Chapter 284 The Brother in the Cave

Ning Xu's words, like a key, opened Ming Dai's long-sealed memory, and those tiny clues piled up in the corner whizzed to—

It was exactly what happened when her adoptive mother Yu Ting took her to her aunt's house when she was six years old.

At that time, she was just at the age of playing, and while the adults were running around, she ran to an old factory building, where weeds were overgrown, old and old, and the gloomy air was very scary.

Children don't understand fear, so they regard it as a secret base, and even found a dog hole on the outer wall of a factory building.

The entrance of the cave was dark, as if leading to a mysterious country, little Mingdai was very curious, and fed it inside.

Then came a young hoarse voice from inside.

Mingdai was so excited that she thought she had discovered a mysterious treasure, and she couldn't wait to share it with her cousin, but Kang Ren was a few years older than her, and he was only thinking about playing games, so he didn't care about the "brother living in the cave".

So Ming Dai went alone, taking snacks and water to give to the "brother in the cave" to eat, hoping that he could cast magic and come out to meet her, or take her to adventure in the mysterious country.

Later, the "big brother in the cave" gave her a shiny object, and Ming Dai was so happy that she jumped up and down, thinking that it was a treasure she got from the magical kingdom.

When she got home, Kang Ren asked her where she had been. She didn't have much heart and held up the shiny thing to show him, hoping that Kang Ren could experience her happiness together.

As a result, Kang Ren snatched the treasure away and said, "I want it!" '

Domineering, arrogant, and unreasonable.

Of course Ming Dai cried, and complained to Yu Ting aggrievedly.

But at that time, the mother and daughter lived in Kang's house for several days and did not leave. The uncle was very upset, and took this opportunity to say something eccentrically, to the effect that the mother and daughter were so selfish when they lived with them.

Kang Ren stood behind his uncle and showed his might to Ming Dai.

Ming Dai cried even harder, but was not comforted by Yu Ting.

The cowardly and cowardly Yu Ting dared not speak out against her uncle, and after a few embarrassing laughs, she dragged Ming Dai into the room and scolded her severely: "It's just a broken thing!"What happened to your brother! '

Mingdai was very wronged, and wanted to say that it was not a broken thing, but a treasure she got.

Yu Ting didn't listen.

Taking this opportunity, he vented all the grievances accumulated due to his uncle on Ming Dai, and scolded her meanly in different ways, saying that she is stupid and useless, that she doesn't know how to please adults at all, and has no winks...

Later, Ming Dai was unable to go to the old factory building again.

When Yu Ting took her away, she also suggested that she want to visit again.

But where would Yu Ting care about her thoughts?After ignoring it directly, she dragged Ming Dai away.


Afterwards, Ming Dai no longer remembered this matter.

Because this matter did not have a happy ending, the grievance and bitterness brought about by Yu Ting's scolding completely overwhelmed her joy of obtaining the treasure.

In Ming Dai's childhood, such things happened too many times.

Things like being robbed of treasures are not worth mentioning at all.

So Ming Dai herself forgot.

If Ning Xu hadn't mentioned the details in front of her, she might never have remembered it.

What's more, in her previous life, Gu Lingsi stole something from where she couldn't see.


Maybe a little.

But more of a sense of surprise and absurdity.

This made Ming Dai confused and asked:
"Ning Shu...Does your brother like people or longevity locks? Does it mean that no matter who comes to him with that longevity lock, he will show his so-called affection?"

Ning Xu was apprehensive at first.

He wasn't sure if Ming Dai had feelings for Ning Shu, because at the time of Ming Dai's death in his previous life, they had just broken up, and Ming Dai chased Ning Shu to a charity banquet.

If Mingdai learns the truth about Changshousuo, that everything is a misunderstanding, and that Gu Lingsi and Kang Ren are the ones making trouble... He worries that Mingdai, who suddenly realizes it, will regret it and go back to Ning Shu's side again.

And he absolutely didn't want to see such a scene happen, so he hesitated, hesitated, not sure whether to tell the truth...

But now, judging by Ming Dai's attitude, how can there be any nostalgia?
This made Ning Xu smile immediately, and the tails of his red eyes were filled with joy.

Then nodded: "Yes! He is not a thing! Even if he kneels in front of you and begs for forgiveness, Dai Dai, you should ignore him and kick him away!"

The gesture of putting on the eye drops quickly is really a villain.

Ming Dai glanced at him: "You are similar to your brother, the same breed!"

Ning Xu's momentum, which had just been rising, was quickly splashed with cold water, making him limp.

He wanted to refute, but he didn't dare to refute, so he could only say cautiously: "Well, I'm nothing, but I'm different from Ning Shu, I'm only on your side."

Ming Dai resolutely refused: "No need."

After finishing speaking, he will bypass Ning Xu and move on.

"Dai Dai!" Ning Xu chased after her, looking at her eagerly, "Do you want that longevity lock?"

Ming Dai was very strange: "Why do I want it?"

Ning Xu: "That originally belonged to you."

Ming Dai: "I don't want to have anything to do with that matter anymore."

There was a faint disgust on Ming Dai's face, obviously she didn't want to get involved with Ning Shu over the past events.

Ning Xu: "What if Gu Lingsi did what he did in his previous life again?"

Ming Dai was silent.

Although she didn't want the longevity lock, she didn't like Gu Lingsi's behavior either.

"Then let me handle it?"

Ning Xu kept his posture low, like a worker begging his boss for a chance.

Whenever Mingdai showed any intention of "hiring" him, he would be ecstatic.

Ming Dai frowned: "You?"

"Yes! I'll take revenge on them!" Ning Xu smiled brightly, as if wanting to share his plan with Ming Dai, "When I find the longevity lock, I will..."

"You don't need to tell me these things." Ming Dai quickly interrupted him, "It's up to you."

Why did Mingdai leave this sentence with the intention of watching a play?
The brothers of the Ning family, Gu Lingsi, are not good people. Since Ning Xu said he wanted to take revenge, it depends on how he wants to take revenge.

Ming Dai finished speaking casually and left, saying that she didn't pay too much attention to watching the play.

Because there are many things that are important to her now, work, friends, fans... Her daily life is full and happy in all aspects. Those things in her previous life have been a long time ago, and it is not easy to separate her mind.

But Ning Xu was different.

He has been reborn for some time, and he seems to finally have a goal and find something to do.

Ning Xu yelled at Ming Dai's back: "Don't worry, Dai Dai! I will definitely complete the task you entrusted to me!"

Ming Dai paused, wanting to refute that she didn't give him the task.

But she glanced back at Ning Xu, still didn't bother to talk to him, opened the door and stepped in.

(End of this chapter)

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