Chapter 277 A Friend of mine

When Ming Dai woke up, she found that she was lying on the armrest of the back seat, the soft flesh on her cheeks was squeezed to the point of deformity.

Her hair was laid neatly behind her shoulders, and it wasn't until she sat up that those strands of hair fell freely and returned to the fluff they should have.

Ming Dai's first reaction was to touch her face to see if there was any saliva, and just as her fingertips touched the corner of her mouth, she met He Mu's gaze head-on.

"Cough." Ming Dai pursed the corners of her lips in embarrassment, "Did I just fall asleep?"

He Musheng smiled delicately: "Well, I slept soundly, so I don't have the heart to wake you up."

Ming Dai felt a little guilty, she didn't even remember how she fell asleep.

Explain in a low voice: "Sorry, I must be too tired."

He Mu murmured: "If you are really tired, you can go back to rest first, and come back to this store another day."

Ming Dai looked out the window and found that the car had already parked in an open-air parking lot.

The surroundings were dark and quiet, with only a few sparse street lights, and it was impossible to tell where they were.

Ming Dai: "Have we reached our destination yet?"

He Mu nodded.

Ming Dai: "Has it been a long time?"

He Mu: "Soon, if you are tired, we'd better go back first."

Ming Dai vetoed it immediately: "That won't work, come here!"

In the end, following Ming Dai's wishes, he set off to the restaurant.

Before getting off the car, Ming Dai looked at her phone and found that it was almost eight o'clock in the evening.

It was only six o'clock when they left the set, so it was a two-hour drive?
...I'm afraid not, Mingdai suspects that she slept for too long, and He Mu didn't have the nerve to wake herself up.

Knocking on her forehead annoyed, Ming Dai pushed the door and got out of the car, and was hit by the cold wind head-on, her whole face seemed to be soaked in snowdrifts, and she lost consciousness in an instant.

He Mu, who had already walked around to the car, said, "Is it cold? You can put on a blanket."

Ming Dai was already shivering from the cold, she was really too lazy to care about her appearance, she nodded quickly, opened the car door again, took off the small blanket and wrapped her body, it was indeed much warmer.

Rubbing her cold face, Ming Dai looked at He Mu curiously: "Little uncle, aren't you cold?"

The down jacket that Ming Dai was wearing was almost frozen to death, while the cashmere coat that He Mu was wearing looked cool and neat, it didn't look like there were a lot of them stuffed inside.

He Mu explained: "I exercise all year round, so it is better to resist the cold."

With a thought, Ming Dai recalled what Auntie Lingxiu said, and asked unconsciously: "Yes, I heard from Auntie Lingxiu that you used to like extreme sports."

He Mu pondered for a moment, and then nodded sincerely: "Well, it's probably a belated rebellious period, I like to pursue the excitement between life and death, and experience the thrill of rushing adrenaline."

Ming Dai murmured: "I always feel that the word rebellious period doesn't really go well with my little uncle."

He Mu glanced at her: "I am also a mortal."

Ming Dai expressed doubts about this.

But he didn't dare to ask more questions, and set off with He Mu to the direction of the restaurant.

After walking out of the open-air parking lot area, Mingdai realized that this place was by the lake. No wonder the wind blowing was unbearably cold, and the damp cold almost penetrated into the bones.

"Is there a restaurant here?"

Ming Dai looked around, but didn't find any figures.

And Mutt pointed out to her:


Following the direction of her fingers, Ming Dai was surprised to find that the restaurant He Mu mentioned was built on the lake.

The three-story wooden building with red tiles and flying eaves is brightly illuminated by light strips, just like the glazed palace in mythology, and the dark lake at night is also shimmering and covered with broken gold.

The bridge leading to the restaurant is a stone nine-curved bridge with handrails and small floor lamps on the bridge deck, creating a wonderful atmosphere.

Ming Dai couldn't help but wow.

The corner of He Mu's mouth slightly raised: "The scenery here is very good, and there are different scenery in different seasons, but we won't eat here later."

Ming Dai opened her eyes wide: "Huh?"

It's a pity that her curiosity was aroused, but He Mu didn't want to talk about it.

Ming Dai had no choice but to suppress this curiosity, stepped on the Jiuqu Bridge from the lake, and walked briskly towards the restaurant.

When approaching the door, Hemu took out something from his jacket and handed it over.

Ming Dai took a look and found that it was a mask.

She suddenly realized that she was too relaxed to ignore the possibility that she would be recognized.

Thanking him for taking the mask and covering half of his face, Ming Dai just walked into the restaurant with Mu.

The manager received the news in advance and waited here specially.

Seeing He Mu, he smiled familiarly and bowed: "Mr. He."

He Mu nodded and asked, "Are you ready?"

"Yes." The friendly manager noticed Ming Dai, and his smile deepened, "Don't worry, Mr. He, I will definitely not disappoint you and your girlfriend."

Ming Dai and He Mu were both taken aback.

Ming Dai hurriedly waved her hands: "Oh no, I'm not a girlfriend, I misunderstood!"

Then He Mu nodded slowly: "Well, this is one of my...friends."

Ming Dai was stunned for a moment.

Logically speaking, Ming Dai should be regarded as He Mu's junior, after all she is friends with Xia Ling who is He Mu's niece.

But now interpreted as friends...

It seems that the little uncle doesn't want to be misunderstood for being too old.

——Ming Dai, who automatically found an explanation, felt that she could understand He Mu's state of mind, and nodded in agreement.

The restaurant manager repeatedly apologized and said he was sorry for the misunderstanding.

He Mu: "It's okay."

Finally, the manager led the two of them inside.

Mingdai and Mu are a few steps behind, so they don't have to worry about being heard when they speak.

So He Mu lowered his voice: "Sorry, just now..."

Ming Dai hurriedly said: "I know I know, explaining is very troublesome!"

He Mu: "...well, that's right."

Ming Dai obviously didn't take this matter to heart.

She was even more curious about where she would go next, and what Hemu meant by not eating here.

The answer was quickly revealed.

The manager led the two of them through the corridor hung with flower and bird lanterns, around the crowded lobby, and to the back of the restaurant, where there was actually a covered bridge leading to the lake.

At the end of the covered bridge is the dark lake. A black-covered boat is docked by the water. A bamboo lantern hangs on the bow, illuminating a small area of ​​the world, like a scene in a movie, full of poetry.

Ming Dai, who was so amazed, opened her eyes slightly, looking forward and excited at the same time.

The manager reminded the two to be careful.

While Ming Dai was in a daze, He Mu stepped onto the bow deck lightly, then turned around and stretched out his hand towards Ming Dai.

Ming Dai quickly grabbed He Mu's forearm, and cautiously stretched out her foot.

In front of He Mu's long legs like walking on the ground, Ming Dai is really struggling.

Fortunately, You and Mu supported him.

He didn't look like the kind of muscular man, he didn't expect his arm to be unexpectedly strong, supporting Ming Dai with one hand, he could almost lift her up, but he crossed that distance in the blink of an eye.

This makes Mingdai can't help recalling He Mu's relaxed gesture when he rescued He Xiang on the rooftop.

(End of this chapter)

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