her slender and cold fingers, crossed her bony wrist, and looked at He Mu's downcast eyebrows and eyes through the steaming mist of ginger brown sugar tea.

The lingering mist blurred his outline, softened his natural alienation, and added a bit of indescribable tenderness to his temperament.

"It can drive away the cold."

He Mu noticed her subtle movements and explained concisely.


Ming Dai responded, wanting to free her hand.

As soon as she moved, she found that her whole body was pressed under the thick down jacket, and she was still holding the hot water bottle in both hands, so she couldn't move easily.

Ming Dai struggled, but did not break free, like a clumsy little penguin, with an inexplicably naive appearance.

He Mu suppressed a smile, and finally held the teacup to Ming Dai's lips in person:


His voice was as deep as the plucking of a guqin.

Ming Dai was stunned for a second, then nodded after a few seconds, slowly approached the cup, and drank in small sips.

A small half cup of warm ginger brown sugar tea flowed down the esophagus into the stomach, and immediately dispelled the chill caused by falling into the water in this humid and gloomy winter day.

"I don't drink anymore."

Ming Dai's head moved back, her lips were stained with a little water, moist, bright red and shiny.

He Mu caught a glimpse and was used to taking out his handkerchief to help.

Stretching out his hand halfway, seeing Mingdai's eyes as clear as the plateau sky, he paused and straightened his waist.

"You do it."

He backed away and handed the handkerchief to Huang Yuanyuan.

For this reason, Huang Yuanyuan looked at him several times.

At this moment, Yan Jiaxue came over.

"A few details were not dealt with just now."

"Need a retake? Where to retake it?"

Ming Dai was about to get up immediately.

He Mu, who stood silently on the side, frowned very vaguely.

After all, reshooting means that Ming Dai needs to dive again.

But he didn't say anything.

On the contrary, Yan Jiaxue noticed it, glanced at him secretly, and explained understandingly:

"Oh, just two catch-ups, not all of them."

That means you don't have to jump into the river again.

He Mu's eyebrows returned to normal.

Yan Jiaxue breathed a sigh of relief.

To make up two or three shots, Ming Dai only needs to put on her raincoat again.

Yan Jiaxue waited for time, waiting for her to change out the wet clothes inside before continuing to shoot.

It took more than two hours for reshoots and several other scenes. When it was almost six o'clock in the afternoon, Ming Dai, who had no scenes at night, could finally call it a day.

Thinking about it, Ming Dai felt a little sorry for being able to leave the rest of the crew to eat delicious food.

In the end, when she came out of the lounge after changing her clothes and taking off her make-up, she found that everyone in the crew was beaming.

It turned out that He Muzao had already arranged a big meal for the crew in the afternoon - a whole team of chefs invited directly from the hotel would be responsible for the three meals of the crew during the next filming period.

The investment in "Shuangshenglian" is not big. In order to spend the money wisely, the meal expenses are relatively tight. Usually, everyone eats three meals relatively light and simple, without any oily water. Some people occasionally complain about this problem, or go out to add meals by themselves .

It's all right now, and Muyi came to solve this problem directly from the root cause. It is said that in addition to three hearty meals, there will also be fruits, desserts, and milk tea provided every day!
This made everyone in the production team, including Yan Jiaxue Baige, call him "Mr. He Daqi", and said that he is a "fairy investor" and "dream gold master father"!
At this time, He Mu had already hidden his achievements and fame, sat in the car and waited for Ming Dai to come, and explained to her lightly:
"At least eat well before you can work hard."

"As expected of a little uncle!"

It's a pity that within two seconds of being happy, Ming Dai's face quickly turned depressed.

He Mu noticed: "What's wrong?"

Ming Dai sighed: "Just thinking about it, I can't eat those dessert milk teas."

Going out for extra meals with He Mu today is already considered indulgence, and Ming Dai will never dare to get contaminated with those nasty sugar-oil mixtures!

He Mu raised his eyebrows and jokingly said, "Then I have someone cancel it?"

"I'm a little moved." Ming Dai said her thoughts honestly, "But forget it, my colleagues may strangle me to death in minutes."

He Mu was amused by her: "In this way, today's dinner will not let you down."

Ming Dai was curious: "Where are we going?"

"You'll know when it arrives."

Under the gradually darkening sky, the black car sped along the silver-gray road, all the way to the remote suburbs. The buildings on both sides became more and more deserted and sparse, and even the pedestrians were less and less.

In the quiet compartment, the bodyguard and driver accompanying Mu are driving, and there are only Ming Dai and Mu in the back seat.

Ming Dai leaned her head on the back of the back, sound asleep.

Meeting Mu, he thought it was funny, but also knew that Ming Dai was tired from filming all day.

That's why not long after getting in the car, while talking, he turned his head and fell asleep.

This speed of falling asleep is probably the envy of many insomniacs.

He Mu didn't wake Ming Dai up, but took the small blanket from the car, put it on Ming Dai's body, and signaled the driver to turn up the temperature of the air conditioner.

Soon the temperature inside the car obviously started to rise, and Mingdai probably felt it in her sleep, she muttered a few times comfortably, adjusted her sleeping position, buried half of her face in the blanket, like a lazy cat.

He Mu's eyes stayed on her face for a moment, and when he was about to move away, he suddenly felt his arms itch.

Looking down, strands of soft hair crossed the armrest between the back seats at some point, and the ends of the hair gently brushed Hemu's arms. Through several layers of clothes, he could still feel the crispness. itch.

He Mu breathed lightly.

He tried to help Ming Dai tidy up.

When I touched it with my fingertips, I realized that her hair was icy and cold, and it was so smooth that it was almost impossible to grasp it. It had a satin-like luster, and there was a feeling of unwillingness to let go.

Just as He Mu was grabbing her hair, he didn't pause for a few seconds.

Ming Dai hummed again.

Most likely, sleeping on this sideways made her neck very uncomfortable, and she couldn't help frowning angrily in her deep sleep, and then began to adjust the posture of her head, slipped accidentally, and her head was about to hit the armrest.

With hands faster than eyes, He Mu reached out in time to catch her head.

Ming Dai feels better now.

The big warm palms are the most comfortable pillows in winter, making her eyebrows and eyes stretched, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and she sleeps more soundly.

He Mu looked down and saw Ming Dai cuddling comfortably like a cat, she held her breath and didn't let go for a long time.

The silent driver in the front seat suddenly moved his rearview mirror away.

He Mu noticed his movement, glanced forward, and said nothing.

She just quietly let Mingdai's head press against his palm, and her soft hair scratched his skin.

for a long time.

There was no movement for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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