Chapter 294 Finished
Strangely, Shen Qinghe's emotions were not touched by Xiang Yuan.

Xiang Yuan was so angry that he jumped up and down, but Shen Qinghe was like a cold deep pool with no bottom, no matter how big a stone was thrown into it, it wouldn't even splash, and it sank to the bottom without a sound.

He kept silent and let Xiang Yuan yell at him, describing him as a loser who was living at home because of emotional frustration, and there was still no extra emotion on his calm face.

Xiang Yuan was almost desperate: "Qinghe, what are you going to do? Are you planning to quit the circle?"

Shen Qinghe: "There is no such plan for now."

Xiang Yuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He also tried to persuade: "I know you have thoughts about that Ming Dai, but think about it, Ming Dai is also an actress, and you have achieved higher achievements in the industry, so it is easier to attract her attention? Wait until the day when you get your position If you are indestructible, then she will definitely not be able to leave you!"

After hearing this, Shen Qinghe was silent for a while, and then said: "She is not that kind of person."

Xiang Yuan pouted quietly, thinking that Shen Qinghe's eyes were too blind and the filter was too heavy.

Little did he know that these subtle expressions were all noticed by Shen Qinghe.

Shen Qinghe felt ironic about this.

In his previous life, his prejudice against Ming Dai was exactly the same as Xiang Yuan's, but now he stands here and clarifies with Xiang Yuan that 'she is not that kind of person'.

Shen Qinghe also knew that Xiang Yuan's hostility towards Ming Dai stemmed from Xiang Yuan's cognition that his self-abandonment was linked to Ming Dai's rejection.

Only Shen Qing and himself knew this was not the case, he was not desperate because of Ming Dai's refusal, but simply felt that all of this was useless.

Act hard, get to the top, and then what?Ming Dai, who has the memories of his previous life, will never turn his head to look at him, and his future life will be meaningless.

not to mention……

Shen Qinghe glanced at the script on the table and said, "I can't act in this play."

Xiang Yuan looked tired: "If you don't want to act, just say no, why can't you act?"

Shen Qinghe only said: "This is the truth."

Shen Qinghe knew that Director Wen's movie was not a big box office hit, but it had a good reputation and was nominated for several awards. The actor who played the leading role also added another classic to his career.

However, the plot of this movie is about the turbulent period of the Republic of China. The male protagonist fell into the mud from a wealthy and carefree young master. Later, he realized the limitations of his own thinking, so he joined the struggle against the enemy, and finally completed the perfection from soul to identity. Metamorphosis story.

In the past, this would be Shen Qinghe's favorite subject, he always preferred the kind of characters who rely on their hands to create a world.

But now it's too bad, he can't act.

Because he has experienced two lives, and he has been in despair countless times in the dream, his soul is already in the abyss, and he is completely dark from the inside to the outside, and it is impossible to perform that innocent and carefree state.

Even in "A Generation of Emperors" that just ended, those people tried their best to praise Shen Qinghe's later acting skills, but Shen Qinghe knew that the acting skills came from the accumulation of previous lives, and it was an extra ten years that he spent out of thin air.

If he was asked to re-act the previous script, he would not be able to act.

...It's just that these words can't be said to Xiang Yuan.

Shen Qinghe propped his forehead irritably, and said, "I'm going to rest for a while, let's talk about work later."

As he said that, he pulled away and left without looking at Xiang Yuan.

Yi Li wanted to step forward to comfort her.

Xiang Yuan: "There's no need for you to pity me!"

Those gloomy eyes were inexplicably permeating.

For more than a month during the winter vacation, Ming Dai spent all of her time in the film crew.

It's always been like this when the entertainment industry is busy with filming. The rented machines are money every day, even if they don't start work, they have to burn 10,000+.

Yan Jiaxue wanted to catch up with work, so that the editing and editing of "Twin Lotus" could be completed as soon as possible to meet the golden schedule, so the entire crew stayed and worked overtime, including the Spring Festival. Simply celebrate.

Amid such busy schedules, Ming Dai successfully wrapped up the day before school started.

And this day is also the day when the finale of "A Generation of Emperors" is broadcast.

25 days ago, she was a newcomer in the entertainment circle who became popular with "Shining" but did not last long;
Twenty-five days later, she was the Princess of the White Moon Bright Pearl, a rising star who turned out to be born!

The soaring heat and the subtle changes brought to Ming Dai are beyond imagination.

Even in the familiar "Twin Lotus" crew, Ming Dai could clearly feel that those crew members were close to her before, but now after the broadcast of "A Generation of Emperors", this closeness has more respect and love. Please.

Ming Dai is not surprised by this, she has experienced this kind of thing once.

The entertainment industry is always a place where you step on the high and step on the low. Every time you climb a level, you will find that there are more good people around you. When you reach the top, you will feel that the whole world is friendly and kind to you.

Ming Dai has never tasted the taste of the pinnacle, but she wants to try it in this life.

She knew that all of this was just the beginning, so she was not easily confused by the attitude of the staff, nor was she dazzled by the heat brought by Princess Mingzhu.

She isolated all the ups and downs of the outside world from the crew, rejected all invitations and work, and filmed with peace of mind, which is bound to create a more successful role.

Now that it's finished, looking back at this bumpy month, Ming Dai has no regrets in her heart, she knows that she has shown her best acting skills at this stage, and she has done her best to play the role of Song Tan.

Then leave it to the audience and time.

Ming Dai cleared her mind and set off overnight to return to Yanjing.

If I don't leave tonight, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up with tomorrow's opening ceremony.

——No matter how popular she is in the entertainment industry, Ming Dai is still an ordinary high school senior when she returns to school.

When Ming Dai and Huang Yuanyuan were packing their luggage in the small courtyard where they lived for a month, Ming Dai received a call from He Mu on the way.

She was a little surprised, because it was already nine o'clock at night, and it was a bit late.

This made Ming Dai worry that something happened, so she picked up the phone and put it to her ear:


"Dai Dai." He Mu's voice was gentle, "I heard from Ling Ling that you are flying back to Yanjing at eleven o'clock tonight?"


Ming Dai still wonders why He Mu would ask this.

Just listen to him say:

"My private jet happens to be in Sioux City, why don't you take it away."

"That's too much trouble!"

While Ming Dai shied away, she couldn't help thinking: Is it really just right?

He Mu: "Didn't it be good to accept help occasionally?"

Ming Dai was speechless, and finally agreed.

Of course, a private jet is much more comfortable than an airliner, and Ming Dai can still lie down and rest.

She thought she would not be able to fall asleep, but she didn't expect to fall asleep smoothly.

A night without dreams.

(End of this chapter)

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