Chapter 280 Photos and Photos

After eating a big meal, Mingdai is satisfied, and even her dreams are filled with the lingering delicious taste of stewed snow lin fish.

This made her feel good when she got up early the next morning, and even when she stepped on the weighing scale cautiously, her mood was not greatly affected.

"...Only weighed 0.6 catties! Rounding up to zero! It's great!"

Ming Dai was really relieved.

A weight fluctuation of 0.6 catties is very normal. As long as Ming Dai controls her diet a little today, she will lose it immediately.

Huang Yuanyuan, who was watching from the side, said, "Uh."

Ming Dai please take a look with Liuliu's eyes, and immediately change her words:

"Well! That makes sense!"

Ming Dai smiled openly.

Then she and Huang Yuanyuan packed up their things and got ready to go to work.

I ate half a sandwich for breakfast on the way, but I didn't dare to eat more.

When she arrived at the set, Mingdai was already very familiar with the step-by-step makeup process, and she was able to take some time to sleep in, and by the way, read the script and do homework while waiting.

Tuk Tuk Tuk.

Someone is knocking on the door.

Ming Dai looked up: "Director Yan?"

She didn't get up, because she had clips in her hair, and she was afraid that it would fall apart if she moved.

"Hey, I've come to talk to you about something."

Yan Jiaxue had a serious face, with his hands behind his back, as if he was about to discuss a major issue related to the crew.

The make-up artist quietly walked away, giving the two of them room to talk.

Ming Dai sat up straight: "Is there something..."

She looked down at the envelope that Yan Jiaxue quickly stuffed into her hand, and there was a thick stack of things inside.

Looking up again, he saw Yan Jiaxue looking around like a field mouse for fear of being discovered.

Ming Dai hesitated for two seconds: "...Bribe?"

Did Yan Jiaxue do something shameful?

Yan Jiaxue heard it, and was speechless for a moment.

"Open it first!"

Now that he said so, Ming Dai opened the envelope of course, only glanced at it, and quickly covered it with her hands.

"Director Yan!" Ming Dai stared round, a little surprised and a little angry.

Yan Jiaxue chuckled twice: "How about it, isn't this a good gift?"

Ming Dai kept a straight face and said nothing.

Yan Jiaxue wanted to poke her arm, half of his fingertips stretched out, but was forced back by Ming Dai's eyes.

He put his hands on his hips and cleared his throat: "I am thinking of the creator's inspiration!"

Ming Dai ignored him.

In the end, Yan Jia could only learn to be soft: "Okay, okay, didn't I give you the photos? You must know that my photography skills are not bad. This group of photos is my most satisfying work in recent years. I even gave the memory card to you. You, I don’t have a backup there, so whether to delete or keep it is up to you!”

"But it's too much, actually secretly filming!" Ming Dai said angrily.

Yan Jiaxue speaks earnestly, with a childish expression that you don't understand: "Human beings are always longing for beautiful things, and the meaning of photography is to capture these wonderful moments. Maybe after many years, you will come back to thank me instead?"

Ming Dai: "I won't!"

Yan Jiaxue shook his head and walked away.

After waiting for a while, Mingdai saw that the surrounding area was quiet and no one was paying attention, so she carefully pulled out the contents of the envelope——

It's a stack of photos.

The main characters in the photo are Ming Dai and He Mu standing facing each other.

One has gentle downcast eyes, the other is smiling, and the aura of the two is wonderfully blended.

It is said that the camera is the language of the director, so Yan Jiaxue is undoubtedly the one who can tell stories with the camera. In this group of photos alone, Ming Dai can read the ambiguous, entangled, and secretive emotions.

It is like a classic moment captured in a movie, vivid and full of story sense, which makes people think about it after watching it, and automatically make up a complete story in their brains.

Should it be said that it is Yan Jiaxue?

Ming Dai is in a complicated mood.

Looking at this photo, I feel emotional out of pure admiration, but also feel ashamed because the protagonists are her and He Mu.

"Dedai, it's almost time!"

Huang Yuanyuan pushed the door in with a hot water bottle in her arms.

Ming Dai hurriedly put away the photos, because she was too hasty, she almost dropped the photos on the ground.

Just when Huang Yuanyuan was about to walk up to her, Ming Dai tidied up the envelope in time and stuffed it into her carry-on bag.

Huang Yuanyuan glanced curiously, but she is not someone who can ask random questions, so she skipped this point knowingly:
"Then shall we go there?"

Ming Dai breathed a sigh of relief.

But why is the heart beating so fast?

And why are you so guilty?
Sure enough, Yan Jiaxue was still to blame!

Ming Dai put the problem on Yan Jiaxue all at once, feeling relieved, temporarily put the group of photos behind her, and went to the set to continue filming.

In the next two days, Ming Dai's roles were very important, and they were all the ones that needed to be tortured and slowly grind out the details. Even Yan Jiaxue, who watched as a fool, maintained a high degree of concentration and seriousness when facing professional issues, unwilling Wasted half a shot.

After experiencing a wave of incidents from investors, Yan Jiaxue became more involved and serious.

Of course, that's not to say he was undisciplined before.

It's just that if it was [-]% before, it is [-]% now, and the spirit is highly nervous.

The whole production crew was overwhelmed by this atmosphere, including Ming Dai, who was also immersed in it, tired and happy.

I don't even know when two days have passed.

When Mingdai remembered that it was almost time to leave with Mu, it was already the afternoon of the third day when she and Mu came to Sioux City.

Ming Dai was thinking about whether to treat her to a meal, and practice it for her little uncle... He Mu called her first.

He said: "There is something temporary, I'm afraid I have to leave early."

Ming Dai sighed annoyedly: "I was thinking about inviting you to dinner, little uncle!"

He Mu's deep voice rang in his ears: "I thought you had forgotten that I was in Sioux City these two days."

Ming Dai, who fell into the state of selfless filming, really forgot.

But she won't admit it, she lied earnestly: "I'm afraid of disturbing little uncle."

He Mu laughed, not knowing whether to believe it or not.

"It seems that this meal will have to wait until we return to Yanjing."

"I will never forget! I will treat you next time!"

Ming Dai promises sternly.

He Mu also responded: "Okay."

When it was time to hang up the phone, for some reason, no one mentioned it first.

Ming Dai is hesitating whether she should tell He Mu about the photos Yan Jiaxue took.

But that photo is really easy to misunderstand, would it be a bit strange to take it out rashly?
She didn't know, and Mu was also hesitating whether to tell the paparazzi about secretly filming her.

So the two fell into silence at the same time.

And speak at the same time:

Ming Dai chuckled.

Thinking of the last time the two of them collided with each other.

"I'll say it first this time!" Ming Dai hurriedly said, "Little Uncle wishes you a smooth journey!"

As for the photos, forget it.

He Mu replied in a low voice: "Well, I wish you a smooth filming. I will watch your movie when it is released."

This time, the two finally hung up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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