Chapter 289 Then Join

Xiao Nan: Hey, hey, didn't you say that you are not allowed to knock CP?Why are you all so excited?

What is the saddest thing in this world?
That is when you are adhering to a certain principle, and when you look back, you find that the partners you agreed to walk side by side have already feel very sad!
Xiao Nan felt a little uncomfortable, as if feeling betrayed by a friend, picked up the phone angrily, and began to tap the keyboard frantically with the thumbs of both hands——

[Ditto!For the first time, I discovered that Brother Shen also has love cells!The fierce girl is in tears! 】

Since you can't beat...then join!

Let's have fun knocking CP together!

Of course, there are occasional disharmonious comments here, and those narrow-minded Duwei fans began to spit on Ming Dai, with very vicious words.

Some people were unhappy: [It's just a TV series, and no one has risen to the level of a real person. Is it necessary to scold girls like this? 】

[Yes, yes, what about being a civilized fan? 】

It didn't take long for the group owner, who seldom showed up, and a big fan of a certain blog with over 20 fans to go online, and kicked out those abusive people without saying a word.

[Group leader: Be a civilized person, pursue stars rationally! 】

A group of people have echoed the group leader for doing a good job.

Xiao Nan switched the app to a certain blog, and she happened to follow the account of the group owner.

Discovered the latest news of the group leader, just liked a certain blog post commenting that Pearl and the Seventh Prince in "A Generation of Emperors" are very compatible!

Xiao Nan: Found another traitor!


Soon the second episode of "A Generation of Emperors" began.

There are many characters in the first episode, but in the director's camera, the speech is methodical and the amount of information is huge. The second episode is also not inferior to the first episode.

Xiao Nan also hurriedly put away her mobile phone and stared at the TV screen, for fear of missing half a minute of the plot.

An episode ends so quickly, is there really four 10 minutes?Why does Xiaonan feel that the broadcast is over in the blink of an eye?

"Two episodes in one day? That's too little! Call the TV station and complain!"

Xiao Nan found that she was not the only one complaining.

And she was still complaining in her heart, but her parents were already planning how to complain to the TV station!

But: "Didn't you guys say you're going to rest early today? Why are you still sitting here watching TV dramas!"

Xiao Nan's father looked serious: "I want to judge the influence of current TV dramas on contemporary college students!"

Xiao Nan's mother was even more confident: "What's wrong with me watching a TV series? How dare you control your mother?"

Xiao Nan hesitated: "No, no, as long as you are happy."

So the family of three started a happy career of chasing dramas.

As a die-hard fan of Xiaonan, it is certain to follow the data, and so is Rainbow Fart.

Before, their fan base was still racking their brains to figure out how to blow up the data of that night, and wait for the results to come out—tsk, where is the need to blow it up?Just present the facts, okay?

What's more, the media praised it even more than they did, what about "The first hit in the beginning of the year, the best reservation of the year!" ", "Shen Qinghe got rid of the previous image and successfully transformed! ", "One Episode of Conferring the Gods!Perfect start with no wasted footage! "...

As for the fans, they only need to put the data out in an understatement: oh, it's just the first broadcast ratings in the first three years, which is nothing special.

Have a blast, okay?
Is there anything happier than flying with the right owner?

Looking through the latest five-star audience comments given on a certain flap, it is also a good review——

[As expected of Gao Yi!Handy for this kind of drama!It feels even more exciting than his works at his peak! 】

[Shen Qinghe's performance also surprised me a little. I used to think that he was too much of an idol-style traffic route, and he lost the aura when he first debuted. Now I have refreshed my perception!Take it to the next level, okay? 】

[Take back what I said earlier that Shen Qinghe can't act in love dramas. Shen Qinghe, who is completely a narcissus in other dramas, would have thought that he would be enlightened in this drama!Did you take an acting class?Or in love?The youthful feeling of first-time love is well grasped, it pokes me too much! 】

[Isn't the most outstanding one Princess Mingzhu?Although each character is very distinctive, I can remember the name, but Mingzhu impressed me the most. The actor's name is Ming Dai, right? 】

[Before watching the trailer, I felt that Mingzhu has a strong sense of existence. Now it seems that she is the soul heroine of "A Generation of Emperors". Moreover, when the Seventh Prince sees her, he can't see other people at all. Such a person will be in the future. Open a harem?Too bad for the image! 】

[Quiet spoiler, Princess Mingzhu will die later. 】

[God give me a pair of eyes that haven't read the spoiler!I don't want to know the follow-up plot! 】

[If my childhood sweethearts are not together, I will immediately abandon the show! 】


"What? Is their relationship line be be?"

Xiaonan accidentally saw the spoiler, wishing to poke her eyes and delete her memory!

No, no, no, she never believed in such heart-wrenching shit plots!

——Xiao Nan completely forgot how lucky she was to arrange the emotional line of "A Generation of Emperors" before, and kept jumping back and forth between cursing the screenwriter and begging the screenwriter.

On the night after watching the first two episodes, Xiao Nan turned on the computer and stayed up all night to edit the CP video of Ming Dai, Shen Qinghe in "A Generation of Emperors". The whole process was full of inspiration, and she completed the work smoothly, and posted it to a website in the morning .

Xiao Nan's fan account on a certain website only has four-digit fans, and the occasional edited videos are mainly Shen Qinghe, and the number of hits is only hovering in the five-digit number.

Who would have thought that when Xiaonan finished her sleep and logged into a certain website account in the afternoon, the private messages in the backstage were full, and the CP video released in the morning had directly exceeded 50 views!And boarded a station popular!

Xiao Nan was dumbfounded by the skyrocketing broadcast volume in just one morning!

How did she know that this was just the beginning, by the end of the night, her latest video had already been played over a million times!
This is how Xiaonan's first million-dollar video was born!

"Dad, Mom." Xiao Nan looked at the data of a certain station, and couldn't help trembling, "I might be popular."

Xiaonan's parents didn't believe it at all: "Have you got a fever? What nonsense are you talking about? Come on, the TV series has started!"

Xiao Nan immediately put down the computer, and ran over to follow his parents to continue chasing "A Generation of Emperors".

Now Xiaonan's parents have completely changed their attitudes. From the beginning, they were dissatisfied with Xiaonan's grabbing the remote control, and now they are chasing dramas together with Xiaonan. They have adapted well and have no discomfort.

"A Generation of Emperors" is a prime-time update with two episodes every night, and the entire 25-episode series will be broadcast within [-] days, which happens to be the day before the students start school, making it a perfect winter vacation.

And for the three or four episodes aired tonight, the ratings hit a new high.

(End of this chapter)

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