Chapter 290 Too Good at Shooting
The plots of the first two episodes of "A Generation of Emperors" are relatively relaxed and humorous, and the plot rhythm is fast, making people forget the eerie and bloody scenes at the beginning.

Until the beginning of the third episode, those clues brought back the original atmosphere of the TV series, and the audience seemed to feel the overwhelming heaviness, as if they were being gently pulled by silk threads, attracting them to continue watching.

And in this perilous plot, the interaction between Princess Mingzhu and the Seventh Prince, childhood sweethearts, is the only sweetness.

Even Xiao Nan, who is used to watching all kinds of idol dramas with handsome men and beautiful women, has to praise the great director who shoots historical dramas, even for love dramas.

Many idol dramas like to pile up candies without thinking, just like safety KPIs, one small candy for half an episode, one big candy for two episodes, the scriptwriters conscientiously follow the traditional arrangement, and the relationship between the hero and heroine follows the standard of the factory assembly line.

There are also Xiaonan who are interested in reading it, but after reading it, I always feel that something is missing.

Now seeing the famous director filming young couples in "A Generation of Emperors", I understand what is missing.

It is precisely the lack of that throbbing feeling of restraint and forbearance!
Look here, Princess Mingzhu wants to go out to a banquet with the twelfth prince, but the seventh prince, who has always pampered and pampered the twelfth brother, showed a forbearing and deep expression for the first time, as if he had uncovered the disguise and saw the truth He was the one who was able to climb to the top of the Golden Palace and become the biggest winner!
This is probably also his first "want", the strong desire to monopolize the princess of Mingzhu, which made him break the usual rules of conduct and do things that he would not do before!
Watching the Seventh Prince played by Shen Qinghe stepping to the side of the carriage in three steps and two steps, he directly reached out to grab Princess Mingzhu... Director Gao is so good at taking pictures here, the girl looked back in surprise and shyness, and the boy raised his head. Bold and passionate, the collision of faint emotions filled the entire screen of the TV series, making the hormonal atmosphere almost rise to the peak!
Xiaonan's mother and daughter yelled:

"My brother Shen is too A! It's so cool!"

"The young man is so handsome! Why didn't I meet such a person back then!"

Beside Xiaonan's father muttered sourly:
"Where did I go wrong?"

After a brief disagreement, the family of three continued to focus on the plot.

Seeing the Seventh Prince chasing Princess Mingzhu to the banquet, only to find out that he was carrying a deep blood feud, his whole body was greatly shocked, and subtle changes occurred in a trance.

Up to this point, I have to say that Shen Qinghe's acting was really delicate and silent. He didn't thump the ground and yell or cry bitterly. He just frowned, opened his mouth, and stopped talking, and he performed continuously from unbelievable to Layers of emotions of dejected acceptance.

After this important plot point, it seems that the Seventh Prince has not seen any radical changes, but in the eyes of the audience, he has changed, his eyes have changed, his smile has changed, and his whole feeling has changed.

Even his feelings for Princess Mingzhu also changed, becoming thicker, stronger, and even full of aggressiveness, so that when Princess Mingzhu and the Twelfth Prince got too close, he held her tightly the corner of his clothes, said:

'Pearl, I only have you. '

The hoarse voice is the desire for pearls.

It's a pity that Mingzhu didn't know what happened to the seventh prince, and comforted him softly, but she didn't realize that Zhuma was no longer the boy she used to be.

So the girl didn't know that her father, brother and even the whole family had stepped into the Seventh Prince's chess game, and was forced to become a sacrifice for the Seventh Prince's involvement in power.

At the end of the fourth episode, the crisis of the Princess Mingzhu family has surfaced, and the childhood sweethearts who were once close have cracks where no one can see.

In Xiaonan's living room, the atmosphere was heavy.

Everyone wanted to say something, but the words came to their lips but couldn't come out.

Especially Xiao Nan, as a qualified Shen Qinghe fan, logically speaking, she should use more barrage now to help with data.

But now, Xiao Nan has forgotten his identity as a fan, and completely regards himself as an ordinary audience, feeling sour.

She even wanted to scold Shen Qinghe——

How can you treat Mingzhu like this, you dog!
How much she believes in you!
Do you want to be?


You can really scold, but you can't scold.

After all, the Seventh Prince was pushed into this situation step by step.

Perhaps it is also the acting charm of excellent actors, which allows the audience to empathize with the characters better and understand the choices and compulsions of the characters better.

In the blink of an eye, on the third day, the fifth and sixth episodes of "A Generation of Emperors" were broadcast, and the ratings were still rising. The more viewers came to watch, the more people would be fooled by the plot.

So is Xiaonan's family.

Even though it was predicted yesterday, seeing Princess Mingzhu and the Seventh Prince break up with his own eyes today, his heart is still very blocked.

When the Seventh Prince actually imprisoned Princess Mingzhu in the sixth episode, Xiao Nan, a real fan, finally couldn't help but swear at the Seventh Prince online.

After scolding and venting, go to the fan group to have a look... Good guy, other fans scolded harder than her!

How miserable Mingzhu is, how hard their keyboards are!

As for idols?I'm sorry to temporarily take off the powder for 3 minutes, thank you.

Xiaonan's parents also had a dispute because of the plot. Xiaonan's father felt that the seventh prince was a helpless choice, while Xiaonan's mother directly scolded the seventh prince for being a big scumbag!
Xiaonan's father sighed: "You can't look at the characters so one-sidedly. Everyone will have a lot of help in his position. What's more, the background is a feudal dynasty, and the palace with military power is the biggest target."

Xiao Nan's mother stared: "How dare you speak for me? Do you have the same idea as him, and you want to sell your wife for your career?"

"..." Xiao Nan's father quickly straightened his back and drew a clear line with the Seventh Prince, "How is it possible! I despise this kind of behavior the most! If you are capable of revenge with your own hands, what's the matter with involving innocent people! Don't worry! Wife, I will scold this scumbag with you!"

Xiao Nan's mother was finally satisfied, and turned her head to Xiao Nan: "It's all your fault! What kind of drama should you watch carefully! You were so happy at the beginning, but now you are so aggrieved, it really makes me panic!"

Xiao Nan who was forced into the flames of war: "Then why don't we watch it?"

Xiaonan's parents both vetoed: "How can that be done!"

Come back to the air, the drama still needs to be watched.

Wait until the fourth day.

Xiao Nan's family turned on the TV series on time.

Watching two episodes of "A Generation of Emperors" every night has become a regular activity for the family recently.

Xiao Nan's father stopped playing cards, Xiao Nan's mother stopped dancing in the square, and even Xiao Nan stopped playing mobile phones to chat with friends. Everyone sat neatly in front of the TV.

Such a scene has not been seen once in Xiaonan's family for several years. It seems to have returned to the time when a drama could attract thousands of people many years ago.

(End of this chapter)

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