Chapter 288 Die-hard Fan Xiaonan
Xiao Nan is a die-hard fan of Shen Qinghe.

In the past, she loved all the handsome men and beautiful women who were on the fence. When she saw Shen Qinghe's debut work in the movie theater, she fell in love at first sight.

And in the past, she hated those only fans the most. She thought she was broad-minded and loved to eat CP stews.

But after becoming a fan of Shen Qinghe, she changed her mind and felt that no one was worthy of Shen Qinghe.

This is not Xiaonan's own idea.

In Shen Qinghe's previous two idol dramas, he was so beautiful and unique in his own way. He was not in the same style as the heroine at all. He had no sense of CP, and was even worse than a video edited by a certain website.

So much so that people in the Jianghu gave him the nickname "Narcissus", which means that Shen Qinghe only loves himself, not the heroine.

For this reason, Shen Qinghe has been hacked many times, and he doesn't like girls, female insulators and so on.

Therefore, when "A Generation of Emperors" was about to be finalized, Xiao Nan was very nervous, for fear that the script would give Shen Qinghe a heroine who loved him to death, causing a wave of ridicule and satire.

When the outline of the plot was announced later, when it was said that there were three main female characters, and none of them were pure love lines, Xiao Nan was greatly relieved, thinking that this was a career drama with a leading male lead!

On the day of the broadcast, Xiao Nan and other fans, under the call of big fans, turned on a few devices to prepare to scan data.

Of course, the TV at home is also locked on the channel of "A Generation of Emperors", and even Xiao Nan's parents who wanted to watch some dramas to pass the time were pushed aside.

Xiao Nan's father couldn't help asking, "What kind of drama are you watching, you're talking about it."

Xiao Nan's mother helped to answer: "Shen Qinghe, didn't Xiao Nan put up posters all over the room? Xiao Nan, I said you should study hard, what's the matter with chasing stars all day long?"

The topic of parents' nagging can never be separated from the third child.

Xiao Nan said dissatisfied: "I'm already in college! I'm not a high school student!"

"What about university? You still have to take the postgraduate entrance examination, CET-[-] and CET-[-], and find a job..."

While parents were nagging, the TV finally ended the long advertisement and started to broadcast the first episode.

The opening chapter is about a court murder that happened on a dark and stormy night. The director created the atmosphere quite well. In just ten minutes, the cruelty and cold-bloodedness of the feudal dynasty, as well as the confrontation and collision of several forces, were shown in the camera lens. vividly.

Xiaonan's father is usually a fan of conspiracy dramas, and he was immediately fascinated by watching it, and began to analyze the plot logically there.

Xiaonan's mother and daughter ignored him, but Xiaonan's mother obviously took it seriously.

Afterwards, this episode passed quickly, and the leading actor played by Shen Qinghe appeared on the stage.

"Wow! So handsome!"

Xiao Nan found that besides himself, there was another voice shouting.

Turning his head to look, his mother was touching her nose embarrassingly.

"This is telling the truth!"

Xiao Nan complained: "Last time I let you watch my brother Shen's play, you still said he can't do it! The tone has changed so fast!"

Xiao Nan’s mother expressed her shock: “He acted in that drama last time? He’s not alone at all! He’s much more handsome in ancient costumes. From now on, he’ll specialize in costume dramas. Men just want to wear ancient costumes!”

Xiao Nan's father tried to cut into the conversation: "The last time we went to the park to take pictures, didn't you still say that I was ugly in a dragon robe?"

Xiao Nan's mother was too lazy to talk to him.

The plot is still progressing, the carefree Seventh Prince made a joke at the beginning, but in Shen Qinghe's acting, it is not artificial at all, it is very natural and smooth, as if he is really a teenage boy, even that A little bit of cuteness is just right!
Xiaonan's family were all attracted by the plot, and even the midway advertisement failed to interrupt their interest.

When the commercial ended, the first episode was nearly halfway through, and Princess Mingzhu appeared.

When the girl in green clothes sticks her head out from the wall, she smiles brightly, and the scenery of the garden loses its color. The vigor and freshness hit the hearts of the audience like a spring of spring!
Especially because it is winter now, counting to the cold winter, suddenly seeing such a young girl full of vitality, I am suddenly in the spring when all things are revived, the kind of comfort and enjoyment brought to the spiritual senses is indescribable in words wonderful!
Xiao Nan's mother patted her thigh excitedly: "Oh, this girl looks happy! She has a chubby face, exactly like when I was young!"

Xiao Nan was at a loss: "Mom, did you look like this when you were young?"

Is that time wasted on mother's beauty?By the way, let her daughter be genetically mutated?
Xiao Nan's father lashed out mercilessly: "Listen to your mother!"

"what do you know?"

"I've known you since I was 16 years old. May I know what you were like at that time?"

Xiao Nan's mother hummed and was speechless, but she still liked Ming Dai in the TV series very much.

Xiaonan's father and daughter are also the same.

Especially Xiao Nan, who used to feel that no one was good enough for her brother Shen.

But now, when she saw the two of them interacting with each other on TV, she felt that they were a perfect match, they were a match made in heaven!
Xiao Nan's fingers are about to move, and she really wants to share her impressions with the fan group... No way!Everyone had the same idea as her before. They thought Brother Shen was uniquely beautiful. If they went to say that they were a good match, wouldn't that be a kind of betrayal?No, no, no, you can't do such an immoral thing!

"The acting was really good. It reminded me of when we were in love at the age of sixteen or seventeen."

"Isn't it? It's really wonderful to be young."

Xiao Nan's parents, who were still arguing just now, started to hold hands and recall the past again.

Xiao Nan curled her lips, feeling like a big squatting light bulb.

and many more.

"Parents, didn't you say you met at the age of 20? Sixteen or seventeen... Isn't that puppy love? Then you still remind me that you don't have puppy love?"

Xiao Nan jumped three feet high.

Xiao Nan's parents realized that they had slipped the tongue by accident, and tacitly ignored Xiao Nan who was jumping up and down to protest at the same time, pointing at the TV plot:

"Hey, that's really interesting."

"The little girl is really juicy, these two are a couple."



Xiaonan was ignored.

Angrily, she could only hold back her anger, and took advantage of the end of the first episode to turn on her mobile phone to report the results to the fan group.

The fan group has already swiped 999+ messages, and even now there are still "Ahhhhh" or "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

Xiao Nan expressed that she understands very well, fans, seeing his brother always feels like he has been beaten.

Oh no, it seems that something strange flashed past?

[Wow, wow, Mingzhu and Xiao Qi are a good match! 】

[This is the Civil Affairs Bureau, here I come! 】

[I swallowed the key, please lock this pair! 】

[Childhood sweetheart couples are the best! 】

(End of this chapter)

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