Chapter 278 Night Sailing Ship, Snow Lin Fish

Stepping on the deck of the black awning boat, Ming Dai quickly regained her senses.

Standing behind the boat was an old man wearing a hat and coir raincoat, nodding towards the two of them without saying a word. Seeing that they had settled in, he started the engine of the black-covered boat.

Ming Dai, who was sitting in the cabin looking around with great interest, found out that she was not using the oar, so she let out a little disappointment.

He Mu smiled and explained: "This boat has to go straight along the waterway. If you crank it by hand, the speed will be very slow, and the old man will probably be very tired."

Ming Dai accepted the fact very smoothly: "It makes sense. But this black awning boat is so interesting, is it part of the restaurant just now?"

He Mu nodded: "Well, it's the night cruise project they launched, and there is only one table per night."

Ming Dai let out a wow in surprise.

I don't know if it's a special charm, but Mingdai looked around and found this black boat more interesting.

Just like what He Mu said, although the appearance should be antique in pursuit of artistic conception, the convenience of technology cannot be given up.

Just like this black-covered boat, it looks small and ancient, simple and elegant, but in fact it has all internal organs, and there are a lot of things it should have——

There are two small glass windows on the body of the bamboo boat painted black, so that the sight of the guests inside is not hindered. There are also small doors on both sides of the cabin, which can block the cold wind in this cold winter.

The cabin is not as cold as imagined, on the contrary, there is a heater installed somewhere, and the continuous heating comes from all directions, making the cabin very hot.

The interior decoration is even more exquisite and beautiful, with hanging paintings, vases, wood carvings and decorations, as well as bright lights, which is very interesting.

As for today's highlight, it is placed on the table in the middle, and the pot simmering in a small red clay stove is already gurgling, and a faint delicious fragrance comes out of the pot cover and fills the room with fragrance.

There are also a few other dishes, all of which use seasonal ingredients, such as winter bamboo shoots, radishes, lotus roots, etc., and there are also hot water to warm the dishes below, so as not to lose the temperature when half eaten.

Ming Dai's nose twitched, and her stomach was suddenly rumbling with hunger, only to realize that she was already starving.

He Mu: "Eat quickly."

Ming Dai smiled shyly, but picked up the chopsticks quickly.

Anyway, there are only the two of them, so there is no need to pay too much attention.

Mingdai was hungry, so she couldn't wait to pick up a piece of winter bamboo shoots and put it in her mouth.

Winter bamboo shoots are more nutritious than spring bamboo shoots and summer bamboo shoots. It is just a simple stir-fry. The fragrance of the bamboo shoots bursts between the lips and teeth. When you taste it carefully, you can also taste a little crunchy sweetness.

"good to eat!"

Ming Dai's eyes were suddenly brighter than the lamps hanging in the house!

He Mu laughed along.

"They are all simple ingredients, and the main food is fresh."

Ming Dai nodded again and again, and tried the ham and wild mushroom next to it, it was equally delicious.

But what Mingdai is most curious about is the boiling pot in the middle, because it is covered with a lid, it is impossible to see the contents clearly, but this dish is undoubtedly a signature dish.

The other supporting roles are so delicious, so how good should the protagonist be?
Ming Dai was hungry.

He Mu glanced at his watch: "It's almost time."

Saying that, he lifted the lid of the pot with his hands.

The delicious aroma that had been suffocated for a long time exploded like a cannonball, covering every corner of the cabin, making Ming Dai feel wafted.

The rising heat engulfed Ming Dai's eyes, making them wet.

But she still tried to open her eyes wide to look at the pot... It turned out to be a pot of milky white soup.

Ming Dai guessed: "Is it fish soup?"

He Mu: "Yes."

He picked up the spoon and stirred it with his hands, and the fish meat hidden under the soup surface revealed its real appearance.

It was a whole fish, but it had been stewed until it was so soft that even the bones seemed to shatter when pinched.There are no other ingredients in the soup except fish, and fish is the only protagonist.

He Mu explained in detail: "This is the snow lin fish, which only grows in clean and unpolluted wild waters. It is usually very difficult to catch. Most of the time it hides in deep pools. Only when it snows will it float to the surface and be caught. Fishermen caught it, like this shop, about one or two times a week, when it is bad, there is no one, diners also depend on luck, you can meet but not ask. So, you are very lucky, Dai Dai .”

Mingdai blinked, it was rare to hear someone say she was lucky: "Why..."

He Mu smiled and said, "I didn't get any food the last two times I came here, but this time I got it as soon as I asked, isn't it because of your luck?"

Ming Dai couldn't help but smile, and her mood was even better: "Sounds very reasonable!"

The smile on He Mu's face deepened, and he continued: "Because the snow lin fish is already extremely delicious, any side dish will take away its own flavor. .Try it."

He Mu helped Ming Dai scoop out a bowl of soup by himself.

Ming Dai was not too polite, thanked her and took it.

Taking a deep breath, he was about to faint from the fresh fragrance.

After blowing the air twice, I couldn't wait to pick up the spoon, and took a sip of the soup first.

How do you describe the surprise when the soup enters your throat?
Probably because of the rich and delicious aroma, she seemed to see the fish swimming in the icy and snowy pool, the deliciousness that directly hit the soul had risen to the level of artistic conception, completely reaching the peak of deliciousness that Mingdai could imagine.

Take another bite of the fish, it is tender and smooth, and it seems to melt on the tip of the tongue after a sip. In addition to the mellowness of the fish itself, there is also a cool feeling of snow, so that the rich oil under the fish skin does not feel greasy at all. , but refreshing and delicious, people want to eat after eating.

Ming Dai quickly stopped talking, and only the crisp sound of bowls and chopsticks colliding lightly remained on the table.

Met with Mu, deliberately slowed down.

Almost half of the last pot of Xuelin Fish Soup went into Ming Dai's stomach.

At the end of the meal, the satisfied Mingdai almost had the word "comfortable" in the corners of her eyes and brows.

She rubbed her distended stomach, and felt that even the gaps were filled with fish soup, which was a happy trouble.

"what happened?"

He Mu immediately noticed the change in Ming Dai's expression.

Ming Dai's expression was stiff:

"I seem to eat a little... a lot."

Not a little bit more, but a lot.

Ever since she was preparing to play "Twin Lotus", Ming Dai has lived a life of eating seventy percent full, and it has been a long time since she hasn't eaten to the state where she is now.

What if I get up a few pounds tomorrow?
What if her face in the camera tomorrow is different from yesterday?

Mingdai's mind was quickly filled with boredom, and she was very annoyed at her intemperance.

He Mu was about to speak to comfort him.

"It's okay, it's okay, delicious food doesn't count as calories."

Ming Dai has already started to comfort herself.

He Mu couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

A deep laugh gently shook his chest.

Ming Dai knew that He Mu was laughing at her, so she looked away pretending to be nonchalant.

 The snow lin fish was made up by me. The reference is the stewed Xianju snow eel from the Shanghai Rongfu Banquet.

(End of this chapter)

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