Chapter 282 Someone Follows
Mingdai wakes up in the morning by the warm but not glaring winter sun.

She opened her eyes dimly, seeing the sunshine outside the window, her drowsiness was swept away, and she got up and got out of bed.

Walking to the window, I didn't dare to open the window completely, but only opened a small gap, and took two breaths of fresh air.

Without her part in this morning, Ming Dai can take the opportunity to rest for half a day.

I looked at the time, it was just after seven o'clock.

The yard was very quiet, obviously Huang Yuanyuan hadn't gotten up yet.

Seeing that Huang Yuanyuan rarely slept well, Mingdai didn't want to disturb her, so she decided to go out to buy breakfast by herself.

After a brief wash, I wrapped myself in a down jacket, put on a hat and a mask, and opened the door carefully, only to be attacked head-on by the damp and cold magical air.

Ming Dai pulled up the mask, put her hands in her pockets, and walked slowly out of the yard.

The yard they lived in was in an alley, and there was a small river running through it next to it, and willow trees were planted along the bank, but the willow trees in the winter scene were already bare, and the icicles left by the snowfall two days ago were hanging and covered in white.

The alley is very quiet, occasionally there are sanitation workers passing by sweeping the floor.

It wasn't until we walked out of the alley and came to the main street that there were more people passing by nearby.

Although Ming Dai covered her face tightly, many people in winter wear hats and masks to protect their faces from the cold, so she is not conspicuous when walking on the street, and no one pays attention to her.

Ming Dai has been commuting by car recently, either spending the whole day on the set, or nestling in the small courtyard. Previously, he and Mu went to eat on a black awning boat, which was one of the few times they went out.

Thinking about it, Ming Dai couldn't remember how long she hadn't come out alone, walking on the street full of people, feeling the smoke and fire up close.

This made her a long-lost novelty.

Originally, she just planned to buy breakfast and go back, but now Mingdai plans to go shopping first.

This is the old town nearby, which is the southern dwellings in the south of the Yangtze River that Mingdai saw on a black awning boat two days ago. At the same time, this is also a tourist area. Mingdai saw a lot of people like her walking and looking around and taking pictures, obviously from the past. Tourists who come to play.

However, the streets are generally dominated by local residents. They communicate in the local dialect and walk into the old shops they often go to familiarly. There may be children jumping around, and the atmosphere of life is very strong.

Mingdai wandered around and finally settled on her breakfast target——

It was a stall on an electric tricycle on the side of the road, selling sugar porridge and buns, and the owner of the stall was a very simple and friendly old man.

Mingdai found that many elderly residents would bring their grandchildren to this stall to buy things, so she knew that this mobile stall must be clean, hygienic and delicious, so that she could win the affirmation of those sharp-eyed residents.

She also stepped forward resolutely, standing behind the two of them, and tapped her fingers in the air to choose what she wanted to eat.

Although Ming Dai's wish is to directly wrap up every kind of breakfast at the stall, but because of the weight control plan, she had to give up other delicacies and asked the old man for a bowl of sweet-scented osmanthus bean paste porridge.

The sugar porridge was boiled soft and smooth, and the fragrance and sweetness overflowed naturally. Ming Dai was a bit regretful that she couldn't eat many kinds of breakfast, but she was quickly appeased by the aroma.

She was laughing happily, rubbing her hands together and waiting for the sugar porridge to come to her.

The old stall owner suddenly lowered his voice and said:

"Little girl, someone is following you."

Ming Dai was startled.

She subconsciously wanted to look back.

The old man reacted more quickly: "Don't look back!"

Ming Dai's neck immediately froze, and she really didn't look back.

The old man scooped up the porridge for her pretending nothing happened, and kept talking: "You just walked back and forth here twice, didn't you? The first time I walked, I saw that man following you, and the second time it was the same, then It must be following you on purpose, that’s right, be careful, go 100 meters ahead, turn left and go 200 meters to the police station.”

Ming Dai was very grateful: "Thank you!"

As he said that, he took the sugar porridge with mixed feelings, constantly guessing the identity of that person——

Paparazzi?A passerby who recognized her?Or some kind of criminal with evil intentions...

Ming Dai was extremely vigilant, took out an acting posture and pretended to be nonchalant, looking around while walking, taking advantage of the crowds nearby, she took out her mobile phone and pretended to take a selfie, but she was actually looking behind the camera.

Clearly, the guy following her was unprofessional.

Mingdai saw the sneaky figure on the phone screen, and recognized him immediately.

After a few seconds of silence, Mingdai put away her phone, stopped and walked for about a hundred meters, and casually turned into a roadside alley.

The person who was chasing Ming Dai followed immediately, but when he turned the corner, he found that Ming Dai had disappeared, and the box was empty, without her at all.

...was discovered!
His heart tightened, and he wanted to turn around and run away.

But a figure had already appeared at the entrance of the alley.

Mingdai held the sugar porridge she just bought, and looked at the other party with folded arms:

"When will Ning Xu come to Suzhou City?"

That's right, the person following Ming Dai is none other than Ning Xu.

He panicked and wanted to find a place to hide, but finally he was defeated by Ming Dai's sneering gaze.

Ning Xu drooped his head: "Yesterday, I arrived yesterday."

Ming Dai frowned: "Do you live near here?"

Ning Xu didn't dare to hide anything, so he hummed, "It's right across from you."

Ming Dai snorted coldly, thinking he was being honest: "Have you investigated it specially?"

"I didn't!" Ning Xu waved his hands repeatedly for fear of being misunderstood, "I found it on the Internet!"

A question mark slowly appeared in Ming Dai's head.

Ning Xu nodded sincerely and repeated: "Really, I observed your fans' tweets, and someone dug up your itinerary in Sioux City, including the location of your residence... But don't worry, I have asked someone to delete it. These posts are gone, no one will come to disturb your peace!"

Ming Dai twitched the corner of her mouth: "So I want to thank you?"

Ning Xu lowered his head, with a humble posture: "Of course not."

Ming Dai would not really thank her, even if those posts were deleted by Ning Xu, it is still true that he took the opportunity to come to Suzhou City.

Ming Dai wanted to turn around and leave.

But she remembered one thing, and perhaps Ning Xu would know about it.

"If I ask you something, can you promise not to lie to me?"

"Of course!"

Ning Xu's answer was short and powerful without thinking.

But Ming Dai still had doubts: "Even if what I'm asking is about Ning Shu?"

Ming Dai knew very well that the Ning brothers had deep feelings for each other.

Their parents seem to be abroad all year round. The fact that the two brothers grew up with nanny and assistants since childhood also made the brothers more dependent on each other.

In her previous life, Ning Xu had verbally attacked herself several times, all for Ning Shu.

Even if Ning Xu is reborn now, he once said jokingly or seriously in front of Ming Dai that he wanted to kill his brother, Ming Dai didn't believe a word of it, and believed that they were connected by blood and inseparable.

(End of this chapter)

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