Chapter 295 School Changes

On the day of the opening ceremony of Yanjing No. [-] Middle School, the students who had been away for the whole holiday gathered together and chatted, as if they had endless things to say.

During this period, it is inevitable that the most eye-catching goddess in their school will be mentioned - it used to be Gu Lingsi, but now it is Ming Dai.

"Did you watch "A Generation of Emperors" during the winter vacation?"

"Of course I watched it! You should ask who hasn't watched it! But I think even the teachers in our school have watched it. During the Spring Festival, I saw the teacher in charge send a circle of friends to solicit votes for this drama."

"Yeah, I watched it too. I watched eight episodes first, and then finished the rest of the content when school started two days ago. I was crying to death. My parents almost suspected that I was broken-hearted!"

"Eight episodes? Me too, Mingzhu County's leading role is so good, who would have thought that she is actually a classmate next to us? This feeling is so strange, it's like a person in a TV series coming to reality!"

"Isn't that right? Last semester, although I saw Mingdai act in "Shining", the popularity of small web dramas is limited. How can it be as popular as "A Generation of Emperors"? Even my grandpa remembers Princess Mingzhu and asked me this." What's the actor's name? I said she was our schoolmate, and my grandpa thought I was bragging."

"Yes, yes, the feeling is really different! Especially after the winter vacation, I always feel that Mingdai is different, as if she is farther and farther away...Hey, do you think she will go back to school? Are you studying?"

"I heard she's filming "Twin Lotus" recently."

"I know! Is it with Chu Yunping? Wow, Chu Yunping is really my childhood goddess! Who would have thought that my high school classmates would actually want to act in a movie with my childhood goddess? It feels like breaking the wall of the dimension!"

"Didn't you see the news on the Internet? Ming Dai has already taken the art test, and she is the No. 1 major in the acting department of Yanjing Film Academy! That is to say, if she only passed the undergraduate course in the college entrance examination, she will be able to go to university! That melon The Lord also explained that Dai will be filming a new Xianxia TV series, so she probably won't be going back to school."

"It seems that I really didn't see her today. Will she not come this semester?"

"Ah, I should have asked for an autograph."


The news that "Ming Dai will not come to school" quickly spread in the school like a virus.

In less than 10 minutes, the whole school knew that Ming Dai might not return to school this semester.

Because she has already half-stepped into university, and her career in the entertainment industry is booming, she doesn't need to go back to school at all.

Somehow the news reached the headmaster's ears.

So, Shi Ying, the head teacher who was about to leave the office for Class [-], bumped into the dignified principal as soon as he reached the door.

Quartz was startled: "School, principal? What do you want?"

Seeing that it was her, the principal looked even more serious: "It just so happens that you are here. I heard that Ming Dai is not going back to school?"

Quartz was at a loss: "Who said that?"

The principal coughed in embarrassment, embarrassed to say that he sneaked into the grade group: "No matter who said it, first answer whether there is such a thing!"

Shi Shi, who couldn't laugh or cry, quickly shook her head: "Anyway, I haven't heard Ming Dai say that she should go back to school."

"That's good!" The principal breathed a sigh of relief, and told Shishi, "Even if you become famous as an actor, you can't miss the culture class. If the grades are too bad, it will have a great impact on No. [-] Middle School! Do you know how many people are paying attention now? Are you looking after our school? So this semester, we must keep an eye on Ming Dai, and let her walk out of our middle school in a good manner!"

Shi Shi looked at the excited headmaster, had nothing to say, and could only nod in agreement.

The principal gave a few more words of advice before leaving. Shishi stood at the door of the office for 2 minutes, worried about thinking about it, and called Ming Dai.

The other end of the phone was quickly connected, it was Mingdai's voice, clear and sweet: "Ms. Shi? What's the matter?"

Quartz: "I want to ask if you will come to school today, you...should come?"

Quartz's cautious probing was answered in the affirmative.

"Of course I'll come, I've already arrived at the school gate!" Ming Dai said lightly.

Only then did Quartz feel at ease, and said, "Then I'll come downstairs to pick you up."

Ming Dai said ah, hesitantly said: "No need."

Quartz said, "No, I just have something I want to talk to you about."

Only then did Ming Dai agree.

When Shi Shi walked downstairs quickly, Ming Dai just came over from the school gate, saw Shi Shi from a distance, and waved.

Somehow, Shi Shi's heart suddenly fell to the ground and stabilized.

Ming Dai quickened her pace and ran over, the smile on her face was the same as the first time she saw it, pure and bright, like the breeze in the pine trees and the bright moon on the river.

Shi Shi looked at it, and thought of Ming Dai who was still keeping a low profile in school wearing black-rimmed glasses, well, she was still the same, unchanged.

Seeing Ming Dai running, Shi Shi panted lightly: "What are you running for? Just walk over slowly."

Ming Dai smiled and said, "I'm afraid Teacher Shi will wait for you for a long time."

Quartz said no, no, no, but there was a smile in his eyes.

"What is the teacher looking for from me?"

When Ming Dai asked such a question, Shi Shi stopped her.

Shishi recalled what the principal said just now, and directly relayed it to Ming Dai: "...Perhaps the principal means that as long as you are stable in school until you graduate, and there are no problems with your grades, you can coordinate with you in asking for leave."

When Ming Dai heard this, she knew that this was the preferential treatment given to her by the school.

It was a bit troublesome for Ming Dai to ask for leave last semester, and at the end of the semester, her grades were almost affected because of too many leave.

Now that the headmaster has spoken, there is no need to worry about these problems, which is a good thing for Ming Dai.

"Are you going to make a TV series next?" After Shishi asked, she felt inappropriate again, "Ah, you can't just talk about it without an official announcement, right? Then if you have an arrangement, let me know in advance, I will help you coordinate."

Ming Dai thought about it: "Only some odd jobs can be put on weekends... There are no other arrangements."

Quartz: "Huh? Don't you make Xianxia TV series?"

"What fairy tale TV series?"

Quartz looked embarrassed and explained.

Only then did Ming Dai find out that her homeroom teacher would search her name in her spare time, so she saw some gossip along the way.

Ming Dai was amused: "That, it's fake, I didn't say I'm going to shoot it!"

Shi Shi suddenly said with emotion: "I didn't expect that I would still have a fortune in the entertainment industry."

Ming Dai followed with a laugh: "There will be more opportunities in the future!"

Quartz thought about it too: "Let's go, let's go to the classroom first."

Ming Dai smiled and nodded.

The teacher and the student walked towards Class [-] while they were talking. Many people in the class along the way poked their heads out and saw Ming Dai.

So, in another 10 minutes, the news of "Ming Dai is coming" spread throughout the school and even the entire Internet.

(End of this chapter)

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