Chapter 281 High-sounding

When He Mu's Gulfstream private jet took off from Sioux City Airport, a flight from Yanjing just landed at the Sioux City Airport. Ning Xu, with light luggage, walked out alone, raised his hand to hail a taxi, got in and went straight to the airport. Go to your destination.

Ning Shu didn't know that his younger brother Ning Xu played tricks on him, avoiding the monitoring of his assistant, and came straight to him.

At this time, he was sitting alone in the window of the restaurant of the hotel, with his hands resting on his temples, and the manic depression was clearly visible between his brows.

The secretary approached him, leaned over to him and said, "Fourth Young Master, Mr. He's private plane seems to have left just now."

Ning Shu frowned: "It seems?"

The secretary continued: "Oh no, they have already left."

But Ning Shu's mood was not relieved.

He just felt that his state in the past three days was extremely ridiculous, as if he was hiding in the dark and looking at the light, wanting to get close, but he didn't dare to get close, afraid to get close.

That kind of twisted and treacherous thoughts inexplicably gnawed at his reason, making him restless for several days.

But he couldn't figure out what he was thinking in his heart.

for a long time.

He then asked the secretary next to him: "Where is the crew?"

He didn't name names in detail, but the secretary clearly knew exactly what he was asking.

"Wang Lei has already withdrawn with the previous funds, and two new investors have joined, one is Chu Yunping, who starred in the movie, and the other is... Mr. He."

In fact, this incident happened two days ago, that is, the first day He Mu arrived in Sioux City, and the people under his command had already done it vigorously.

He didn't deliberately conceal it, so the people on Ning Shu's side easily investigated it.

It's just that Ning Shu never asked, and the secretary couldn't take the initiative to report.

Until now.

The news was like a stone thrown into a lake.

I thought the lake was deep enough that a single stone could not set off wind and waves, but in fact, the ripples of the waves were continuous and far-reaching.

Ning Shu murmured: "What kind of relationship will they have..."

The secretary kept silent, knowing that the words were not about him.

Ning Shu was irritable, and asked someone to remove the food on the table without eating two mouthfuls.

He drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp, then got up——

I was caught off guard by the sight of someone who came not far away to explore!

Ning Shu was stunned.

The first reaction was to look sternly at the secretary.

The secretary lowered her head in panic: "We, our people didn't know that Young Master Six would come, we all thought it was tomorrow...Sorry, Young Master Fourth."

Ning Shu didn't like people around him making random excuses for doing something wrong, so he coldly waved him away.

Ning Xu looked at the two with a smile.

Tilting his head, he smiled brightly and showed two rows of white teeth:

"What? Are you surprised to see me? Do you wonder why I didn't take tomorrow's flight?"

"you know?"

Ning Shu wasn't too surprised.

Younger brother Ning Xu has never been easy to fool since he was a child, he is clever, even if he sees that his life assistant is reporting the itinerary to him, it is not surprising.

"are you angry?"

"Why should I be angry?" Ning Xu stepped steadily and walked up to Ning Shu, "It's not a life assistant I hired with my own money. Isn't it normal for subordinates to report to the boss who pays the wages? ? It’s just an exchange of benefits.”

As soon as Ning Shu heard it, she knew that Ning Xu was angry, so she lowered her voice, "Understood, next time I won't ask your assistant casually."

Ning Xu twitched the corner of his mouth sarcastically: "Can I believe what you say?"

Ning Shu said meaningfully: "Don't you believe it?"

The eyes of the two brothers collided in the air, and there was a weird smell of gunpowder.

Silence lingered between the two, and this scene made many guests in the restaurant look sideways.

Ning Shu is a distinguished guest of the hotel, including many people in this restaurant who know his identity and the Ning family behind him, so they will inevitably look sideways and be curious about the movements of the two brothers.

Ning Shu didn't want people to see the joke, so his cold expression softened a little.

Looking down at Ning Shu's legs, he took the initiative to break the cold and silent atmosphere: "Sure enough, as Doctor Chen said, you have no problem walking."

Ning Xu raised his eyebrows: "Of course, I can't drag my half-disabled body and be treated as a fool..."

"Ning Liu!" Ning Shu shouted, glanced around, pinched the bridge of his nose, and lowered his voice, "Do you have to talk like that?"

As bright as Ning Xu's smile was, his eyes were so cold: "Could it be that you lied to me first?"

Ning Shu: "What?"

"You said you didn't meet Dai Dai, aren't you lying to me?"

Ning Xu's question made Ning Shu speechless for a moment.

But he quickly found a reason to explain: "I told you that I met, and then what? Seeing you rush from Yanjing to Sucheng like a stunned young man, and then go to her to beg for mercy? Ning Xu, can you remember?" The pride of being the Ning family?"

How grand.

At first glance, it seems that Ning Shu is devoting his heart and soul to his younger brother.

If Ning Xu hadn't recalled the memories of his previous life, he might really be caught up in these words and feel guilty towards Ning Shu.

But the bits and pieces of the previous life were like needles pricking Ning Xu's eyeballs, reminding him of how Ning Shu back then used the card of brotherhood to snatch Dai away from him in a way. Dai!

"Proud? Does the Ning family have such a thing?"

Ning Xu sneered back coldly.

Ning Shu took a deep breath, wondering why his younger brother had such a big resentment.

Suppressing his anger, he said, "You should be tired from running around for so long, go and rest."

After finishing speaking, he led the secretary and walked past Ning Xu to leave.

Ning Xu didn't move, the smile gradually disappeared on his face, returning to the original gloom.

The young man with beautiful eyebrows and eyes, but his eyes seemed to be poisoned, it was really frightening to see.

There were many gazes nearby, and Ning Xu didn't seem to know why to restrain himself:
"What are you looking at? Looking at it again will dig out your eyeballs."

Those who were close were shocked and angry, thinking of his identity, they could only lower their heads hastily.

Ning Xu turned around and left.

But it was not going upstairs to the room that Ning Shu had arranged.

He had already inquired about the dormitory of the "Twin Lotus" crew, and booked a courtyard nearby as a temporary residence.

She thought to herself, even if she couldn't appear in front of Dai Dai, it would be better to be closer.

Of course, Ning Shu couldn't hide this move.

"Let him go."

After waving the secretary away, Ning Shu stood alone in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the room.

Outside the window is the scenery on the top floor of the hotel. The neon lights are piled up like fog in the night, so that the specific appearance of the ground cannot be seen clearly, and the height is extremely cold.

Ning Shu clenched his finger bones little by little, and the irritability that had been temporarily suppressed surged out again, and because of Ning Xu's arrival, a fire of aggrieved ignited in his internal organs, burning to every nerve ending.

Recalling the confrontation with Ning Xu in the restaurant just now, Ning Shu found that he was actually guilty.

With a guilty conscience, his reprimand to Ning Xu...was not upright and innocent.

(End of this chapter)

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