Chapter 285
"Sixth Young Master just left Su City."

The secretary's report surprised Ning Shu:

"He's leaving now? Didn't he just arrive yesterday?"

The secretary shook his head for no reason.

Ning Shu couldn't help muttering to himself: "Could something have happened?"

Regarding this guess, the secretary kept his hands down and did not dare to comment at will.

Ning Shu asked, "Did he arrange accommodation near Mingdai? Have they met?"

The secretary replied cautiously: "I should have met."

Ning Shu's eyebrows fluttered in displeasure, he didn't like such a vacillating answer: "Should?"

The secretary immediately lowered his head: "I'm sorry, the people we sent to follow were found, and the sixth young master forbade them to get too close. He said that he would disappear immediately if he was in a hurry, so he could only stare from a distance. The specific situation I don't know."

The younger brother's belated rebellion gave Ning Shu a headache: "Forget it, let him go."

The secretary hesitated and said, "Then four young masters..."

Ning Shu didn't raise his head: "What's the matter?"

"The old man is asking when you will go back."

Ning Shu was a little taken aback, only then did he realize that he had stayed two days longer than expected.

It stands to reason that he should have left Sioux City after the economic forum ended the day before yesterday.

But now he is still here.

...are you expecting something?

Ning Shu didn't want to admit it, so he threw away the document in his hand, and said seriously: "Tell the old man, I'll go back tomorrow."

What Ning Shu didn't know at this time was that after leaving Sucheng, Ning Xu didn't go home, but went to the old city of Yanjing.

The surrounding area is full of old-fashioned tube buildings without elevators, which have been repaired for more than [-] years. The enviable glamor at the beginning has long since passed, and now this place is synonymous with backwardness and obsolete.

At that time, there was no sense of planning, the environment here was very poor, there was basically no greenery, and the lanes were very narrow, and there were very few parking lots. As long as there were gaps on both sides of the road, the free locations were full of vehicles.

So much so that when this low-key and luxurious black Bentley is driving in it, it looks particularly eye-catching.

Due to the road conditions, this Bentley walked very slowly, not much faster than walking.

The battery cars and bicycles that pass by it are all cautious, for fear of scratching this expensive car, they will lose half of their wealth for the rest of their lives.

Inside the car, Ning Xu was lazily nestled in the back seat, with his legs crossed, his eyes flicked casually, and then suddenly froze.

He saw the goal of this trip——

A young man with a stooped back when he walks, with a greasy and messy chicken nest head, wearing a down jacket so black that it is not dirty, jeans and warm slippers underneath, he is thin and lifeless, like a quilt Crushed pickles.

The man was holding a bag of buns in his hand, surrounded by friends who were hooking shoulders and shoulders, he was joking and he was bragging about something, his eyeballs rolled cunningly, drifting towards Ning Xu's Bentley from time to time, most of the topics discussed were related to About luxury cars.

That greedy and snobbish look really hasn't changed at all.

At most, ten years later, he will become more dog-like and restrained a little, but the things in his bones will never be erased.

Ning Xu twitched the corners of his mouth ironically, and urged the driver to come forward.

When the vehicle approached the young man, it slowed down again and the windows were lowered.

Ning Xu looked coldly at the other person's cheeks turning red, with a hint of excitement in his eyes, and suddenly chuckled.

When the other party saw it, Ning Xu called out his name:

"Kang Ren?"

Ming Dai didn't care about the follow-up incidents that Ning Xu caused.

What she cares about now, apart from filming, is Xia Ling who came to visit the crew——

Yes, after a period of recuperation, Xia Ling finally recovered to be alive and kicking like before, so the first thing she did was to fly to Suzhou City to visit Ming Dai!
It was night when Xia Ling arrived, and Ming Dai took Huang Yuanyuan to the airport to pick her up, but Ming Dai didn't dare to go in directly, and asked Huang Yuanyuan to go in, while she waited in the car in the parking lot for them to come.

After a while, Xia Ling and Huang Yuanyuan appeared one after another.

Ming Dai lowered the car window and waved her hands from a distance: "Ling Ling!"

Xia Ling's habitually indifferent face quickly turned into a smile, and he trotted towards Ming Dai.

Ming Dai lay on the car window and looked at Xia Ling with a smile. Just as she was about to speak, her face was held by a pair of icy hands.

"You... so cold, so cold!"

Mingdai's white and tender cheeks were almost squeezed out of shape, but she insisted on not resisting, and stared at Xia Ling with wide eyes.

Xia Ling snorted: "I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Ming Dai: "Aren't you busy? Are you feeling better?"

"Not bad, it can kill a cow."

Because of this nonsense joke, the two friends laughed again.

Then Xia Ling got into the car and sat beside Ming Dai.

Huang Yuanyuan sat behind the two of them.

Sister Hui drove off in silence.

This is not the first time Xia Ling has come into contact with people around Ming Dai, they are very familiar with each other.

Now ask: "Where are we going?"

Ming Dai: "Didn't you say that you don't like airplane food, so you didn't eat dinner? So now I'm going to take you to eat something."

Xia Ling was surprised: "Can you eat it?"

Ming Dai glared at her angrily: "Which pot is not open, which pot should be lifted!"

Xia Ling laughed out loud, of course she knew that this was deliberately teasing Ming Dai.

Ming Dai muttered something, then laughed along with Xia Ling.

In the cold winter, of course, a hot soup pot will do.

Ming Dai booked a soup pot restaurant with local characteristics, and she wanted a private room with good privacy, so she could rest assured that she would not be photographed.

I also did my homework on the dishes in advance, with a combination of meat and vegetables, and dozens of local snacks, which are very rich in variety.

...It's a pity that none of this has anything to do with Ming Dai.

Although Ming Dai didn't eat dinner, but it was a bit late at this time, logically she shouldn't eat.

Out of atmosphere, Mingdai still boiled the leaves of the dish, and restrained herself from adding meat.

Then Huang Yuanyuan reminded: "Dai Dai, it's okay."

Mingdai was worried that she would not be able to control her mouth, so she specially asked Huang Yuanyuan to remind her all the time.

So even though it is a pity now, Ming Dai can only put down her chopsticks and watch them feasting.

On the way, Huang Yuanyuan went to the bathroom, Xia Ling who was sitting next to Ming Dai quickly put a piece of fat beef into her bowl.

"Eat, eat, eat!"

Xia Ling probed to look around, afraid that Huang Yuanyuan would come back suddenly.

Turning his head, he met Sister Hui's eyes directly.

I forgot that there is another one here.

The taciturn Zhou Hui silently lowered her head and continued to eat her food, and said slowly, "I didn't see anything."

Xia Ling raised her eyebrows happily: "Don't worry about eating, Dai Dai."

Ming Dai couldn't bear to refuse this kindness, so she ate the piece of fat cow.

On a harsh winter day, a small piece of meat keeps Ming Dai warm.

Ming Dai accompanied everyone to finish the meal, and the group returned to the small rented courtyard.

It just so happens that there are spare rooms in this yard, Xia Ling can live here directly.

(End of this chapter)

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